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Zamaldelica x Kali China feminized


Curious Cannivore
Plant #2 is developing nicely. I prefer her aromas which are sweet and musky. Much more Panama (oops, meant Zamaldelica!) leaning I think instead of the intense citrus of the bonsai plant. This one is turning black. :)

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ACE Seeds Breeder
Wonderful looking Zamaldelica x Kali China buds @TexasTea :smoke: She got that unmistikable Kali China hashplant look.

Did you mention Panama for Z x KC hybrid? :unsure: Were you thinking about new Zenith (Zamaldelica x Panama) ?


Curious Cannivore
Oh, I meant Zamaldelica leaning! The bonsai one has the strong, almost rotten orange citrus aroma, and you said that plant was Kali China leaning. Whereas this black one has more a sweet musk aroma and has a very elegant sativa shape if you look at the whole plant. I was associating that shape with the dainty Zamaldelica I grew a couple of years back. :)


ACE Seeds Breeder
Congrats on the harvest of your first plant @TexasTea ;) Yeah, both have strong Kali China influence in the flowering structure, colors, resins, although due to being a complex polyhybrid with also strong sativa roots some can show longer sativa stretch than straight Kali China, and much different terpene profiles and effects than its parental plants. On the other hand, the orangy pistils is more a Zamaldelica elite trait.

The black one is a beauty :love: and looks very much like KC elite 21-4 mother, just taller and thinner in stems.


Curious Cannivore
Thanks for clarifying dubi. :)

Yes, I imagine with these polyhybrids it can be hard to pin down the parental traits. The Zamaldelica plant I grew a few years ago was surprisingly compact and very elegant. I had been expecting a monster sativa stretch so was happy when it stayed relatively tamed. It had a wonderful Smarties candy aroma and a nice high. I lost the jar to mold though as I was leaving too much humidity in my jars at the time.


Curious Cannivore
So this bonsai plant is almost ready to jar up. She lost the rotting citrus smell and is settling into a sweet and spicy fruity stage. Grown under 14w of LED with a 9w computer fan for 23w total electrical for 11 hours on 13 off per day. Total yield is 16 grams, so just over a half ounce. Not bad at all!



Active member
Damm those buds look delicious! Too bad, I think i got old and probably not well stored seeds from a third party retailer (did not order straight from Ace) and the three fems did not germinate. On the contrast, ThaiChi and Panama x Bangi Haze ordered from Ace popped up from the soil on the third day, incredible fast germination and vigorous growth so far!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Just starting one of these. How much do they stretch once you put them into flower?


Well-known member
Just starting one of these. How much do they stretch once you put them into flower?
Mine hardly stretched at all.
edit: hardly is a relative term. In this instance I mean hardly as in it probably doubled in height, but is still relatively short. She was vegged for about 45 days before the flip. That’s the Orient express behind her in the picture(much taller), and the ZxKC Is sitting on about a 10” lift.
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Happy to see you have one by mid flowering @MrHamilton :D A really squatty pheno, it's not going to stretch more after that.

Thanks @Chi13 for starting one Z x KC :) Since it is a complex poly hybrid, node length may vary in each individual from very short to moderate stretching, final size too.