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Zamaldelica + Malawi small screw-in LED grow




The latest Harvest
The Malawi clone and the Purple Haze x Malawi with the nanners are now dried and jared. I found one beautiful, mature seed in the PhxM, which suggests that the hermaphroditism has been going on for quite awhile and escaped me. It is useless, I know, but I'll probably grow it out anyhow sometimes next year just to see what happens. Will have to isolate it from all other plants.

The total weight of this harvest is interesting: 9g for the Malawi, 38g in total for the three PhxM. Comparing this to the amount I pulled from the seed mother of the Malawi, which was grown as one single plant in the same space, I can conclude the following: in the same space and under the same lights, one plant in a large pot, topped twice and tied down, yields about twice as much as four untopped singe cola plants in smaller pots.

This was my attempt at SOG-technique. At least with stretchy Sativas, the SCROG-Method clearly wins due to the higher density of colas in the same area.

Smoke test tonight.:biggrin:

The Panama Haze
The Panama Haze is now at 12 weeks and still not ready. 90% of pistils are brown, no more growth, but the trichomes are only half cloudy and no amber. According to the website, it's a 13-16 week strain. We'll see. No point in new pics, everything looks the same as last week.


Purple Haze x Malawi Smoke report

Purple Haze x Malawi Smoke report

This is the fast flowering Malawi-dominant pheno. It was grown organically and harvested early after 11 weeks of 11/13 and only one week of flushing due to hermaphroditism. Trichomes are 65% cloudy, no amber. Smoke test was done one week after harvest and after three days in jar at a humidity level of 65%.

For comparability, all reports are done the same way:
Tool: Arizer Solo vaporizer.
Amount of bud: a loosely packed glass pipe chamber of the vaporizer.
Setting: in the evening with a full belly.
Method of consumption: 5 deep draws, 30 minutes, then another 5 draws.

Now to the actual report.

Bag appeal: Large, beautiful nugs with red hairs, dense but still spongy, still quite green, and full of bananas.
Nose: fruity, sweet. It doesn't smell very strongly but has a pleasantly balanced, maybe slightly anonymous bouquet.
Taste: surprisingly mild. The vapour is almost not felt at all in the lungs. It is thin and virtually tasteless. This really makes me wonder since this particular plant was only flushed for one week and rather heavily fertilised, albeit organically. I've got a Zamaldelica which was grown with much less fertiliser, flushed for three weeks prior to harvest, and which has been jared for more than four weeks now, and it still vaporizes noticeably harsher (and tastier!) than this. It's buds are also less green, i.e. less full of chlorophyl. The only explanation I can think of is that with organic fertilisers, harshness is not a function of the amount of fertiliser still in the plant and rather that it is a genetic trait and some strains just smoke more harshly than others.
High: At the beginning, you're fooled to think that nothing is going to happen. Little smell, no taste, thin vapour which you don't feel. Did I just inhale something or was it just hot air? Could it be that this is just … hemp? It's been known to happen to growers once in awhile that a proven strain throws a freak pheno without THC.
Oh boy.
5 minutes, and you start to notice something. So it wasn't hemp after all. A high feeling in the head, very bright, heart pounding just a little faster. 20 minutes, and you're quite satisfied, thank you. This is where you want to be. 30 minutes. Oh dear. Maybe those five tokes were, ehrm, three, well at least two too many? No second helping on this one, that's for sure!
I should add that I hadn't smoked anything for five days prior to this test, so tolerance was down somewhat.
So to summarise: It's a creeper, a devious one. It's gives you a bright, strong head high and some energy, though without being uncomfortably racy. It's a happy high, but not a euphoric one, thought provoking, but no racing thought train, heightened sensibility but no paranoia. The name Haze seems extraordinarily fitting, because you actually feel like you're floating through some kind of a white, milky haze. That's a name, actually. “Milky Haze” I'd call this strain if it were mine.

Final thoughts: So it's got the raw power of the Malawi and the, well, haziness of the haze. An excellent strain truly well balanced. A pity about the nanners. I've got another clone which is in week 9 of 11/13 now. I'm watching it very carefully to see if it throws bananas too.


Panama Haze now has something like 50% milky, 45% clear and 5% amber trichomes. Its starting to purple! No new growth, 95% brown pistills, white pistills are curled. When does one harvest, I wonder. No more than two weeks from now, probably less.


