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Yes I really live on an Island with a tribe of Natives


Active member
1st off BAD Dog, Thanks for Your SERVICE.
I am only on pg.8 ATM.
I have been off-line for a few yrs. just getting back, and this is
The 1st thread I land on.
Brother I have been LOVING traveling through your memories.
Thanks so much for sharing your Lifes experiences with Us ALL.
There are so very FEW people in this world who actually live life
on their own terms.
I am 47yrs old and finally truly following My heart, NOT the $$$
For the 1st time,(mid-life crisis???)
Story for My own thread,, Me thinks.
This story is making Me smile MORE than I thought possible just a
few weeks ago(heavy soul searching shit going on).

Peace: Still Twisted, but tryn to unwind.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yes, that is some sweet banana blunt action!
Very interesting. Does the cocoa or coffee give a little flavor to the smoke? Probably not, but you probably taste a bit on your lips touching it...
What does the banana leaf smoke taste like? I know when i smoke blunts, you mostly taste the weed of course, but you do get that tobacco flavor too, from the wrap.


1st off BAD Dog, Thanks for Your SERVICE.
I am only on pg.8 ATM.
I have been off-line for a few yrs. just getting back, and this is
The 1st thread I land on.
Brother I have been LOVING traveling through your memories.
Thanks so much for sharing your Lifes experiences with Us ALL.
There are so very FEW people in this world who actually live life
on their own terms.
I am 47yrs old and finally truly following My heart, NOT the $$$
For the 1st time,(mid-life crisis???)
Story for My own thread,, Me thinks.
This story is making Me smile MORE than I thought possible just a
few weeks ago(heavy soul searching shit going on).

Peace: Still Twisted, but tryn to unwind.

Sounds like yer gonna have a few questions as ya read on,,,feel free at ask,,thats what makes the thread..

Yes, that is some sweet banana blunt action!
Very interesting. Does the cocoa or coffee give a little flavor to the smoke? Probably not, but you probably taste a bit on your lips touching it...
What does the banana leaf smoke taste like? I know when i smoke blunts, you mostly taste the weed of course, but you do get that tobacco flavor too, from the wrap.

Dont know why some swinging dick hasent tried to mass market um man ,,i really dont,,,endless supply,,grows ,,,everywhere..

Ive never been a blunt guy,,never wanted to roll my tasty nugs up in a hunk of thick ass paper infused with chemical flavors that dont even taste like what is says on the package,,,Phillys back in the old days worked nice but i didnt like the tobacco flavor and we was using them way long time before the term "blunt" was coined.
But no never liked blunt wraps..

Now a banana wrap has no taste,,,same kinda meat a priest eats on friday,,,,none at least none i can bitch about and low ash,,, dont get me rong bro id much rather have some nice papers for rollin one but this is 2nd best and when the time comes you can roll a major foot long or better,,,for that I roll um into a big ass cone about 18-20 inches long and spend some quality time packing it,,,smokes like an old chillum..I sent some to someone here,,maybe we can get a review,,I'll pm him and see wuts up.



Horse-toothed Jackass
Hmmm, Banana leaf wraps, to be sold in your nearest gas station?
Let's do it. We'll have our own brand, "Bad Dog Banana Leaf Wraps". Half of all proceeds to go towards boat equipment and fishing supplies. :)


Hmmm, Banana leaf wraps, to be sold in your nearest gas station?
Let's do it. We'll have our own brand, "Bad Dog Banana Leaf Wraps". Half of all proceeds to go towards boat equipment and fishing supplies. :)

Packing my shit now to head out on the morning tide, gonna do a supply run with some "mixed martial fishing",,,,meaning the wifes gonna get violent if I try to troll the whole trip like she thinks id like too,,,Gonna wait for the return voyage we"ll be loaded down and running slower so I'll use that as my wet line time...
Holler atcha in a couple days....


Horse-toothed Jackass
Haha right on.
But he was on a supply run, always need something or other when you're living on a tropical island.
And when most of your protein comes from fish, whatever you catch is always important too.


All righty,,, back in from that adventure,, took a few more days that we thought,, weather was sweet right up till we started heading back to the island,, overcast windy and wet.
Theres an area on the western Indonesian coast, that narrows an open sea crossing called the Malacca strait, durning bad weather dozens of sea craft large and small congregate near a small island,, when the times comes,,usually low tide,,,they"ll all make the crossing together,,, which is what we did this time, safety in numbers.. most not all ,,but most of the guys plying these waters either know me(sorta kinda),,or know of me and leave us be,and for sure all the local boatmen know my wifes grandfather and we play that card often to gain access to over night spots along the way..

