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Zeus' 2008 Grow Show: A Mixed Bag of Goodies to Grow!!!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
that sounds like a good deal on the lamps Zeus :yes:
and its cool to know that you will use them to upgrade the rooms....Nway i'm in as always ...coz them babies look fabulous :D


Registered Medical Patient
Hey Temp 303...welcome to the show..join the rest of the crowd over in the corner!!!!

Hey Core, good to see u , as always...Not much new to report, except that all the babies are growin HUGE!!!! Your beans are gonna be the next to POP in my garden...Cant wait...See you guys in a few with some new pics of the lites and the babies...Peace

- Z


Registered Medical Patient
Hey guys,,,what the fuck!!!!what happened to IC for the last 2 dayz!!????????Anyhow..back and better then ever...new pics later of the new and improved growroom and the bustin babies under their new digs!!!Laters all...Peace

- Zeus


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Down for maintenance - I'm not sure what that really means. Just seems to happen with all forums for some reason... and good luck uploading those photos - the upload isn't working for some, me included :( I'm looking forward to seeing the aforementioned new lights :D


Registered Medical Patient
:dueling: :rasta: Hello all!!!Like promised, I am back with a righteous update for all you guys...

So...I have one of the 250's set up now, and my 20 babies are baskin in its warm glow... :joint: ...I culled the Skunk mutant 'cause it wasn't doin anything really, but the rest of the babies are doin great...Woke up this morning to just a little bit of deficiency in some of the MxA/PPP/AK leaves, but a good dose of Catalyst and Grow should have that cleared up in a day or 2...

Im on my way out in a few to get some 2 gallon pots and some more soil so I can transplant these babies into their final homes and get 'em ready for the light switch to 12/12...

Im gonna try tipping them, ala Core style, and hope for the best. They will prolly get another week of vegging, then I'll take clones and flip the lights...As soon as the lites get flipped, Im gonna sow some new beans, courtesy of a close bud(lol)!!!!and get this show rollin proper-like!!!

That's it for now, and without further ado, I give u my new growroom and the babies......

First up, a line up of my nutes:

The 2 tallest ones in the pics are the MxA crosses...

Thats it for now guys, Ill BBL with some pics of them in their new homes... :rasta:
by the way, the light you are seeing is a SunSystem 250w with a built in ballast...very nice and very quiet and practically no heat output... :wave:

Peace out

- Zeus

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
hey Bro

Nice to see everything taking off now for ya.

Gotta watch some of B's beans they grow nuts, you will be topping them just to keep them from being 2 much higher than the others.

I did a great female ratio with B's beans though, you should prepare to ahve too many, that was my issue and I ended up culling a bunch for lack of room

Take care man


Registered Medical Patient
Wow...too many females...thats a problem Id like to have!!!! Thanks for stoppin by Dr. D, always good to have my buds lurkin in the corner!!!!See ya later...

- Z


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey Zeus the grow is really looking great. Your ladies are gonna explode with growth now that they are under the HID lighting. Are you gonna transplant them soon??? oh nevermind just looked and you said your going with 2 gallon pots. sounds good to me bro. Cant wait to see you pop those beans. Im only a few weeks ahead so lets see what they can do huh?? hahaha Keep up the great work bro. Peace.



Registered Medical Patient
Hey NK, thanks for the kind words...I cant wait to pop those beans now that Ive seen the MOM!!!But yes, transplant was gonna happen tonite, but instead will happen manana!!!Ill have pics up as soon as I can for u bud porn fiends!!LOL

And yes, they have grown substantially since I put them under the 250...can see the progress by the hour...laters...

- Z


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
that upgrade should make things a bit bigger...and the plants will also love ya for it...seems you are ready to rock ....i'll be around mate :smile:
looking good :yes:


Registered Medical Patient
well, well, another update!!!Boring, I know!!!!

well, well, another update!!!Boring, I know!!!!

:rasta: :wave: Hey guys..just a quick update for all of you. I transplanted all the babies into 2 gallon pots and grow bags. They are in Black Gold soil amended with perlite and d. lime...Fed them a fair dose of EJ Grow, Bloom and Catalyst @ 1/2 tsp./gallon...Hope they like it. I am usin NorthernKronics recipe, by the way...Thanks man!!!Well, onto the pics. Dont mind the CFL's, they are just there for a few hrs. until I go to the store and get some hooks to hang the other 250 watter.!!!! So, in a few hrs., they will be under 500 watts of HPS goodness!!!

Gonna let em veg for another week, then make the flip to 12/12...Gotta get this show on the road....Been outta weed for 2+ weeks and I need to have some resin in the closet to keep me goin!!!!LOL...Jonesin is the name of the game!!!

Here we go:::


- Zeus


Registered Medical Patient
Hey guys...added the 2nd 250 tonite, so they are all under 500 watts of goodness now!!!

Peace y'all

- Zeus:wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
I'm sure the plants will love it under their new home :canabis:

Nice to see everyone taking advantage of the pic upload again :lurk:
Great to see everything looking good :yes:


Grower of fine herbs...
Like TML said I think your kids are gonna love the new HPS glow that your giving them:headbange

They should be big in a week or two, should be fun to watch the buds form. Sorry to hear that you have been out of herbs for almost two weeks:badday: but hey its what we gotta do so that we dont have to buy from dealers anymore right?

Hope the feeding regimen is working out for you. Just start slow, and make sure to feed em veg nutrients for the first week or week and a half of flower. Peace dude!



Registered Medical Patient
Hey TML and NK, thanks for stoppin by the show...:rasta:...Yea, they are loving the 500 watts of HPS...NK - thanks for the kind words of advice on the nutes...They seem to be lovin it so far, so Ill keep it up till I see any problems...I think Im gonna top them tomorrow to get them to bush out a bit!!!

BR, if u are there..I think I got a winner with the Skunk seeds...I got one baby that stinks sooooo good, it makes my mouth water!!!!Pure Skunky goodness...Ill be keepin an eye on that one, just hope it turns out to be a femme!!!Keep those buds crossed..LOL

Later guys, Ill seee you all tomorrow..Peace

- Zeus


Registered Medical Patient
Hey guys, just a quick update...They seem to be taking to the dose of nutes pretty well, so far, so good, No yellowing or burnt tips, just happy plants!!! I cant decide whether to top them now, or flip em into 12/12, and take clones of the tops after sexing?? Well, we'll see what whim takes me in the next few days...The Mumbles and Skunks are still kinda small due to their problems early on, but they seem to be catching up to the others pretty quick. Anyways..Peace

- Zeus


Registered Medical Patient
:wave: Hey guys..just a quick pic update to let u all see whats goin on in the room...These pics were taken this morning, and since then, the babies have all grown like an inch!!! I plan to flip the lites tomorrow, then top//clone them after a week or so of stretching... :rasta: Enjoy the pics, and lets see if u guys can figger out which is which!!!!

Peace, and I hope to see u all manana!!!

- Zeus :rasta: