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Zeus' 2008 Grow Show: A Mixed Bag of Goodies to Grow!!!


Registered Medical Patient
Hey Core..thanks for the .02...Im pretty sure my PH was off, and I need to raise it, not lower it!!!maybe baking soda???anyhow, gonna give em a little fresh plain water and hope they clear up...by the by, they are in basic potting soil with perlite and d.lime added. I think i added too much lime!!!!anyhow, thanks bro'

- Z


Active member
Hi Zeus! :wave:
I have found your new hideout!!! :muahaha:
My opinions:
anyways those spots on lower leaves=burn from too acidic water...looks like to me..you are right there :yes:

I have found that beer does a good job at lowering pH...a little goes a long way...plants seem to like it too.
Peace bro I got you tagged. Keep up the good work in '08!


Registered Medical Patient
:wave: Hi Core!!!
:wave: Hi Anima!!!
:rasta: HELLO everyone!!!!its good to be back!!!

GO GIANTS!!!! friggin A baby, hope they can pull it out next week against GB??:headbange :dance: :dance: :nanana:

anyways..got that off my chest!!! Now onto bigger & better...Now that im drinkin a homebrewed Imperial IPA, we can get it on!!!
So...the babies are lookin much, much better today, and the Mumbles and Skunks are finally taking off, and showin no signs of nute burn, so thats a good thing!!! The 2 MxA's are stretchin for the sky, so pretty soon, they are gonna have to get some bondage...
The MxA crosses are doin well, and most of the Bagseeds are lookin great, minus the few that got burned a bit. But like i said, they all seem to be takin up the food I gave them, and they seem to be growinout of the burn they had. Next feeding, they will get just a lite dose of Grow&Microblast, and then Im gonna start usin a nute formula that NorthernKronic gave me...Thanks bro' :wave: Thats about it for now...im gonna stop ramblin and show u guys some pics...

first up, the stretchy bastards...MxA x 2

now the Mumbles x5 and the Skunk x5

Mumbles mutant...

and the Bagseed babies...

Well, that's it for now, be back in a few with more...thanx all 4 stoppin by!!! :wave:

GO GIANTS!!!!!!(i dont live in NY !!!!!anymore!!!)

- Zeus


Registered Medical Patient
hey guys, just a quick update b4 i go to sleep...ALL the babies are finally takin off and have recovered from the burn problems!!!yea!!!!Ill be back tomorrow after work with some new pics..Mumbles is lookin to be a vigorous grower now!!!! peace all and goodnite........

- Zeusy


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Looks like you got your grow going your way :yes:

Looking forward to seeing how you do up the Mumbles :lurk:


Registered Medical Patient
:rasta: YO YO YO....what up all??Got a nice new update for u gys today, I hope BR is watchin!!!First off:
Tomorrow I am scorin a 250w hps for $50!!!I am so psyched, it'll really make my grow show that much better...I may get 2, not sure yet. U guys think 2 250's are worth $100...LOL???????????? :bashhead: what a deal, huh?

Secondly, the babies seem to have far surpassed my expectations and are growin strong and healthy :muahaha: , especially the Bagseed and MxA crosses, go figger...The Mumbles and Skunks are lookin to catch up in afew days or so, but nonetheless are finally taking off and lookin great....

:wave: Hello to all the reg's hangin around...everyone got a cold beer and a spliff??? :joint: :joint: :joint:

So, after tomorrow, this grow will be kicked up a notch or two. With a HPS now, I can happily and safely start some more seeds..Thanks Core!!! and take clones in another week or 2 and put them under the cfl's while the other babies soak up that nice HPS lite!!! Now i just gotta get a fan for some ventilation and some mylar for reflection....ramble, ramble...onto the pics, in no particular order!!!!! :nono:

first up, the mutant Skunk, not Mumbles!!!!

now the rest.........



Registered Medical Patient
scratch what I just said.....Im now getting 2-250watters for a 6pack of homebrew & an oz. when I harvest...not a bad deal, huh??


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hey Zeus :wave: It's good to see I haven't missed much and I'm just in time to see you get your new lights too. There's some great mumbles grows about so I'm looking forward to seeing your garden progress mate. I've really got to try and get my hands on some beans. :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey bro good to see the mumbles popping out and working for ya. I should be smoking cured mumbles 2 in about a week or so, watch out for smoke report then. the only suggestion for you, I have with that strain is possibly (if you have the room) lst or scrog it, very sparse leaf on that plant when she matures, you will improve your yield on that strain.

