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cannabis ban in Amsterdam?

moose eater

Well-known member
Most people don't live where they were born. Or even know thier new neighbours so they have no choice but to buy from strangers. Again your the exception rather then the rule.
, it is estimated that a person in the United States can expect to move 11.7 times in their lifetime based upon the current age structure and average rates and allowing for no more than one move per single year"
Sure buddy I won't tell you to take a toke or mellow out its your life enjoy it the way you want! :giggle:
I doubt very much that the majority of people in any country, especially including those who frequent the Black Market, are routinely buying their cannabis from total strangers.

Lots of urban dwellers here on the forums. A simple answer might be found in doing a poll.

i.e., "When you purchase cannabis from someone in the Black Market, do you typically know who you're doing business with?"


Well-known member
I doubt very much that the majority of people in any country, especially including those who frequent the Black Market, are routinely buying their cannabis from total strangers.

Lots of urban dwellers here on the forums. A simple answer might be found in doing a poll.

i.e., "When you purchase cannabis from someone in the Black Market, do you typically know who you're doing business with?"
Why would you choose to use the black market where cannabis is legal?
Fewer choices with no quality control.
"The survey results show a significant decrease in the number of consumers who report buying from an unlicensed store – from 56% in 2018 to 17% in 2021, and 71% of consumers reported purchasing from licensed retailers."
Sorry but in Canada most people buy from complete strangers just like when you buy your booze. ;)

moose eater

Well-known member
Why would you choose to use the black market where cannabis is legal?
Fewer choices with no quality control.
"The survey results show a significant decrease in the number of consumers who report buying from an unlicensed store – from 56% in 2018 to 17% in 2021, and 71% of consumers reported purchasing from licensed retailers."
Sorry but in Canada most people buy from complete strangers just like when you buy your booze. ;)
And I would still assert that in either case, most persons have particular stores or dealers they typically buy from, and often know the bud tenders at the stores, or the dealers on the Black Market. Just like those who frequent a given bar, typically know their bar tenders.


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And I would still assert that in either case, most persons have particular stores or dealers they typically buy from, and often know the bud tenders at the stores, or the dealers on the Black Market. Just like those who frequent a given bar, typically know their bar tenders.

6 or 7 years ago, that would have been the case. But in the last couple of years before legalization illegal dispensaries exploded. Physical stores blossomed in the big cities and internet-based mail order businesses - particularly from BC - became really popular. The infamous MoMs. I bought from several. Everybody did for a while and they became the new BM. You didn't buy from your buddy. or anyone you knew, you bought on price and product and reddit reviews and it arrived in the post 4 or 5 days later. I was never ripped once. The police got aggressive busting the bigger ones and have blocked the reddit review site. The MoM websites now have to be registered in Africa etc so it has gotten increasingly dodgy and IG has taken over for communication. But I am sure that I could still have a decent oz delivered in an hour. At the same time, legal has improved in quality and certainly in selection, so it is gradually winning the war.

Edit: MoM stands for Mail order Marijuana.
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moose eater

Well-known member
6 or 7 years ago, that would have been the case. But in the last couple of years before legalization illegal dispensaries exploded. Physical stores blossomed in the big cities and internet-based mail order businesses - particularly from BC - became really popular. The infamous MoMs. I bought from several. Everybody did for a while and they became the new BM. You didn't buy from your buddy. or anyone you knew, you bought on price and product and reddit reviews and it arrived in the post 4 or 5 days later. I was never ripped once. The police got aggressive busting the bigger ones and have blocked the reddit review site. The MoM websites now have to be registered in Africa etc so it has gotten increasingly dodgy and IG has taken over for communication. But I am sure that I could still have a decent oz delivered in an hour. At the same time, legal has improved in quality and certainly in selection, so it is gradually winning the war.
Do you think that most people who seek a cannabis dispensary in their neighborhood tend to go to the same ones and are familiar with the people there? That would include the implicit question re. how many people plan ahead sufficiently to wait on deliveries via post office, etc.? Versus cannabis, for many, being a spontaneous purchase? ("I'm out. I need a bag.")

