I can think of a lot worse things than being stranded all night with a naked woman. Hope you used that time wisely
Oh no, don't giasa any more projects. He's going to spend the next 6 months trying to get this water-doping figured out. Although it would be bad ass if he did, having to maintain his own supply of fuel on the island seems like a lot of time and expense, it would be nice if he could stretch it out even more. Especially if he gets those bigger engines.
Have you ever tried mixing up different strains in the same joint or bong? Some people call that a salad bowl, different strains tend to complement each other well, making for an overall better high.
Your wife sounds like a true sea woman. You're lucky to have her as a first mate, in more ways than one.
Anchoring the MJ in deep low tide waters off the beach sounds good when avoiding low tide, but does that mean the boat will be more exposed to the waves and possible storm damage? Waiting 6 hours for high tide is better than coming back to a damaged boat...
I can think of a lot worse things than being stranded all night with a naked woman. Hope you used that time wisely.
With you all the way on that thought .
<<< scotish thing masa wee like to moon peeps lol
hows tricks muka, dam they banana blunts loot dank
lifes looking sweet my friend the way it was intended for us
my wifes read yer thread buddy she thinks you & your ladie are awesome and doing grate things for ye island and the peeps yees help<< she liked how yous met made her giggle the way you put it on.
went to the cliff top I threw a plant at as ant been near in 1 mounth << to be honest I thought id see some dead ass plant klinging to life << dam I was wrong View attachment 229245
the fukr is flourishing bout 3 foot tall!
looked a lil thirsty but I sorted that shit right there and then , seems mother nature looked after it and good.
just a waiting game noo make sure its she and not he or any ladyboy shit
and if alls good l8 sep eary oct ill be looking to pull it down and reap rewards<< it stinks like fuk and looks nice and lush , the ground its in was grate nice asey to dig hole lots loose soil think this has helped shit loads also >> till next time stay safe n high as fkhagi$$[/QUOTE
Haggy,,whats is going on over in yer part of the world laddy???
back at yea Irish thing,,,I just like to show people my ass,,,hahahaha.yea except the rains right noe things are going good, but hey you know the other shoes gonna drp sonner or later, just a matter of how hard it drops..
Good on the misses for reading up on things heres,,in case you have any questions ,,,you can ask her.
got ya a lil hill side honey eh ?? lil fat leaf fuker to i see, do ya know what it is ?? keep us posted on what happens,,,and whats going on inside ???
Hey Masa good to see you're turning a little psychedelic there, that snail's trippy. The cashew nut pile looks suspicious too from far away, but the bud ending the show keeps things reassuringly down to earth and echoes the pirate from the first slide.
Are you trying to tell us something ?
No can do. You can pollinate them but you can't really clone them. Another recommendation for haggis, Short Stuff Mi5. Killer smoke but it stinks to high heaven; worth it though. Big Buddha Blue Cheese auto is another fine one; really fine. I like autos for variety.Oh those buds look nice. I can see where autos can be advantageous, very quick turnaround time.
Can you take clones of autos and reveg them?