Went for a full tilt load of 1.5 tons cargo including passenger weight, or as close as I could do the math.
1 barrel diesel fuel is the worst of it, the rest is boxed stacked as best we can in the boat with a little over hang then double wrapped in tarp and tied down for the long haul,,,a freakin long it was,,,,weather turned to completer shit on the 2nd day of the return trip,,,and i watched it comin,,really sucked too cause i knew everything was about to get wet,, which is why I go double tarps,,,I may not wear a watch anymore but I dam sure know what time it is now.
We weren't far from a small group of islands when it got bad so I headed for it,,,no rain yet,,,wind, high surf and a current around the reef just before the islands,,,oh yea,,,the reef,,the tide was 4 hours into low,,,when we crossed over the reef it was only about 2-3 feet from the surface,,if we were any later we couldnt have crossed over and would be left just off shore at the mercy of the weather.

The MaryJane took it well,,,slooooow as piss but sea worthiness was top notch,,, just as said by the man the made the boat,,, I am thinking about replacing one of the engines with a 40 HP,,,I felt I needed a few more turns of the screws to have better handling in the high waves,, but she did well,, and even in good weather I think im gonna keep cargo loads to 1 ton even,,better placement on the boat makes for better center of gravity while under way.
And not a bit of fishing time,,,didnt have time,,,weather wind and waves had all my attention..
And not many fotos with the shit cam this trip,,but i did take a few sneek up shots of this group of fine fine seafarers, 2 we know well the rest are just that ,,,the rest,,the fotos are a group of smuggling boats along side legal shipping boats and in theses fotos 4 countries are represented ,,Philippines ,,china,, Malaysia and Indonesia,,, each stays off in the distance of each other,,,not like the fishing boats that tie up to each other and party while they trade and barter,,, no these guys keep distance from one another,, our thoughts when we spotted them was which ones were gonnna be coming our way and what the cargo is....

Well shit that sucks,,,,POS camera didnt get one decent shot,,so how about a cobra in the garden....:Bolt:


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MARY JANE =safe as masa. no good trying to beat waves I learnt years ago, used to ride the wave through the heads were we where. sounds like a wet trip? you can keep the cobra.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Glad to see you made it back safe with your cargo. How long will that barrel of diesel last you?
Sorry about the weather, sounds like you had a near miss with that storm, good think you cleared the reef and got to shelter before it hit.
How good are the weather reports out there? Are they generally accurate out to 7-10 days, or are they like to change every day? As a captain with your own boat now, I guess the weather is your main concern when you're on a run...
That's a cute little cobra, weird that he got into your planter like that, maybe he likes the shade. Didn't know you had cobras out there, is this species very venomous?


Active member
Well I made pg 15, so far. LOVING it!!!

Brah I shed a few tears, for you Mom in law.
I to Mate 4 LIFE 26yrs.,and counting.

I CAN NOT imagine if My Wife just sailed off, Never to return.
She gives Me a reason to Keep on keepin on, and helps to keep
My CRAZY ASS grounded.

THX so MUCH 4 sharing BRAH.



Waz up,not alot going on here,,man the weather is freakin gone mad dog again,,,5 days rain and now mr sunshine is out things are drying out some what,and warming up,,,if I told you guys it gets cold here would ya believe me ??? and Im stuck with a decision to make every morning.
I've got 12 jars of ready to burn and cant seem to pick just one,,,so I been pullin nugs from random jars,,,its not easy but im muddeling through...

Glad to see you made it back safe with your cargo. How long will that barrel of diesel last you?
Sorry about the weather, sounds like you had a near miss with that storm, good think you cleared the reef and got to shelter before it hit.
How good are the weather reports out there? Are they generally accurate out to 7-10 days, or are they like to change every day? As a captain with your own boat now, I guess the weather is your main concern when you're on a run...
That's a cute little cobra, weird that he got into your planter like that, maybe he likes the shade. Didn't know you had cobras out there, is this species very venomous?

Ma Man,,, sup??
yea that last one was a sneaky bastard whooped all up in a few mins and chased us to the nearest spit of land, and in case any ones asking,,,yea I sing the theme to Gilligan Island while shit like that is going on,, make my wife laff(most of the time) and helps keep her mind off whats really going on around her,,like big ass waves and shes sitting in a 30ft wooden boat,,,My wifes a warrior,, theres no question about it but theres times I can tell she gets a lil scared and this wasent one of them,,she rode the bow in the rain "eyeballin" where the reef was and scouting a good crossing area,,,drippin wet hair plastered to her face,,I couldnt hear a word she was saying but her hand sign signals were spot on ,,,we skittled over the reef with a few feet to spare got on the beach,,I whipped out a dry bag and had a tent and a chem fire going in a few minutes,and there we sat till dawn naked but dry,,,,why till dawn ya say ??? The tide,,,it was going low when we got there and changed cycles while we were there when it went low again the MaryJane,,was resting on the sandy bottom, so we had another 6 hour wait for the tide to come back in,,,lesson learned here,,next time double anchor the MaryJane in deep low tide waters off the beach so when its time to go ,,you can go,,us,,,we is waiting for more water,, next time,,,and there will be a next time,,,not if,,but when..

Never knew you had nasties snake wise on the island , I would worry about every animal & human out there specially the kids .