My initial point, many posts ago, was that the legal market has many problems, and whether legal or Black Market, the human-born problems ensue in both systems..

Amsterdam has relied primarily on brick and mortar coffee shops supplied by Black Market deliveries. Both before and after the 5-gram restrictions went into effect.. I suspect they still do. I'd also guess that most of any mail-order biz out of A-Dam is for seeds.

And people there, including our friends in Arnhem, more recently Bimmel, who don't smoke, themsevles, but have friends who do, tend to visit shops relatively close to their homes. That's more or less how the consumers who visit the shops here are, as well.

As a tourist several times, and staying with them, I had my favorite shops in A-Dam as well as in Arnhem, and as Rider420 was stating re. reluctance for change as a human trait, we tend to be creatures of habit, for better or for worse.

BTW, years ago I experienced a group of 'street urchins' attempting to hustle me (while I was with my wife), immediately outside what was then Hard rock Cafe A-Dam, next to Rick's Cafe', near Dam Square, (a favorite shop of mine back then; Rick's) and got the distinct impression it was an effort at a grab-and-go. with the smallest little fellow staring -really- hard at my very tough belt wallet. As humorous as the failed attempt was, and as stoned as I was. Still makes me chuckle.


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Do you think that most people who seek a cannabis dispensary in their neighborhood tend to go to the same ones and are familiar with the people there? That would include the implicit question re. how many people plan ahead sufficiently to wait on deliveries via post office, etc.? Versus cannabis, for many, being a spontaneous purchase? ("I'm out. I need a bag.")

I am sure that now that we have a more 'mature' legal market, a local store is increasingly getting the business. Only one gets mine, so your premise is right in my case. ;)

Where I live, I have a choice of probably 12 stores within a couple of miles. I shop at the 2nd closest but then I am not a big customer since I only buy a gram or 3 of whatever new hash they have once a month or so. They seem friendly, and they have a great hash selection. And while they aren't the cheapest, they are close enough. I have a major chain just a bit further away that seems to have the 'best' price . . . but their selection is not as good so I haven't even been in the store. You can price shop online since they all sell the same things.


Well-known member
I am sure that now that we have a more 'mature' legal market, a local store is increasingly getting the business. Only one gets mine, so your premise is right in my case. ;)

Where I live, I have a choice of probably 12 stores within a couple of miles. I shop at the 2nd closest but then I am not a big customer since I only buy a gram or 3 of whatever new hash they have once a month or so. They seem friendly, and they have a great hash selection. And while they aren't the cheapest, they are close enough. I have a major chain just a bit further away that seems to have the 'best' price . . . but their selection is not as good so I haven't even been in the store. You can price shop online since they all sell the same things.
Did you know your budtender before you went to the store to buy cannabis? Or the people who grew the cannabis?
Yup your much better off checking out the stores online before ordering because there is just so much choice and its only a six dollar delivery fee by snail mail. But with the cost of gas its worth it.
The local stores have same day delivery and its only five dollars.
Both web sites only sell to BC residents.


Well-known member
My initial point, many posts ago, was that the legal market has many problems, and whether legal or Black Market, the human-born problems ensue in both systems..
Agreed but who would you like to see the profits from cannabis helping? Pay taxes and create jobs or fund criminal organizations?
I grow my own and really like the fact I no longer have to worry about being arrested or my efforts seized. Or hiding my cannaibs bong and ashtray when someone knocks on my door. Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.
Ripped off from blade runner.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Agreed but who would you like to see the profits from cannabis helping? Pay taxes and create jobs or fund criminal organizations?
I grow my own and really like the fact I no longer have to worry about being arrested or my efforts seized. Or hiding my cannaibs bong and ashtray when someone knocks on my door. Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.
Ripped off from blade runner.
I'm happy to see taxes going to (hopefully) good use, to aid communities, etc. Whether they do, or would, is a case-by-case phenomenon, I suspect. I think the Dutch tend to be pragmatists overall, so if they took that path, which is yet to be seen, I suspect they'd make the best of it; bureaucracies and their propensities aside..

