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Zoo's SourBubble Bx1

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Heres the start, I got 1 mutant but I like to save these since I've seen them turn into some real nice plants



Lookin' good Zoo . Can you tell us yer plans for 'em , what kinda lighting , feed , how long you intend to veg , you know ... shit like that ? Real happy to see 'em ...

Be well Zoo ,


Active member
zoolander said:
Thanx Concept and Peaville :wave: I have the club here in Cali Concept that I can grab packs at . I think if I grabbed 3 + packs off the bay they would have put a bounty on my head LOL . I cant wait until you grow yours out bro , I think Steel hooked us up with some fine stuff brotha . :jump:

:laughing: That makes sense... I would have been damn impressed if you had been able to grab 3 packs on the Bay the way it was swarmed when the Bub dropped...

I cant wait to get mine goin either, I just wanna get the Coco thang flowin smooth before I run em... There certainly are a whole heap of jems in these packs... DMT pheno sounds amazing, and I beleive I heard speak of a Bubba pheno in this here cross:woohoo: Steele gave us all the hook up for sure!

Im sure that soon this thread will leave me itchin to get mine going! :muahaha:
Everythings lookin great...the mutant whould be fun to watch. Something tells me your right and a mutant SourBub could be somethin very special.



Thanx Steel and Concept. I'm gonna run these under a bank of 8 bulb 4 foot T5's for veg and either a 400 or 6oo HPS for flower since I have to shrink eveything down for summer . I think A 4 to 6 week veg since this is practice for when I run 20 in the Fall .They will be ran in Canna Coco with 30% chunky perilite with Canna A+B at 1ml per gallon for the first 10 to 14 days with a PH of 6.0 and then will move to 3 ml of A+B for the next 2 waterings and then 5 to 7 ml per gallon after that . They get food evey 2 waterings in a row and on the third watering straight R/O water with a PH of 6.0. When they hit flower they get Canna Boost and PK13/14 at 1 to 2 ml per gallon from the start and I want to say that I got this idea from British Bulldog and it seems to work great so far .and when flush comes that will be 10 to 14 days of just R/O water . I'm sure I left a few things out but I'm lucky I can remember all of this LOL.


Seed Junkie!:D
OMF!Another Zoo thread!Look at my grow its so good the buds are so big!Oh yah you didnt say that ,that was me back at you !:D:D:D


:laughing: Your killin me BMan, but I think you said some hidden truth in that LOL.


Zoo, do you know whether or not these are supposed to yield better than the origs?


I'm not to sure OD but the pack said medium and with proper training you can make just about anything yield pretty nice.

Care Free 1

Active member
zoolander said:
I'm not to sure OD but the pack said medium and with proper training you can make just about anything yield pretty nice.

Hey Zoo, How ya doing? :wave:

You know, I have always grown Sour Bubble in its natural state cuz it's the perfect indoor plant IMO, but it really interests me to find out how they would perform when trained. I know you mentioned you do LST, so do you intend on using this technique on the Sour B's?

Also I've never grown in coco before, always straight organic soil and nutes all the way, so I'm am really interested in how these turn out!!!

Mostly grown 1000wt veg & flower. 6 week veg, and 60 d flower to get the most, and would yield 2-3 oz's dry, mostly rock hard. 3 oz's not so common.

Thats why I cant wait to see what you can do with them. Teach me Zoo, I want to learn!!!!

Take care,

Care Free 1
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I don't think it will finish in time , But I think I may have some Bluedancer ,Snowdog x , Reefs NL and Outlaws pre 98 Bubba x DPD in time . :jump:


Active member
Damn zoo I think that will work. Don't think my outsiders will be done by then . Havent smoked anything really good since the raid, Im going to be a stoned monkey fo sure.


Care Free 1 said:
Hey Zoo, How ya doing? :wave:

You know, I have always grown Sour Bubble in its natural state cuz it's the perfect indoor plant IMO, but it really interests me to find out how they would perform when trained. I know you mentioned you do LST, so do you intend on using this technique on the Sour B's?

Also I've never grown in coco before, always straight organic soil and nutes all the way, so I'm am really interested in how these turn out!!!

Mostly grown 1000wt veg & flower. 6 week veg, and 60 d flower to get the most, and would yield 2-3 oz's dry, mostly rock hard. 3 oz's not so common.

Thats why I cant wait to see what you can do with them. Teach me Zoo, I want to learn!!!!

Take care,

Care Free 1
I have ran the original bx1 and the bx3 and found that vegging em big yielded 2-3 on the bx1, but the bx3 didn't fill in all that great....maybe 1-1 1/2, but excellent quality of course.


Very nice , Zoo . I was just talkin with another med grower doin these and he commented on how lush and dark blue-green tha leaves are . Looks like their off to a perfect start . No burns , no leaves lost , nuthin' ....

Keep it goin' Zoo ,


Thanx Steel , I'll get pix of the Mutant so everyone can see that if ya save them they turn into a normal plant . This one was jacked up bad and the new top leave's were so bad I had to top it and now the side branching is in perfect shape.


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
looking good bud - those have some very uniform looking leaves man! Is that a light purple im seeing in the second picture or am i just kind of stoned?
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