Yea man got 2 kinds of cobras roam here the blacks and the brown spitters. The blacks are the easiest to deal with, they only get pissed if ya fuk with um or walk up on one and scare it,It"ll then get up and start hissing at ya(sounds like a pissed off cat) the blacks are easy to get to with a LOOOOOONG stick, and if ya dont get it to mad at ya will (most of the time) let you pick it up (with the stick) and carry it off to be relocated,,theres a lot of JuJu when it comes to Cobras,killing one requires a reason and any reason will do as long as ya didnt kill it just because its a snake,,one in my garden,,,where me my wife and kid hang out spend time,,,yup,,,good reason,,,
I carry a 32cal hush puppy with low grain bird shot for this exact reason,, and you can see where I nicked him in the neck for the sole purpose of a foto op.
The brown spitters are a whole new ball game,,mean,,, aggressive and very territorial,,They"ll chase after you hang in trees to ambush ya and when they get pissed they stay pissed for days,these are also the bigger of the 2 getting 6-7 feet long,,very mean ,,very dangerous and very actively hunted for the skin, fangs and bones, but not the meat,,no one will eat he meat of a cobra,,other snakes ,,you bet,,cobras ,,,No.
The skins are made into sandals and decorate fiesta wear,,the bones are made into jewelry and some ground into potions for the VooDoo lady. the brown gets a lot of respect, drop of spit in yer eye yer blind,,if it bites ya,,ya got a few mins a say a prayer...

Glad you got back safe. Yep, when it comes to boats and tractors you ALWAYS want a bigger motor.

Yea I going bigger,,I spun a main bearing on the back engine cutting through the waves and got it torn down now,got all the parts needed for complete rebuild except the valve stem guides,,,2 little 50 cent parts, keeping me from putting it back together,,, but yea,,,Im eyeing a 25 and a 30HP for replacement.
MORE POWER.............................................:ying:

Jay Daga

New member


I´ve been following this thread quite long time now. It has been great and kind of inspirational to read your writings Masa. Reading your stories and about the life there while sitting in the office work here feels like travelling for a while to completely other place and time. It is like the power of the Nature, `Lasangan´ you know, flows from your writings and pictures sometimes when reading.. and it charges my batteries in some very good way. Thank you for being there and sharing the story of life in natural environment in natural way.

I have had in my mind to someday write to you about this thing that you might be interested;
There are ways to reduce the fuel consumption of any engine, relatively simple diesel machine especially.
Like MaryJane´s engine, you probably could reduce the consumption for something around 10-50% with thing called "water-doping" and HHO-booster for example. Or more too... it depends..

If you google search "pantone GEET" or "SPAD", "water doping" and "HHO-cell/booster" etc, you´ll find something (check also the links below though). These things enhance the efficiency of the engine. They make the engine burn the fuel more efficiently thus there is more power and less pollution (pollution= unburnt fuel). It could be very useful and good thing for the people of the archipelago if they could utilize these things in their machines. Every fisherman using boat with engine could save quite nice amount of fuel if these things and information about them spread enough.

These things are relatively simple DIY-add ons to any machine and work little bit differently (savings vary, and can be "fine-tuned") on different individual engines, but generally they make the machine run cleaner, cooler and stay in good condition for a longer time. In France many farmers have started to use SPAD in their tractors and many people experiment with these things with their cars etc.. Check it out.
I think for any generator or boat-engine exactly this kind SPAD- or other modification of Paul Pantone´s GEET could be easiest thing to build and install, as well as simple HHO-(2xhydrogen+oxygen-gas)boosters too.

Here are few links, and if you want i could send you email with more info and some pdf´s and pictures to clarify the subject maybe a littlebit.

http://www.panaceatech.org/Fuel Saving & Pollution Cutting Modifications.pdf

Some pages in above links contain complex looking electronics etc, but those are for who understands and can build them, i dont,, anyway the practical modification of "SPAD" and then HHO-booster used alone or together is a relatively simple do which requires just a little bit of own research, easily obtainable materials and some time to work on it.
..just got caravan-car which i´m going to convert next weekend or so... and then travel to see forests and mountains of Lapland... ahh.. the peace of nature there.... :ying:

I have been reading this book now, and suggest it to anyone interested on these matters; http://www.blurb.com/b/829413-they-ve-used-water-in-their-engines

And, I dont mean to start conversation about these things and hijack this thread, but wanted to share this potentially quite very useful info..


Horse-toothed Jackass
Oh no, don't give Masa any more projects. He's going to spend the next 6 months trying to get this water-doping figured out. Although it would be bad ass if he did, having to maintain his own supply of fuel on the island seems like a lot of time and expense, it would be nice if he could stretch it out even more. Especially if he gets those bigger engines.

Have you ever tried mixing up different strains in the same joint or bong? Some people call that a salad bowl, different strains tend to complement each other well, making for an overall better high.

Your wife sounds like a true sea woman. You're lucky to have her as a first mate, in more ways than one.
Anchoring the MJ in deep low tide waters off the beach sounds good when avoiding low tide, but does that mean the boat will be more exposed to the waves and possible storm damage? Waiting 6 hours for high tide is better than coming back to a damaged boat...
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