I dont understand why this is still on the top. Of course i'm just adding to it and keeping it there, but i'd like to know what happened to this side of the forum. Used to be full of good conversation. Now its just like the other subforums..
Dolomite lime ain't "organic" either...
I think the term organic is a misnomer personally. I prefer the term sustainable.
Basically, you'd have to ask yourself "Is it remotely possible that this could occurr in the natural state"?
I've been a member, in good standing for over 20 years, of the Oregon Tilth organization and while I've had my issues with them on a few deals I think that they're one of the best organizations promoting organic farming that there is.Many think Oregon Tilth is the best..
What say you, Clack?
How do you figure Dolomite Lime is not organic? It is basically limestone ground down to a powder.
Part of the problem with the term 'organic' is that it has different definitions depending on whether you're talking about EPA definitions vs. USDA definitions.
Which is why something as silly as potting soil can be labeled 'organic' which is on it's face completely absurd.
Organic perlite? Please! Organic pumice? Seriously?
Silly laws result in stupid definitions/standards.