PT Barnum'd my ass, buddy. Masa is out there, probably maintaining com sat silence per Unesco or WHO or whatever alphabet boys are in "charge" of that area's "request". I know a guy in my town who travels to Guam, Micronesia and a shit load of other lil no name islands for business who claims there's SCORES of little island societies out there. Who knows what goes on at those little island chains behind the North American publics' view. Last he wrote, TPTB wanted him to construct a building. How much ya wanna bet it was for the very observers NOW driving him crazy with red tape and bs! That would be a typical pencil pushin, bureaucrats move IMHO.
I would be the first to bet that Masa is a real entity, a real vet, and just biding his time to make a return. Probably going crazy wishing for a good ol fashioned conversation in English. Probably tokin up a long season thai in a bamboo bong, driving his Island girl nuts hahaha!
Never had a problem at all burning one while reading a good story well told. If that is what this person was doing - how much was he charging anyone - I have to reject the idea anyone was 'PT Barumed ' . I would suggest we were very well entertained, at no expense to ourselves. In my eyes, that is more than fair exchange. Fair is not the business that P T Barnum was in.
When I think about PT Barnum, for some reason Sarah Palin is the image that comes up.
I don't think this was a hoax, he's posted too many pictures and told too many stories for it to be fake.
He's on an island in the south pacific peopled exclusively by native tribes. The fact that he had electricity and internet was semi-amazing. Now that he's got a kid and obligations his efforts are focused on that more than posting about his life on websites.
But I do hope he would pop back in, just to say he's ok.
i dont live to far away from his mother, if i had an address i could call over lol. that may get me arrested some cray dude from the internet banging on her door
masa is as real as they come >>> iv knowing been in contac with him over the last few years <<even sent auto seeds his way>>and he sent me some lovely perals and some banana leafs[for blunts]
the storms that hit Phillips's was not no mino>>fk hati and that are still recovering from they quakes years ago just world has new news plains are going missing from e sky n shiz!!
I think masas end got hit and my guess is bad with them storms when he is up and running good again if all is well he will be bk!!
masa hope ye good muka & hope everythings fine with you and your fella hagi$$