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~Zeus is Back!!! "Summer '08 MaDnEsS"~


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Sounds like you've got you an awesome set of genetics to try Zeus, congratulations mate. That CCC sounds like you'll get something very interesting :yes:


Registered Medical Patient
Thanx Sammet...yes, very nice genes, and the CCC I think is gonna be one of the first I pop...Never tried any of those strains B4, but I think CCxChem cant be bad!!!
Peace yo

- Z


must be nice holmz,you got some killa shit in he last few posts!
peace zeus,-Y-


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
look at this genetic collector we got ourselves. cant wait to see ya run wild wit this chit


Registered Medical Patient
What up Y...awww, dont be jealous bro..LOL!!JK, I plan to share the wealth any way I can...
SirShmoke - thanks bro, I dont know about a collector, but Im gonna start workin on it fo sho...check ur PM's bro, I hit ya back!!

Lemme just say THANKS again to everyone here, you peeps are the SHIT!!!!
And to MPh & KG - you guys rock...thanks again...

Peace all, pics??????????????

- Z


Registered Medical Patient
What up y'all....??Just scored me an eighth of ECSour D!!!Its the real deal too, I knew it from the first toke...lemons & diesel all the way, fuckin YUMMMMY!!!Im smokin a HUGE spliff to my head right now, had a really shitty day...fighting with the woman all day long, I got really pissed & started throwin shit and all...not good..I feel real crappy now, but I had good reason to be so pissed...her fuckin X has been accusing me of molestin his daughter!!!fuckin 6 yr old little angel who I treat like my own & she loves me to death!!!This MOFO is such a bastard, he pisses me off soo bad, I wanna fuckin kill him!!!He treats my girl like shit and doesnt love his daughter, just uses her as a pawn in his lyin, cheatin, manipulatin little game!!!So now hes got full legal custody because he paid off the fuckin judge, and my fiance is bein forced to move back to bumfuck AK just to see her daughter...Shes givin up a career here, as well as school, me, our house, etc....Shes gonna have to live in poverty practically just so she can see her daughter...Fuckin stupid judge, what a horses ass!!!Anyhow, I could go on 4ever, but I dont wanna bring u guys down...

Peace all, and love ur fuckin kids, they are the future of this country!!!

Thanks for listenin...

- Zeus:badday:


i'm sorry to hear about your problems, bro. those are hefty ones.

good to know you got some of the real sd, at least it will make you feel better while dealing with the shit life throws your way.

hang in there man, the joker will get what's coming to him - they always do. :joint:



damn zeus thats mesed up yo.wouldnt they have to prove that shit?if i was you id sue for defamation(however its spelled) of charecter,those are serious accusations that could put you in a whole bunch of shit yo.like lose ur lady,people thinkin crazy of you,loss of job if you got one,not to mention prison and registerin urself as a sex predator,id definetly sue fuck that yo.
and when you win in court it is a example of his minipulative ways when ur lady goes back for custody in the future,you have that to use as a example of how hes fucked the system.

ive heard of custody judges takin the payoff bro,to rule for a certain side.as a matter of fact i saw a whole show about it.it was dateline or somethin maybe 20/20.
these judges were on video takin bribes bro.the one attorney was settin them all up.wire taps ,everything.
its a shame that ur ladies ex dont even realize what hes doin to that lil girl.
good luck Z sounds like a real crazy situation.-Y-


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
ZeusOGrefugee said:
Hey all...just got a few more nice beans as a gift in the mail...Thanks again MPH:respect:...So Im lookin at alot of new genetics to play with & Im super excited about it...So heres what I got:

ML/UrkelxEF(memory lossxevenflow)
SSxEF Evac(sugar shackxEF)
SSxKK F2(SSxKauaiKush)
Short KK F3

Some pretty killer shit...MPH will have to chime in about the strains & their backrounds...all very killer genetics, I know that, so Thank You again Maj.:wave: Ill see ya all later..Peace

- Z

EF(evenflow?) evenflow = Abussive og kush x white mustang
ML/UrkelxEF(memory lossxevenflow) Azurite = MEMORYLOSS- fast vegn urkel pheno x evenflow {memeoryloss- purple urkel x strawberry desiel}
SSxEF Evac(sugar shackxEF) unsure whats in the sugar shack
SSxKK F2(SSxKauaiKush)
Short KK F3 Kaua'i kush F3 = abussive og kush x maui waui

whitemustang = chemdog x west coast dog BX3

everything by itself is surpreame top shelf so hopefully the crosses will also be. :jump: :rasta: enjoy brotha


Registered Medical Patient
Finally, PICS are back!!!!!!

Finally, PICS are back!!!!!!

:jump: :jump: :joint:
:wave: Hello all...let me first say THANK YOU and :respect: to ALL of you guys for just bein the best peeps, and for supportin a friend in need, and bein wayyyy toooo generous(u guys know who u are!!)...YOU guys rock, so thanks and Ive got some , HOLY shit, PICS to show you...this is gonna be a multi-post update, so lets get on with it...

First, the babies, under the 250...



Registered Medical Patient
now for the babies under the floros..they got their first tie-down yesterday!!! :jump:

AND NOW... :rasta: some pics of my main man, Zeus...these are for you, Sammet!!!

whew again!!!!


Registered Medical Patient
and now a few more baby shots, and then a great segment I took last summer in Alaska...I was on my couch smokin a big spliff, and I watched these hummingbirds drinkin from our feeder...

Peace all of you, and its soo good to have upload back!!!I feel complete again!!!LOL.... :laughing: LMFAO...Peace brothers...

- Zeus :joint:


Med grower
ICMag Donor
:D cheers for the Zeus shots Zeus :yes: That hummingbird looks cool too. Grow baby potlings grow.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
hmmm, I thought it was just my lazy ass hummingbirds around here that sit at the feeders

plants are looking good too


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
aaaah great to have pic upload back online ..Is't it ?

nice going already with them small ones !!
looks like its gonne be fun once more :D


Registered Medical Patient
You know it bro...Hey everyone, just stoppin around here...seems to be a busy time, specially since the pics are back...Ill see ya all laters...more pics tomorrow...

- Z


Registered Medical Patient
no pics tonite...BUT, I found a great new hydro store near my house, so Im gonna go get some new nutes when I get paid again!!!I dont think Cores gear likes to be tied down...or I may have overwatered, but they kinda slowed down in the last few days...Im gonna leave em be, and hope they come back for me...Im goin for PBP line, LK, CalMag, etc...gonna try some Sweet as well!!!Anyone usin these, please chime in with results, formulas, etc...Peace yall

- Z


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
dude you know i am. you seen my formula for veg, in soil is slightly diff, mainly slightly higher ratios, and plain water every other watering for a flush. goes like this in soil... feed, flush, repeat. you can feed 2-3 waters in a row if the dose is lighter, but better safe than sorry. rinse those salts mang. oh and the slowed growth is from the stress you put them in bending, and top pointing where it need to. the energy was redirected for a quik min. unless it has been days i would not worry. for flower with the PBP you may want to consider a PK booster for weeks 5 & 6. i use indonesian guano and make a bubbled tea and budswell( gry or liquid) is awesone too, very cheap for a gal(liquid), especially for the results i believe it provides. you will be fine with PBP alone, but why not give em what they crave... spoil them bitches.
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