Well done on the light score, now light won't be your issue, heat management will lol


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Congrats of scoring the lights bro!


Registered Medical Patient
:rasta: Alright, time for a righteous update...esp. about my new lights... :joint:

First off, for those NOT following, I just scored 2, count 'em, 2 250 watt HPS for a 6 pack of my Imperial IPA and an OZ. when I harvest!!!!
I think I got a greatdeal!!!!waddau guys think??????????????
Anyhow, here's the plan...

OH sorry, let me tell u guys what I got...1 - Sunsystem 250w HPS and 1-Floralux 250w HPS...both w/ built-in ballasts!!!!yea baby!!!

So...Im thinkin, Im gonna put these babies into 12/12 under 1 of the 250's, sex 'em, and take clones of the best of the best...

Then..take the clones, make some MOMs and put them under my CFL's and my Floro tubes and keep em happy there for a while...

Then...pop some Mongrel, Pollen chuck and AH seeds courtesy of Core, grow 'em out, and do the same as the previous babies...except, this time, Ill put them under both 250's and watch 'em bud out like MAD under 500 watts of HPS goodness!!!! :dueling: :rasta: :rasta:

Wadda u guys think???

I ned to have a perpetual grow so I can harvest every 2 months or even every month...what kind of yeild can I get from 1 250...or 2-250's...anyone chime in anytime...

So thats the plan...I want to harvest buds every month, or even every 2 weeks...how can I do this??????????????Please, let the pros chime in....

Anyhow, thats my :rant: for tonite...any suggestions will be very well received...Peace all

Pics tomorrow or Sat.

- Z :puppydoge :wave: :joint: :rasta:


Registered Medical Patient
sorry, but my math skillz SUCK...thats why I need advice on this perpetual thing...I need to add and harvest a # of plants every 2 weeks, right???????????



"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Depends on how much weed you smoke, and how much space you have to work in.

First, calculate how much you need for a month, then see how much you can realistically pull per plant, and how long a plant takes to arrive at the end of flowering, and work with that... Say a plant takes 8 weeks to finish (on average), and you want to harvest 50+ or so grams every two weeks, do you have the space for 8 small to medium plants?

If you don't have the space for that many, you could either pull a bit less every 2 weeks (40+ maybe) letting the plants be a bit bigger, but using fewer, 4 for example..

Under 2 250's though, you should be able to pull a pretty decent amount.

That's my ramble for this morning :)


Registered Medical Patient
Hey Ixnay, welcome to the show...Pull up a chair in the corner with the rest of the usual suspects, and Kaiser Sose...LOLThanks for the advice on the perpettual...I have quite a bit of room to work with, mind u its stilla work in progress, but nonetheless...I have a bit of room, so....Right now, Im workin with 5 strains. I plan to keep a mom of each in a separate room, so with 5 strains, 2 clones flowering of each at a time, thats 10 plants...They are all gonna avg 55-70 dayz. So, once the 1st round is 2 weeks from harvest, I should add new plants, right???AHHHHHH too much for my brain this early...anyhow, we'll figger it out.

Anyone else wanna chime in??Peace out.

- Zeus


Registered Medical Patient
WE SMOKE ALOT OF HERB, my fiancee and I!!!!Usually, we can go thru a 1/2 to a full OZ. every week, so I need to harvest at least 4 oz. every 2 weeks..no, every month!!??

- Z??????????


Registered Medical Patient
:wave: Hey guys and gals...just thought Id give a quick update to let u all know how these babies are doin!!! The Mumbles & Skunk's are doin GREAT, and totally catchin up to the Bagseeds and the MxA x PPP/AK...Mumbles are lookin great and my 2 MxA's as well...u guys will see 2 VERY tall babies, these are 2 of the MxA crosses,obviouslymore on the Sativa side than Indy...nice though... :rasta: The other MAx's are goin strong and the bagseed babies are out-producin everything else in the garden so far...I really think I hit the cannabis lotto with these bagseeds...go figure, NYC genetics are the BOMB...sometimes!!!Anyhow,I have yet to set up my 250's,but in a few dayz u guys will see the results!!! :nono: I gotta stop typing now cause Im wayyy to drunk to continue..LOL!!!So, heres the pics...the smaller plants are Mumbles & Skunk, and the rest are the rest..lol!!!!!Enjoy.Peace. :joint:


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