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Yes I really live on an Island with a tribe of Natives


Active member
I wonder how long these UNESCO pratts were/are there . Can see his comms coming down while their running all over the island but thought masa would have been up & running now as I`m sure he said 6mnths .


" i was excepted to Annapolis Navel Academy,,and received my commission in the United States Marine Corps in 1980, retired in 2007 at the rank of Captain."

I stopped reading after this sentence. I take it I missed some entertainment?


Well-known member
How seriously does one have to take anything in life before it can be enjoyable ? I thought it was some of the best entertainment I have run across.


Active member
Go back and read it all, and maybe masa will be back by the time Ya get back to Us.
I GAURENTEE Ya that its better than anything Hollywood is putting out.



Nope, Masa is the real deal. You can't make this shit up.. The best you can do is live it, learn it, pass it on..
This is kinda cool,,and I didnt really notice until a year or so after getting here.
When Sabuya and I first met, I had to work for it,, First I followed her to Amsterdam, Charming her with my worldy ways :laughing:. She worked 5 days a week so spending time with her was at a premium, but she encouraged my advances so I continued to take more ground, The prob I kept running into was her wondering "am I just looking to get laid" and after the conquest I'd be gone.

Well Im here ta telll ya, If for nothing else in my personal history I am a gentlemen, my mothers still alive in her house on Drumcondra and if word got to her that I was anything less,,,,,,,,It wouldnt go well for me lets say,, no matter where im living Ma has her ways...
So,, after our first weekend together monday morning I rented a house boat near her flat and made it know I was in it to win it.
The second weekend she spent on the boat in a seperate room, we cooked in, watched movies slept late, she'd hit a bottle of wine I'd smoke my weed, it was cool. Now keep in mind I havent laid a hand on her, and I found out early on that holding her hand was not an option, didnt know why at the time, I just figured she was into public displays of affection.. I was kinda wrong..

The sunday evening before she had to go back to work we were sitting side by side on the deck with our bare feet resting on the rails, she's nipping on a bottle of vino I'm roasting on some skunk bud, next thing i know her foot is covering mine ,,rubbing it scratching it,running her toes under my foot, just smothing all over it for 15-20 minutes , I didnt say a word, I just did the same when I felt it was my turn..
That would be the first night we spent "together" (remember Im a gentelmen)and in the following months I'd get these cool little foot rubs as we were just sitting around chillin...

OK FAST FORWARD...back to the island..

Boy meets girl,,happens all over the world everyday and here is no exception, when a couple meet and start courting each other,, if things progress they'll go to the "dating rock" ( best I can translate) and its just that,,,a big ass flat rock high on the mountian side overlooking the sea, we go up there all the time as do other couples, it was there when it came to light,,we were sitting on the rock with 3 other couples and I noticed 2 of the women and my wife doing the foot rub,,,, so I asked "whats up with the rubbing of the feet" the answer izzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.???
You guessed it,thats the high sign,,shes now ready to be his, she has decided that this is the man for her and now is time to let him know,,, holding hands is not done its just not done,and nothing can change that(not that id want to). Its the highest sign of affection and the longer the foot rubbing the more affectionate things get, , my mind instantly went back to that sunday evening on the house boat.

Durning parties and get togethers you can see old and young couples sitting off on the side lines still doing it to each other, its also a way of letting your mate know your looking for some attention later on, and of course I get my foot rubbed on a regular basis.:biggrin:


Active member
I have to go to Malaysia later this year, miss the Phills , yearning for Lechon & Kinalaw ,

Should I go and find him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Horse-toothed Jackass
they reverted back to cannabilism and he went into the stew pot....its a joke get over it.....

that is pretty funny
there probably are tribes in the asian seas that have cannibalism roots and who knows maybe still do, if modern people cant visit them who would know? and the ones unlucky enough to find out, well, you know, there's a reason they found out and its not so they could go tell anyone...
hes super tight with his people though, he's got a mixed kid, so he's practically one of them.
i think hes cautious enough to not go into areas he shouldnt go to and capable enough to take care of himself if trouble finds him.

its the whole unesco thing. doesn't want the UN cultural scientists knowing he's got all sorts of western goodies on the island. theyd want him to leave, maybe the local govts would start harassing him, who knows. just a terrible bother.
its kind of ironic that it's the white man screwing it up for the white man on this island. its like repression. he cant have nice things because theyd take it away from him.
actually, im not sure the scientists are even white.
maybe the better analogy is that government is interfering with his right to live life as he sees fit EVEN ON THIS ISLAND IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.
THAT is ironic.

Actually, this island isn't in the middle of nowhere, lots of ships pass by and the PI and Indo are apparently within a reasonable distance. If it WAS in the middle of nowhere, then the UN might leave him alone, but i get the feeling that as long as there's indigenous people's anywhere, the UN or some university will want to send people there just to see whats up. cause they got nothing better to do than interfere with other peoples lives.


Twistedtrucker,You always know where to find the interesting stuff! That's why I like reading threads you've posted to. Know I won't be bored! :)


Active member
Me too,,, The Legend lives on. Bababooy's SO right bout the UNESCO Fucks, and University Pukes. I suspect They've managed to ruin it for Bad Dog.


Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I know, I bumped this thread hoping it went to massa's email and everyone got excited. I felt bad, but we should def keep bumping this thread. Maybe there will be contact if he leaves the island for coffee or dirt bikes lol


New member
If you search google masamasoo it looks like he selling some of his coffee online so maybe the unesco didnt get him i hope all is good for you masomasoo have read all of your fantastic story and sending good juju your way...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I see that, looks like you can pm him there seen a post on a motorcycle forum of his too from november so at least we know hes alive.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
That's all I wanted to know was that he is ok, just enjoyed his post and it was cool he shared his life.

He wrecked that Chinese dirt bike on the mountain, prolly sourcing parts lol

Bet his coffee kicks ass!

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