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Your Pets!!!


no wuckin furries!
here is my little boy he's 4 months old now a little older than shown in the pic's....he's a strange one...he dont make much noise ..dosnt meow...only real quiet...very loving but likes to bite grrrrr...he must know im talking about him cause he just jumped on my lap lol...HH. =]-~



I'm not a real goat.™
My 'best friend' - Deuce




Active member
Here is my little tiger he's 8 or 9 years old already .

His name is Nero which means black or black one in italian.



lazy ass cat


maffia cat

And for some reason or another he potty trained himself when he was 1.5 years old:yoinks:


frist he looks and sniffs


and then he does his thing , nice and clean in the middle. First time i sawthis i couldn't stop laughing , too bad they only become 15-20 years:(


ICMag Donor
THC!! thats sooooo cool your cat does that and she did it all on her own!!lol thats mindblowing!..wish my cat would do that!
S4L ...never ever get tired of looking at your babies!!
love all the pics of your loved ones!

heres our boy..hes not around anymore and miss him a ton but hes still here in spirit for sure!
grr for some reason I cant get the pic to show just the url! oh well..I think I'll just go puff and forget about it! lol


That cat is amazing! Could this be the cutest and fuzziest thread,ever?!


Active member
THC!! thats sooooo cool your cat does that and she did it all on her own!!lol thats mindblowing!..wish my cat would do that!

yeah lol its strange.

There are 2 possibilities

1. he learned it before i got him , i bought him when he was 9 months old in an animal shelter.

2. he is just fucking smart and understands certain things he sees

I hope it's the second:D


I'm not a real goat.™
Just got home from work to find Deuce gone!!!!

He stays on a runner in the back yard while I'm at work and it seems he somehow slipped out of his collar today and took off. I've asked all of my neighbors and no one has seen him. I'm going to put flyers up around the neighborhood and also pass by the pound tomorrow. I have absolutely no concern with regards to him attacking a person or another animal because hes well socialized and extremely friendly. I just hope some Mike Vick type hasn't picked him up and trys to fight him...

God, I hope I find him....he's truly one of my best friends.

If you all could just think a good thought for Deuce, I'd greatly appreciate it!

My 'best friend' - Deuce




The Hopeful Protagonist
WOW!.....Good vibes bro...let us know man.

When you get him back bro...get him micro-chipped at least.

Good luck man
While I love lookin at everyone pets..this thread is a bad call - major security risk for some.

You wouldn't show pictures of your real kids on these forums - showing pictures of your pets CAN be just as telling and identifying .. Escpecially multiple pets link to one person.

"Hey ...isnt that Dave's dog..sitting next to his cat...yup sure is..just look at the rug"

See what I mean... Hell I'm paranoid about my dogs hair going out in the grow trash..would never even think of posting her breed let alone her picture on here.

I do also realize a lot of people are from CA where its not really as big as a deal as it is in other areas. If thats the case and you dont care - post on, but I just wanted to warn the people just tossing pics of their "kids" on here for the world to see without thinking about it 1st.

Also - be sure to strip the data associated with the picture so that it cannot be traced back to you somehow.. you know.. like to that big bad truck you posted over on the cool car forums somewhere not thinking about how it could POSSIBLY be linked up and a chain of grows unveiled.

be careful all



East Coast Grower
5legged sorry to hear, beautiful dog. What is it? Im not really a dog or pet person. My GF (and I, when we lived together) had 2 awesome cats, thats the closest I've been to having a pet. Our fat one loved to eat all my leaves, pesky creature!



this is my baby akika, she is a 26 year old (older than me!!) amazon blue fronted parrot with incredible intelligence and a large vocabulary (you hungry, whats up, fuck you, tons of names, want a scratch, wanna come out, good morning, good night, thank you, want a shower, time for bed, etc ...99% of the time the words are used at the PERFECTLY appropriate time in PERFECT context.. still amazes me to this day when she busts out a new word ive never heard before right when it should be used)
... the bird absolutely hated me until i was about 13, now we are best friends! it took a long time to get that way though.. took her about 6 years to develop trust in me and move from being my dads companion to mine, now whenever she see's my dad she will straight up attack him!


I'm not a real goat.™
GOT HIM!!!!!:woohoo:

I went to the local animal control center as soon as they opened today (1pm) and there he was......in the last kennel to the left, sitting at attention, wagging his whole body. Can't tell you guys how relieved I was when I saw him. The animal control officer that picked him up was a really cool guy. He said he picked Deuce up around 9:30 a.m. in a neighborhood almost 3 miles from where I live. Cost me a bill to bail him out, but I would have paid a thousand just the same. Know I know how my parents must have felt when they had to pick ME up throughout my high school years. lol :smile:

Thanks to iGrow, Mrs. B, S4L, steppin, cellar, Rob and to everyone who was thinkin' good thoughts! :wink: