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Your Pets!!!

Big D

yeah, the cat looks PISSED!

Yeah... I rescued that cat from the streets, she was probably 6 months old, she's alittle wild anyway so to be putting a costume on her... well as you can see by the look on her face, she is ready to get in someones ass. And as soon as the photo shoot was over, she shredded that hat.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
shadow i'm feeling for you..you situation cuts deep into me..my big mutt blew his legs out at 3yrs. old..took him to three vets all said surgery..couldn,t put that big dog through it..put him down...its just awful watching your dog try to walk when he can't.i saw the life leave out of him everytime he saw a rabbit or something and could barely get up...chin up shadow your doing right by him...peace


The Hopeful Protagonist
I can definitely relate to the "when is it time" discussion......I have a 15 y.o. Pitty, she's in excellent health, but it's getting near that time I fear.



Pull my finger

My pet microbes. Aren't they cute?


Active member
K+++++ to all you caring pet owners out there.
I personally have no time for those that abuse animals.
I have an 11 year old mixed breed,and she means the world to me,and I'll miss her dearly when her time comes.


Pull my finger
Aww thanks green machine. They are always happy to see me and never pee on the floor. My best friend.

Had em since they were babies.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender

My kids are still in the womb...I haven't made them yet. They smell waaay worse than my kitties do, but I love them too. They make my weed fantabulous.


Soniq: Have read the work they have done with "alex" african grey?


Soniq: Have read the work they have done with "alex" african grey?

I have heard of Alex, and the studies... I skimmed them once awhile ago and haven't revisited them since. I remember the outline was incredible!

My Lucky knows several words and phrases, and what really blew me away was when he was able to pick the meaning of the words out of the phrases and use them in phrases he completely put together on his own! He knows at least 40 some words and assembles phrases from them as he sees fit.

I can hear him practicing more words at night when i put him to bed, he mumbles under his breath while he's falling asleep, practicing new words to completely surprise me with in a month or so



Want to teach him something cool.
Get one of the small wiffle type balls they give ferrets to play with.
Toss it to him and I bet he will throw it back. ;) If you say 'get it' when he goes to retrieve it. He will ask the same of you and will use the phrase to inititate the game as well.