There's been lots of efforts around the globe recently toward legalization, and the prospect of tax revenues has typically been an enticement or selling point for government entities that might not have agreed to the changes in the law otherwise..

Not all tax regs have been equitable or functional over time, either. Many wanted legalization so badly that they offered up rates that weren't workable over time.

Here, the initial production tax for licensed growers was $50/oz. I don't know if that's changed, though there was scant protest over it in the beginning ( the Big Carrot), when commercial lbs were going for $4k to $6k. But as the market grew toward saturation, and the prices fell notably, that $800 USD/lb. tax rate for growers (never mind retailers), became a burden. $800 tax on a fresh lb. of weed at the higher prices is just a tax on business, literally and figuratively. An $800 tax on a $1,500 lb. is a whole 'nother game and burden. (The former prices were real, the latter prices, I'm pulling out of the air, but bet I am/was close, just to be clear).

Re. the continuation of the Black Market growers, many of which tend to be lone wolves, or mom & pop operations, the penalties they faced post-legalizaton, and maybe still face, were the same penalties that existed before legalization, plus the possibility of facing some sort of tax crimes, too. Again, with a mostly quiet, but increased pursuit by the State and others for their sins of not being tax-paying conformists.

I haven't personally engaged in 'full tilt boogie' commercial Black Market production in more than a few years now. I don't miss it. The stress, the constant questions, worry, 'who knows what?', 'who got into legal trouble that I consort with, and I don't know it went down?', etc. Glad to be rid of that.

Re. hiding bongs, etc., other than for having routinely exceeded my plant count numbers back then, and to a lesser degree, still (I'm raised by Depression-era parent(s), so if I turn lights on, there's a drive to make them pay for themselves, even when I'm no longer selling anything significant to speak of), we've been decriminalized since May of 1975. I haevn't hid my bongs, pipes, papers, or weed in my house for close to 45 years, except to some degree as a professionally licensed guy years ago. That, and when I was licensed by the Feds for specific fierarms, I was a bit more cautious, but even then, I knew that the State and local people would take a tumble in court if they fucked with me, and in most scenarios, I was too small-time to attract much federal atention, other than for political activism..

As far as the safety of the new legal market, I posted a smattering of the carnage that now goes on at/near some/many dispensaries. The headlines imply a greater frequency of that violence than actually exists by percentages, overall. But it's there, none the less.

My oder son drives for a living, and someone was offering to get him into a job distributing for a somewhat local, licensed commercial operation, and he would've been likely picking up cash for them as well. Likely using his own car.

I let him know straight up that I was not in favor of him taking that job, that it made him a potential target while working for too little, and he's not proficient with a firearm, doesn't possess an appropriate firearm for such a position, etc., let alone the Fed's view of things if he were to be accosted while engaged in such tasks and defend himself with a firearm, and the Feds were to get involved. A sticky wicket, no doubt.

He hasn't taken that job yet, and I hope he never does. Though he's of age, knows what I did for income for decades, and he'll ultimately do what he thinks he needs to do. He has a worrisome (to me) trust for humanity; sometimes a fair thing to possess, and other times a potential serious, even potentially lethal flaw.
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Well-known member
No one has died from using cannabis but lots of people have died due to the greed around it.

Mark Twain knew this fact: “Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits. Fanatics will never learn that, though it be written in letters of gold across the sky. It is the prohibition that makes anything precious

In 1984 an ounce went for $200 that is $720.38 in inflation adjusted amount today now you can buy an ounce for $100 bucks in Canada great news for users but illicit growers are fucked. Because of producers like Pure Farms who went from growing tomatoes to growing cannabis and are tuning a profit while cannabis start ups loose money. Sorry but you can grow cannabis a lot cheaper in a green house under just HID lights then in buildings with LED lights. BTW the tax in Canada is one dollar per gram.

