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Zamaldelica + Malawi small screw-in LED grow

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
Wow, absolutely fantastic job growing those under cheap leds.
About what is the average height in your set up for the plants?
What kind of penetration do you get with those lights?
One last question, do you use side lighting at all or all from above?

Again great job,

Peace GG


Wow, absolutely fantastic job growing those under cheap leds.
About what is the average height in your set up for the plants?
What kind of penetration do you get with those lights?
One last question, do you use side lighting at all or all from above?

Again great job,

Peace GG

This plant was heavily trained. Height is arund 60 cm - ish.
Penetration is like 30-40 cm, anything below that is just shake.
No side lighting.


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Excellent job Spugg! Your smoke report / pics / everything are spot on with what to expect from Zamaldelica. Good work on flowering longer with this line, it does tend to mellow out the scary a bit.

When I saw the smoke report plan was 5 hits and then 5 more later, I thought "there's no way hes going to get to the second set!" :laughing:

How are you liking the LEDs compared to previous lighting sources?


Excellent job Spugg! Your smoke report / pics / everything are spot on with what to expect from Zamaldelica. Good work on flowering longer with this line, it does tend to mellow out the scary a bit.

When I saw the smoke report plan was 5 hits and then 5 more later, I thought "there's no way hes going to get to the second set!"

How are you liking the LEDs compared to previous lighting sources?

Haha ... Nope, the second set is definitely not going to happen with this strain.

To answer your question, I’m very happy with the LED method. I owe you a big thank you, Terpene. It was after reading various threads of yours that I decided to try both ACE's strains and the screw-in LED method. I used to think one needs 1000w HPS to grow these kinds of sativas. So: thank you!


97 grams of Zamaldelica

97 grams of Zamaldelica

The Zamaldelica is now dried and in the jars. Hanging the whole plant to dry was definitely the right thing to do. Trimming dry was a bit of a hassle but the drying process was much slower and the wet hay smell never occurred. The buds are now in jars and at 64% humidity. I air them once a day for 5 minutes. Smell is sweet citrus and flowers. Final weight: 97 grams. I'm very optimistic about the final cured quality of this batch. Will update on the remaining plants soon.




The goal set for this thread has almost been accomplished–save for the final smoke report after a 6 months cure. Which is going to take, well, another 6 months. Meanwhile, here are some updates about the other clones.

The Panama Haze has now completed 7 weeks of 11/13. It is exhibiting fantastic floral development, typically sativa-leaning with a spiral of buds growing around a long stalk. No brown pistils yet, I expect this one to go at the very least another 4 weeks.

The Purple Haze x Malawi also develops large chunks of bud which to me look more like pieces of cookie dough. A few brown hairs and curled pistils. This could be another fast finishing pheno.


Update (continued)

Update (continued)

Another cookie dough Purple Haze x Malawi

The Malawi clone is interesting. It appears to be about one week behind where the original plant was at this time in terms of floral development. The top cola is very thin and airy. Apart from being a clone, the difference is that I`m growing this as a single cola plant in a smaller pot with higher fertilizer levels, as the original plant showed so many deficiencies.

Obviously, in a small setup like this one, it is less efficient to grow single colas than topped + super cropped plants. The yield isn’t going to be as fantastic as with the previous specimen. I did it like this for experimental reasons and because I just this one time wanted to see the plant in its natural shape. However, I’ve gone back to topping+bending. I’ve fund that single colas stretch too much, stems become too thin and won’t support their own weight. The Malawi has produced no side branches and has only one thin cola. It especially benefited from having many small colas and lots of root space and the large yield was due to the large number of branches with flowers on them, the individual buds being rather small.

So here are some topped Zamaldelica clones which just have completed their fourth week of 11/13. Looking good! Certainly in terms of yield and tent behavior (i.e. flowering time + sensitivity), this plant really is the one!


Well-known member
The Panama Haze and PH x malawi are beautiful, spugg! I was checking out some LED fixtures on amazon and came across something called an LED Corn Light. They have no housing, run just like our screw ins with lids popped off, and are 30-35watts. COuld screw ins go vertical? Might be nice to have a couple/four of these dropped in between the plants;)


Malawi intermediary smoke report

Malawi intermediary smoke report

The Panama Haze and PH x malawi are beautiful, spugg! I was checking out some LED fixtures on amazon and came across something called an LED Corn Light. They have no housing, run just like our screw ins with lids popped off, and are 30-35watts. COuld screw ins go vertical? Might be nice to have a couple/four of these dropped in between the plants;)

Hi, dwd. I checked those out. Seen them before, but I can't fit lights inbetween my plants. Too little room for that.