Panama Haze Harvest after 13 weeks of 11/13

Panama Haze Harvest after 13 weeks of 11/13

Yesterday, on day 92 of 11/13, I cut down the Panama Haze. I’ve seen an increasing number of amber trichomes during the past week and a preliminary smoke test proved that it wasn’t impossibly immature. There has been no new growth for a long time either. So this makes this another fast flowering plant, considering the flowering times according to ACE’s website are 13-16 weeks. Well, the 13 hours of darkness in the cycle might speed things up. As you can see, the plant acquired a purple hue at the end. Is this the Purple Haze side of the Haze genetics coming through or is that part of the Panama side as well?

The plants are unable to support their own weight and needed to lean against the wall for this modelling session.

The Purple Haze x Malawi clone, now at 10 weeks, throws bananas every day. I also found an immature seed on a lower bud. I continue to remove the bananas in an attempt to take the plant to 11 weeks. I know I shouldn’t keep this stuff in my flowering tent at all, but the final product is just so darn good.


Active member
Lovely work! Great job with the Purps!!!Looks amazing! Am imagining a truly trippy high from her after a good cure. Look forward to your smoke reports ! Happy growing!


Active member
Sorry to hear about the constant bananas on the panama haze x malawi but those panama haze buds look great all the same :good:


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi spugg,

I'm sorry to hear that the Purple Haze Malawi threw bananas in late flowering, it's not a common thing with this strain although always possible with this kind of tropical sativas when they are grown indoors. Anyway, i'm glad you are enjoying its effects, please check if the clone repeats the same problem, if that's the case i will replace you the seeds.

The purple Panama Haze looks indeed like Purple Haze 23 x Panama Goddess. Astonishing flower formation, loving its giant and overflowing colas. Very promising sativa you have there :)

Thanks a lot for your feedback!


Thank you, Dubi, you're a very honest businessman. You don't have to send me an extra seed though as I've got more seeds than I have the time and space to grow right now anyway. Also, I'm not at all unhappy with the results despite the bananas which, of course, are a nuisance. I've still got a few clones of that plant going, one of which is due in a couple of days. This is definitely a hermie pheno, not just some freak occurrence, because this clone behaves exactly the same way as the other ones. In the 8th week it starts to throw nanners, at first just one or two, then, after the 10th week, a lot more. And no other plant next to it does that. I investigate it closely every day and remove anything I can find.
Other properties of this pheno are: A relatively weak root growth. Less vigorous side branching than, for instance, the Panama Haze and the Zamaldelica.

However, the pheno has its merits as well. The flowers are rather big and tight, and it's a fast finisher for a sativa. It has no leaf issues, unlike the Malawi and the Panama Haze which are both very sensitive to underfeeding. And the effects I have already described. They are of absolute premium quality and well worth even risking to pollinate other great plants for. I'm not a breeder, so I can't assess these things at all, but if one could find a way to get rid of the hermie trait in this pheno while retaining the quality of the high this could really be something very special. I fact, I already think it is.


The Panama Haze is now dried and curing. 78G dry weight. The most intoxicating smell! Fruits and lemon. Open a jar and within seconds it stinks up the whole room. :yummy:




Yesterday, I cut down the Purple Haze x Malawi clone. On these pics you can see the structure of the plant, particularly its lack of side branching and fat, chunky flowers.

The lack of branches is partly due to the small container–it is standing in a 2,4l pot. However, other strains produced more side growth in same-sized pots. These three Panama Hazes for example:


Update continued

Update continued

Despite my picking all the bananas, that little transgender s**t still seeded the Zamaldelica clone next to it. On this pic, if you look closely, you can see three seeds: one well developed yet immature, one atrophied and a third immature one that is a little out of focus.

I’m going to let them mature and probably do some experiments with them next fall. I know they are worthless, but I’m still curious as to what grows out of them. Maybe I’ll build an extra little cabinet for them to flower isolated from the rest.

I have looked around and not found any other seeds, but of course you don’t see everything. There is bound to be some more. It’s a bit aggravating, but it’ll be interesting to compare the high of seeded Zamaldelica with unseeded.


Well-known member
Awesome buds, spugg, too bad about the nanners, but doesn't look like they got too far. 2 strains I definitely want to try, envious over here;)


Active member
Despite my picking all the bananas, that little transgender s**t still seeded the Zamaldelica clone next to it. On this pic, if you look closely, you can see three seeds: one well developed yet immature, one atrophied and a third immature one that is a little out of focus.
https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=70242&pictureid=1737971View Image

I’m going to let them mature and probably do some experiments with them next fall. I know they are worthless, but I’m still curious as to what grows out of them. Maybe I’ll build an extra little cabinet for them to flower isolated from the rest.