Sadly opioid users are not as lucky. There were 106,699 drug-involved overdose deaths reported in the U.S. in 2021 69% of cases occurred among males. Synthetic opioids other than methadone (primarily fentanyl) were the main driver of drug overdose deaths with a nearly 7.5-fold increase from 2015 to 2021. Most of these deaths were caused by toxic drugs from the black market.


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Kelowna Menu - Cheeba Cheebas

A friendly Kelowna dispensary with a welcoming neighbourhood vibe! Well-stocked with premium cannabis, edibles, CBD products & more.

Cheebas . . . interesting. That is also the name of an online BM store who are well know for their hash selection. I never ordered because I suspected that most of it was locally made but I was sorely tempted. They are still online but with a .ga domain internet home . . . which is Gabon, Africa . . .


Well-known member
As far as the safety of the new legal market, I posted a smattering of the carnage that now goes on at/near some/many dispensaries. The headlines imply a greater frequency of that violence than actually exists by percentages, overall. But it's there, none the less.

My oder son drives for a living, and someone was offering to get him into a job distributing for a somewhat local, licensed commercial operation, and he would've been likely picking up cash for them as well. Likely using his own car.
Cannabis is still illegal at the federal level in America, that forces cannaibs shops to use only cash making them and thier drivers a target.

In Canada its safe to deliver cannaibs because its all prepaid by credit cards or debit cards before the order is sent. No guns needed eh.

moose eater

Well-known member
Cannabis is still illegal at the federal level in America, that forces cannaibs shops to use only cash making them and thier drivers a target.

In Canada its safe to deliver cannaibs because its all prepaid by credit cards or debit cards before the order is sent. No guns needed eh.
We had a credit union locally that agreed to take in cannabis business money. I think that was briefly lived. But they did it for a time.

But the thieves with firearms aren't just taking cash from pot shops. They're taking product. And the stores often have security. Some of whom resemble brusque bar bouncers.

Oddly enough, considering this discussion, my older son told me last night about a friend of his who was in Fairbanks cannabis shop just a couple days ago, and it was robbed at gun point.

Said his friend crouched to the floor without needing to be told to do so; probably wisely avoided looking into the face of the person(s) with the gun(s) as well.

Dealers here in the Black Market never had armored cars or open doors to the banks either, but the frequency of them being robbed at gun point was far more rare..

I took precautions for such occurrences, and it stressed my family, I'm certain, but it never occurred. Not successfully, anyway.

Had one vehicle case my house, coming all the way up my fairly long rural driveway at one point, but that was during a time that numerous residences here were being broken into. Ironically, apparently, by a couple fellows who seemed to be hired muscle for someone who was collecting money, looking for someone who'd ripped someone off at a high-stakes card game and given a bogus name that erroneously connected them to this rural area..

Once had a couple of fellows come to the door in winter while I was tumbling hash in the kitchen one day, and I had a friend up from South Central Alaska, sitting in plain view of the front door in the klitchen, and I'm sure the house smelled heavily of terpenes at that time..

The persons at my door, unknown to me, had left their snowmobiles down at the road, mostly out of view, claiming to need fuel. One machine was allegedly quite low, and the other reportedly had a bit more, according to their reports. There's a gas station on the highway about 11 miles from here back then. They never took off their helmets while talking with me..

I had a 4" S&W 29-2 .44 Mag in the back side of my waist band that my left hand never let go of.

My friend had a small extra fuel jug on the back of his small motorhome. He went out and got them the small amount of gas.

Their story didn't add up.

I believe they assessed the 'obstacles' to succeeding at their intended effort, and recalculated the wisdom of it.

