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Zenith feminized limited edition


Well-known member
You obviously didn’t read my post or comprehend it. This is not MY personal experience. I’ve grown many sativas and I love them. I said that if some strain initially starts out too strong of a reaction for me then I know to wait it out, have a glass of wine and I know from past experience that everything will be fine.

The inexperienced don’t have that knowledge or experience to fall back on, don’t have any idea what is happening to them, get terribly frightened and call emergency services for help. Yes I think THOSE people should be protected.

The main point, which you completely missed, is that many people are having very bad experiences with racy marijuana and they are calling for emergency services to come save them. There are national news agencies, local and regional news agencies reporting on these stories and that is TERRIBLE publicity for marijuana and future efforts towards legalization. I can’t believe that you don’t see how bad that looks for marijuana’s future?

The current reality in the US is that recreational marijuana is now legal in several states. People are going to these stores who have not smoked marijuana for a long time, some maybe never and it’s a total free for all in those stores. They have everything under the Sun from which to choose and absolutely no guidance. Sativas, indicas, super strong concentrates and the only guidance they get is some dude telling them, yeah man that one is awesome, you should get that. We also have a good sale price on this one etc.

So you get a lot of inexperienced people trying to buy marijuana with no knowledge at all of what they are buying except what they got from the bud tender, which is , it’s awesome dude. These are the people I’m talking about and the people I know should be protected from such a terrible experience that makes them call for an ambulance. When national news agencies like CNN and US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT do stories about many people, nationwide that are having bad experiences with marijuana, then it’s a big problem.

I know you are trying sell new product and you don’t like it when someone says something that might hurt your sales figures. Also I don’t need to grow it when you’ve already told me it will have me “climbing the walls.” I’m not afraid of sativas or their affects. I wouldn’t be currently be growing your Hon/ Pan cross, have ready to go after harvest your C5/Kali China seeds and Thai Chi seeds. I’m a huge fan of Ace seeds and your products. I also have seeds from three sativa strains from Mandala waiting in the wings.

We are in a new era where we have to be much more responsible about what is put out there because it’s a whole new user base. It’s not just our own little community of growers and marijuana fanatics any longer. We are producing products that make it’s way to people who are as green and as new to marijuana as it gets.

Some 54 year office worker who has had back pains for years decides she going to try marijuana because someone told her it could help. She stops by a dispensary and they sell her a purple haze because she thinks it’s pretty, smells good and it’s on sale for a discounted price. She takes it home, take 5 or 6 hits and half an hour later she is calling for an ambulance because she is losing her mind. THAT is the person that is being reported about in the news. THAT is the person I’m talking about. That is the person who needs protection until we get more mature and responsible ways of handling all different types of marijuana.

If this person would have been guided properly, she could have found some relief and been a lifelong advocate of marijuana. I guarantee you after that experience she is going to talk down marijuana the rest of her life and everyone who sees that story, who is not experienced with marijuana, is going think it really is some terrible, frightening drug and will tell others that.

Dubi you keep wanting to make this about me so you can minimize the issue and the problem. You want it to be: well it’s just you and your problem, so shut up. CNN and US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT are not doing nation wide stories about one guy having an issue. I care about those people reported on in those news stories and I know the marijuana community should do something to address what is a real and serious issue.

But it won’t until some government agency gets ahold of the issue, then it will be taken into a whole new world of very restrictive legislation. Limits on the percentage of thc, types marijuana available, how it’s packaged, do like Canada and make all cannabis get the radiation treatment, taxes of 60% of the total cost of the product. I guarantee you no one will like a government solution. Then everyone will be ranting and railing. They’ve gone way too far, they’ve ruined it. Yep, that’s what they do. Either address it now or government will do it for you. They always do.
Going to the emergency room especially after having a panic attack would be a terrible way to ride out the rest of the trip, especially if people put your face up on CNN for everyone to see, 😕, I would have to add that it's up to Newbies to be responcible and take it one toke at a time, definitely not the breeders fault or even more Dubi's fault who also uses many warnings in the describtions ....
Back when I was a heavy smoker and also a Newbie at the same time I've had many panic attacks but never had to go to the Emergency room and waste a good high, except for maybe the bathroom...
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Well-known member
View attachment 19071232

Need lots more zenith! I really hope this makes a comeback, the energy and positivity off of this is incredible! Every time I get into it it’s just lovely!

Seriously leave this one alone and let it cure!!!!

Lemony Incense awesomeness!

Awesome fed back. Glad I’ve got a pack stashed in the vault. I feel like that about the super congo too a little. Definitely long cure needed.


ACE Seeds Breeder
2 types of Zenith at 9 weeks bloom
Hi @dubi ! finally got to the zam x pan fems . what a lovely sativa hybrid, they look and smell exquisite !

of the two plants: one is very Panama influenced... constantly pushing out straight pistils and stacking flowers, pistils are starting to yellow and oils are increasing...this plant is getting a reddish pink hue as well...smells are lemony and bubble gum with a floral note
.....the other plant seems more Zam influenced...all green, no red....smells are more spicy and incense-like and structure is less dense than the other.... this plant slowed its flowering for a week or so but is now re-flowering with some vigor...

