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Common Sense

Well-known member
A classic-looking phenotype from the feminized version @Common Sense :)
Glad the sweet, fruity terpenes are strong and the resin sticky! How many days has she been flowering?
Zamaldelica fem version's genetic recipe has not changed in all these years.
Hello @dubi , the pictures are 42 days after switch to 11/13. But before that, there was a first 11/13 period of 24 days, followed by another 24 days with 3.5h of light during nighttime. So, a little difficult to judge and either day 90 or day 42. From the appearance, I would say she is somewhere in between and from my impression during flower development, she is of the fast finishing type. I will watch closely for mold and go by the trichomes.No amber, yet. Maybe 2 to 3 more weeks?
In general, I have seen rather premature browning of the stigmas in this tent, even in the new growth, especially in the Super Congo (see thread below), much less on the New Caledonia. Don't know where that comes from. No signs of bananas or pollination anywhere.

Common Sense

Well-known member
From what I see, the ripening is equally distributed, even in the shady areas. Temperatures are between 29 (mostly 27-28) during the day and around 21-22 °C in the mornings before light. There have been a couple hotter days when I was gone, temps might have gone a little over 30 then. Humidity is 65-72%, due to the wet weather.
I have a fan inside causing slight motion of the leafs.
Light is 125 W LED from Migro.
I mixed the soil a bit too rich, but now watering with EC 0.7-0.8 (tap water comes with 0.5) at pH 6.0 to 6.5 seems to suit their needs and compensate for that. Just pHed water for a while led to signs of potassium deficiency in some leafs, so I am adding a bit of 3+7+8 mineral NPK fertilizer.

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