But I was doing relatively high-profile political activism throughout that period as well, and that alone attracted unwanted attention, including marks at my front door seals that are still visible, from where someone tried to slip the latch on my front door, but was unsuccessful due to the manner in which the doors and strikers were installed here, for that very purpose. Can't say whether they were here for the weed, or to search my home re. something other than cannabis-related issues.

Banks and jewelry stores get robbed in Alaska and elsewhere, though not often, but more frequently than Black Market growers or dealers seem too. Of course, such 'lower profile' entities may not report such crimes when they get hit, for obvious reasons..
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moose eater

Well-known member
Cannabis is still illegal at the federal level in America, that forces cannaibs shops to use only cash making them and thier drivers a target.

In Canada its safe to deliver cannaibs because its all prepaid by credit cards or debit cards before the order is sent. No guns needed eh.
BTW, when I'm online and prepping an order for a Yukon Territory cannabis shop, dialing in from Alaska, I have no problems ordering from them, whether I identify another person on the form to do the actual pickup who might be meeting me in another location when I'm not planning to travel all the way into Whitehorse, or if I'm picking it up myself.

They have several there now, and that's about the ony time I utilize such shops, is when I've gone there, and didn't want to 'stash my stash' for the crossing. A rarity, really.

Is that restriction a BC thing, re. only BC folks being able to order online where you are?

Locally, I've been into a pot shop 3 times; once as a novelty, once to buy pest-infested clones of a Blue Dream plant that was nearly equal split CBD and THC, and once at another shop because they allegedly had some decent Acapulco Gold, that ended up being OK, but nothing to write home about.

I typically have multiple lbs in my freezer, sealed, and they're lasting a long time since I ceased making THC-A extract for my cancer.

Edit: 4 times. I also went into the shop I got the cuttings from, which was also the first shop I visited just to see the place. I was taking some seeds there to a really impressive and personable young man who I'd promised some old time Alaska-grown seeds to.
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Well-known member
yup. if anyone is happy, someone else is taking a fucking. still illegal here, very. but i don't know anyone "living in fear" either. have not bought from anyone i did not know for over forty years, not gonna change that even if it becomes legal and is on the shelves at WalMart...
Boy walmart would love that. Of course the weed would be manufactured in china and sprayed with fiberglass instead of trichomes


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BTW, when I'm online and prepping an order for a Yukon Territory cannabis shop, dialing in from Alaska, I have no problems ordering from them, whether I identify another person on the form to do the actual pickup who might be meeting me in another location when I'm not planning to travel all the way into Whitehorse, or if I'm picking it up myself.

You or someone else is picking it up so they can verify age. It's all about the children, remember?

And to answer your question, all provinces have separate cannabis boards and they will not accept out-of-province shipping orders. They are different tax sucking entities and they all want to keep it to themselves.


atomizing haze essence
I dont understand this. there are people high on cannabis in all european cities. Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, Prague, Athens, London. LOL I bet this evening in all these places, on streets and in parks, at University colleges, in pubs and clubs, people will smoke cannabis and hash and nobody is or was able to do anything with it.


Well-known member
Heard this last week and thought about time they banned it on the streets.

I like a lot of you have been the Dam plenty of times(18) and it has gotten worse but I think this is down to the people not the place.

We never used to walk around with blunts going, we had respect. It's a tourist hot spot and I don't feel good blowing out clouds around kids n folks who don't indulge.

I think moving the red light like they wanted to was/is a mistake.
Closing them at a reasonable hour isn't and shouldn't be a problem.

moose eater

Well-known member
I dont understand this. there are people high on cannabis in all european cities. Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, Prague, Athens, London. LOL I bet this evening in all these places, on streets and in parks, at University colleges, in pubs and clubs, people will smoke cannabis and hash and nobody is or was able to do anything with it.
Changes in the quasi-legal or social acceptability of cannabis in Holland, and the ripple effect on tourism dollars, hotel and hostel dollars, restaurant dollars, pub dollars, etc., etc.