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Looks wonderful @StrongTree friend :D great job this spring with Zenith. You've tried so many ACE strains that of course, you have to try this one! It’s undoubtedly a peak in our recent sativa breeding.

Could you describe their terpenes and effects after a few months of curing?
I hope both delivered lots of great sativa moments this summer ☀️


ACE Seeds Breeder
Holy. Shit!

For anyone that has grown this out and was only kinda happy with the results of some plants, like I was with 4 of mine out of 6…
Let them cure longer. I just opened a bag of what I considered the most mediocre plant out of the 6 I ran, and I’m so screaming ass high right now! 10 month cure and it’s intense compared to what it was at 2-6 months. I’m actually kind of uncomfortable with how high I am off this one and have to keep moving around to not get super spinny. If I sit down the whole room seems to whirl around me.

I had given a bunch of it to a friend of mine and he called me back raving about it yesterday. I got into it this morning and Jesus. 😆

Nice work @dubi I hope this one makes a return to the store. I wasn’t 100% sure about this strain before, but after 2 bowls this morning I feel like I need to run it again and hold clones for a lot longer before making decisions on keepers. I do have some friends I gave my initial selections of both phenos to, my #2 and 6 plants. I’m going to revisit the bag of #6 tomorrow and see what a longer cure did to her. She’s always been a very blissful creeper feel. Might just have to get a cut back and run her again.
My #2 plant is the super racey pheno. Has an intense incense and lemon taste to her. She was good from the get go after 2 months, but she never got intensely better after 8 months. I got into that one last week and she felt the same as ever, extremely energetic, positive, get busy weed with a killer old school incense taste.
This one I got into today was another racey pheno, my #5 that wasn’t kept due to big mold in one cola. I only managed to save a little bit of bud from that one but what I did manage to save has become something crazy intense like I haven’t felt in a while.
Glad the long curing made your Zenith shine and got you so excited @Cactus Squatter :hotbounce

As I said to StrongTree, when I tried Zenith flowers for the first time, I knew ACE sativa lovers were going to love this one. It’s in my top 3 of the best ACE strains.

I agree, the longer flowering expressions with new, subtle variations not found directly in both parents get even better after half year from harvest.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Damn @Nextgeneration73 so sorry it got uncontrollably bad :( hope it didn’t happen again and that you're feeling better now. What did you smoke and how much? Users with little to no tolerance should be very careful when trying strong Malawi or A5 Haze hybrids like Killer A5 Haze, or potent sativa strains like Zenith we’re discussing here.

If your tolerance is low and you’re unsure of your limits, start with just 1-2 tokes and let the effects run their course, without constantly chasing a higher dose that could uncontrollably exceed your comfort level.


ACE Seeds Breeder


Well-known member
So happy you are also enjoying some Zenith there dear @Tangwena 🥰 Would you mind sharing a cob report ?
Try and stop me ha ha. After Christmas it should be about ready.
Hombre shared some and killer A5 as well both from you maestro.

I recently had some Panama seeds from an old release of Aces, F2 or whatever you call a repro of F1.
Its an amazing high so dreamy but not narcotic at all in fact I get heaps done all day, just calmly, my wife loves me on it ha ha.
I cant thank you enough for all your generosity in the past. It has made life such a wonderful experience. Thanks to you I have experienced some of the best herb on the planet.
I have reached a level of contentment bordering on religious zeal ha ha.


Well-known member
Damn @Nextgeneration73 so sorry it got uncontrollably bad :( hope it didn’t happen again and that you're feeling better now. What did you smoke and how much? Users with little to no tolerance should be very careful when trying strong Malawi or A5 Haze hybrids like Killer A5 Haze, or potent sativa strains like Zenith we’re discussing here.

If your tolerance is low and you’re unsure of your limits, start with just 1-2 tokes and let the effects run their course, without constantly chasing a higher dose that could uncontrollably exceed your comfort level.
Oh no this was about 13 years ago when I started smoking strong and heavy amounts of weed and was a newbie still, by bathroom I meant that I would spend my time sitting in the bathroom until the panic attacks went away, but this was mainly at parties where I'd smoke everyone's stash :D Then again I was just joking when I called it an emergency room :D Because that's normally what it is when a person eats alot or drinks alot of liquids it becomes an "emergency situation"... Sorry for scarying you with my comment lol I'm fine dubi, I was simply making a joke towards Buckeyegreen the one who told you about people going to emergency rooms after Cannabis use when being new to them and how it's your fault for not putting up warnings... No, Killer a5 Haze has never made me have a serious panic attack, maybe at times I've been afraid of being seen high by someone but that's as far as it went in terms of anxiety....
I apolojize for giving you a bad impression with my comment it was only a joke made towards buckeyegreen's comments meant to show that I support you for having to deal with people who disrespect you here, because I've seen it on other threads, even though buckeyegreen maybe meant something completely different it still nonetheless gave the wrong impression .... I hope that makes sense because your reaction gave me a bit of a concern...
Also what I meant was that people who go to the emergency room after freaking out from weed would only have it worse if they went through a panic attack, instead of just riding it out at home for example.
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