I have looked around and not found any other seeds, but of course you don’t see everything. There is bound to be some more. It’s a bit aggravating, but it’ll be interesting to compare the high of seeded Zamaldelica with unseeded.

spugg looking tastie:laughing:


Active member
Don't sweat the seeds, you'll probably find they will provide great smoke and will be fems, although the offspring will also have a tendency to herm at any sort of stress. I have seedlings that are fourth generation S1's of Zamaldelica that have been just as good as the original F1 line released by Dubi back in 2013. For personal smoke it doesn't matter much if the buds have seeds, though by the time you get the seeds out of the bud most of the trychs are stuck to your fingers, so I try to limit the amount of volunteer seeds I let happen.



Well-known member
Amazing Purple Haze x Malawi.
Mine branched out a lot, with much more "hazier" buds, not so dense, hard looking nuggets like yours.

High was quite similar what you describe in your smoke report. The name "Milky Haze" would fit perfectly, this nice up-high without being racy.

By the way, really good smoke reports, thanks for that, always very interesting to read :)
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Panama Haze smoke report

Panama Haze smoke report

This is about the Panama Haze after one week in jars.

For comparability, all reports are done the same way:
Tool: Arizer Solo vaporizer.
Amount of bud: a loosely packed glass pipe chamber of the vaporizer.
Setting: in the evening with a full belly.
Method of consumption: 5 deep draws, 30 minutes, then another 5 draws.

Nose: Upon opening the jar. A strong and pleasant aroma hits you. Mostly pine, a hint of lemon and peppermint in the background. After only a week of curing though, this is still the initial smell. It'll change quite a lot over the coming weeks.

Taste: This is by far the best tasting of all the ACE strains I've tried so far. The thick, white vapor is completely smooth, no harshness whatsoever. An explosion of lemongrass fills the throat. A truly delicious vape.

Effects: This is no creeper. Immediately upon the first exhale you know something is about to happen, and that it is going to be good. The effect then builds up over a corse of ten minutes. There is a hazy feeling to it, a strong head high, and a nice amount of body. And this is a very visual experience. Color patterns move in front of your eyes, when they are closed – but also when they are opened. And it can get a little frightening. Magenta colored patterns moved in front of my eyes, then suddenly they turned dark purple and started to look angry. The ceiling acquired a personality and stared sternly at me. But it passed quickly, washed away by the nex wave of happiness.
This girl isn't as strong as the Malawi-influenced strains but strong enough to put me where I want to be. The effect peaks after 20 minutes and stays like that for about 2 hours, then slowly starts to wear off. A high dosage puts you to sleep, but you keep waking up and it interferes with your sleep even after the effect has worn off. It isn't a very good sleep medicine.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks spugg for your understanding and for sharing such nice smoke reports :)

The Panama Haze look great, amazing flower explosion, great flower/leaf ratio and resin production, some of the finest Panama Haze we have seen here lately .... i think you got the Purple Haze x Panama from your Panama Haze pack, that's interesting because along with the Purple Haze Malawi now you know quite well how our Purple Haze 23 parental plant performs in different F1 hybrids.

Are you finding incensey aromas in the haze hybrids you have grown from us ?


Thanks spugg for your understanding and for sharing such nice smoke reports :)

The Panama Haze look great, amazing flower explosion, great flower/leaf ratio and resin production, some of the finest Panama Haze we have seen here lately .... i think you got the Purple Haze x Panama from your Panama Haze pack, that's interesting because along with the Purple Haze Malawi now you know quite well how our Purple Haze 23 parental plant performs in different F1 hybrids.

Are you finding incensey aromas in the haze hybrids you have grown from us ?

Thank you, Dubi. That Purple Haze 23 must be a spectacular plant. The effects of both hybrids are quite similar, the main difference being the overpowering strength of the Malawi hybrid. So I believe I have an idea of what the pure Haze might be like, though I would never grow a plant with such long flowering times. The effect is my personal favorite at the moment, even trumping the Zamaldelica (and certainly the pure Malawi). Incensey aromas? I’m not sure. Both plants are as little smelling as any weed I’ve ever had, similar to the Malawi and quite unlike the Zamaldelica which now, after a cure, has a distinct and recognizable blueberry smell. The Panama Haze is somewhat fruity–like some sort of dried fruit–but it is faint and more wearing off than increasing with time spent in the jars. The PHxMalawi I don’t recognize as smelling like anything particular at all. It has a faint smell of it's own, but it is hard to compare it to anything.

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