Anyway, I tried the Malawi yesterday, now that it has been in the jars for one month. It still doesn't taste or smell much, the effects haven't changed, but it seems stronger now. A lot stronger. Or maybe I just picked better sample, more of a real piece of bud instead of whispy pop corn. Anyway, it now seems stronger even than the Zamaldelica. Five tokes and half an hour later you're just lying there on your back, thinking: WTF!:woohoo:


ACE Seeds Breeder
Excellent Zamaldelica harvest and smoke report spugg :yes:
You are doing a fantastic job with some of our more sativa strains indoors!

I'm so glad you and your wife enjoyed so much with your Zamaldelica experience! :huggg: Sounds like you got a tasty and well focused yet strong, complex and long lasting Zamaldelica pheno, the smoke can only improve with the curing process, guess it's going to be a really nice smoke to enjoy outdoors now in spring time.

The Purple Haze Malawi and Panama Haze looks great as well!
Both are very well tamed indoors, your Purple Haze Malawi looks like an early flowering resinous Malawi pheno, the Panama Haze looks very nice and elegant, more Haze dominant, with the classic spiral Hazy/colombian type of flowering. It's going to be a pleasure to see the haze hybrids finishing under your good cares :yes:
Thanks a lot for the updates!


Update: 10 weeks of 11/13 on the Panama Haze and the PH x Malawi clones.

Update: 10 weeks of 11/13 on the Panama Haze and the PH x Malawi clones.

Thank you, Dubi, for your kind words. The Purple Haze x Malawi really is a fast finisher. 10 weeks of 11/13 and already the clones look like this:

This one is funny with all its foxtails:

The trichomes are half clear/half cloudy. I expect no more than another 3 weeks and already give nothing but clean water.

As for the Panama Hazes, they still have a few more weeks to go:

Oddly spikey looking flowers on purple stems. All are getting heavy and are no longer able to support their own weight–one of the many downsides of growing single colas as opposed to topped + trained plants.


Update continued

Update continued

Now here, the Malawi clone is a bit of an oddball. It’s mother was a 10 weeker with fruity aromas. This one after 10 weeks seems one week behind where it’s mother was at this point. Smells are a bit different too, more oily when I rub the stem. She was very thin an airy but fattened up during last week and roundabout doubled in weight. Main difference between her and the seed mother (apart from this one being a clone) is that I grew her in richer soil and didn’t put her through any of the deficiencies the mother suffered:

Is it possible to increase flowering time with better soil and–conversely–decrease it with insufficient feeding? I’m really curious as to how she smokes compared to the mother.

Finally, some additional pics:




Went away for a week and came back today, only to find my Purple Haze x Malawi full of bananas.:tumbleweed: All three of them after 11 weeks. Only the PHxM were afflicted, none of the other plants. Idk the reason for this, there were no light leaks but I took the plants down emediatly, together with the Malawi that was ready to go. Hope I don't get too many seeds on the other plants from this. There are bound to be some considering the amount of yellow in the flowers.
I would have given the PHxMs another two weeks, but heck! Guess they'll be racey.
Will post pictures soon.


Active member
Sorry to hear about them throwing bananas like that. It sucks pretty badly but on the plus side of things you'll free up space for new plants which is always a joyous occasion. Have you thought about what you're going to replace them with yet?


Active member
Went away for a week and came back today, only to find my Purple Haze x Malawi full of bananas.:tumbleweed: All three of them after 11 weeks. Only the PHxM were afflicted, none of the other plants. Idk the reason for this, there were no light leaks but I took the plants down emediatly, together with the Malawi that was ready to go. Hope I don't get too many seeds on the other plants from this. There are bound to be some considering the amount of yellow in the flowers.
I would have given the PHxMs another two weeks, but heck! Guess they'll be racey.
Will post pictures soon.

looking forward to the smoke report :rasta:


Nanners pics

Nanners pics

As promised, the pics of the bananas.

These girls look really green and will probably taste a little harsh after only 7 days of flushing. I had expected to flush them for another 2 weeks, let them yellow a little.