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~Zeus is Back!!! "Summer '08 MaDnEsS"~

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
plants are looking great Z
Thanks for getting some pictures of them for me

You are still rocking the HH? Have you had any luck with those?


Registered Medical Patient
What up, good morning to all of you!!!!!
:wave: DRock - that list is spot on brother...the most expensive peice to the puzzle is the pump, and thats only 15 bucks tops!!!good luck with it brotha, oh, and I got the inserts at the hydro store, they werent on display anywhere, so I asked if they had 'em and the guy came back with a shitload of em...super cheap...
:wave:Justin...thanks for the kind words bro...peace
:wave: Dr Dog - NP on the pics bro, always happy to oblige, besides I was due for an update anyhow!!!
:wave: Sir - thanx bro...is the pump enuf too??I guess so, huh?!!!Later bro

Drock, I forgot...I drilled holes near the top of the cloner & just inserted the tubes above the water line...BUT, Im gonna put the holes in the bottom today, and plug the holes around the tubing with some Gorilla glue!!!I love that shit, its the shizznit!!!Peace all

- Z
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dude that cloner looks pro as...very nice maing im sure you gonna be fillin that baby up soon,and its like im psychic or some shit but i see you puttin together t6he 24 site version real soon....peace brotha.-Y-

Raistlin Majere

kids growing up since my last visit :rasta:
and hella nice DIY cloner :bow:
keep it green Zeus


Registered Medical Patient
thanks Y...yes, I see that in my future as well...only to give out cuts though...I dont need that many plants at one given time, I dont have a huge lite like urself bro...just 2 little 250's!!!LOL...anyways, thanks for the ESP...ur prolly right anyways!!!Peace

- Z


Registered Medical Patient
just finished fixin the intake air holes on my cloner..I just moved them to the bottom of the ressy, and sealed the holes with Gorilla glue!!!Ill have pics with actual clones in a few days...The babes are growin up fast again, so Im gonna top em & clone the tops in a few days...Peace yall

- Z


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Congrats on the cloner...I can foresee many roots in your future :ying:

This thread is rockin! :headbange


Registered Medical Patient
what up Y & TML...long time bro..glad to see u again in these parts...hope the baby is great!!!
Well...my babies grew about another inch today, so in a few more days, they willl be topped, and the bubble cloner will get its 1st run!!!
Im very excited to try this thing out...
I also put the baby babies under the 250 tonite...they just got some Maxicrop & should explode with growth any day now!!! Things are rollin along in here...HOT as FUCK..thank god my plants are in the basement where its kool...Peace alll

- Z

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro stopping in to say hi, "waves" I'll have some mumbles shots for you soon. Remember when you asked if they were all females,,, well it seems that way so far my friend... it's bitch as far as more seeds, so unless I decide to self feminize seeds again she's clone only.... have a good one man, rock that cloner.



Looking premo Zueso.Keep up the good stuff man.Hope your babys are all mums.Just smokin on some of Cores Mongrul .Turned out Grapetastic .You will like it brother.Big respect for Core.He shot some good beans our way on the seedbay.


Registered Medical Patient
Hey BR...long time no see in here bro...glad all is well in Canuckville!!!Just checked ur thread, lookin great bro...
AleGoblin - welcome my friend..yes, Core's genetics seem to be the bomb-dizzle...I have yet to try the smoke, but in about ..ohhh...80 days or so...which brings me to my update...

:wave: hello all...just a quick update tonite...very tired from work...had 2 dishwashers quit on me today, basically, because they are "tired"!!!Fuckin BS, but 2 more showed up at my door later, so...it all works out in the end!!!

Anyhow...all the babies are under the 250 now, and they all got a light feeding with some Maxicrop...they seem to like it!!!!They are greenin up and growin fast...im startin to see alternating nodes, even on these small plants!!!weird, I guess I stunted them a bit, but either way, Im gonna have some nice buds!!! My HH has pistils showing!!! and a few more are startin to show, so Im gonna let em veg a few more dayz, flip the lights, and as soon as they start to stretch, Ill take clones and give the bubbler a first run...Thats about it...startin to think about what to pop next as far as beans...Hmmmm, so many great choices now!!!Peace yall

- Z


Registered Pothead
Cant wait the to see some pics of the ladies zeus! I also have seen a lot of peeps using bubbler cloners and need to make one for my homie. If you could take a pic or two of your process it would be appreciated. I am stuck on my ez clone but my buddy doesnt wanna drop the dough on it. I figure the bubbler would be the next best option.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
super simple chub. poke a hole in side of rubbermaid or similar container, insert 1/4 air line. add airstones on inside(2-3 tee off) hot glue the holes edge inside and out, black out and done. you can make the lid holes any way you want but the inserts are the way to go. hook to a pump, place pump higher than water level and BAM pot for pennies.


Registered Medical Patient
Sir - you never mentioned to put the pump higher than the water level!!!Does that make a difference?????

- Z


ZeusOGrefugee said:
:wave: hello all...just a quick update tonite...very tired from work...had 2 dishwashers quit on me today, basically, because they are "tired"!!!Fuckin BS

- Z

ugh. ive been there before. hate that! lol..

but maybe you are being too nice? dishwashers? dont you mean Dish-bitches? lol

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Not sure when I was here last, but just checkin in man

Take care Z


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
ZeusOGrefugee said:
Sir - you never mentioned to put the pump higher than the water level!!!Does that make a difference?????

- Z
you only need the pump higher than the water level if thereis a possiblity of it draining out of the air line, if like the power shut off it may siphon/ leak. proping up stops the water from siphoning. you can prop up on anything, or hang on wall. you can also use a check valve. they are one way valves for air pumps, but they do add lil more unneeded stress to pump. also make sureits not pumping crazy hot ass air. you dont want that water temp going way up. room temp is fine for clones


Hey Zeus :wave:

Anxious to see your Core gear. Got 3 unsexed PC's that I'll be cloning in a few, transplant the moms (hopefully they turn out to be moms:D) let 'em recover and then flip 'em.




Registered Medical Patient
Hey Sir & Shitake - :wave: what up guys?? Ill have pics up on Sunday...my day off, finally, what a hellish week!!!HOT as hell, out & in the kitchen, and BUSY as fuck!!! Busy is always good, but I got me an untrained staff tryin to do upscale food...not an easy gig!!!I got my work cut out for me, but Ill take the bull & run with it!!!

As far as the babes, they are growin strong, and u will all see on Sun...Peace

- Z

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