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WTF is w/feminized genetics,


The whole 'true female' thing is worth a thread in itself as it does seem to be a contentious subject. Ill retract what I said in regards to it. Would be interested in hearing various versions of what people consider a 'true female' but it might be percieved as dragging the thread off topic. I completely agree with you guys about feminized seeds. I agree with what Sam said I just was not aware that was completely possible.


Thanx for all that.......One more question, how do you properly stress test a plant ??
As for a true female.....I have seen plants go through hell and never Hermie, but it has always been in a outdoor inviroment.

Well I believe thats variable as to growing conditions. For instance Serious recently announced a new strain. This strain seems to show some tendency to hemaphrodite indoors and not outdoors. So they decided to release the strain as primarily a 'outdoor strain'. Simon said that he had never seen any of them hermi outdoors. So in his opinion obviously the outdoor enviroment properly stressed the plants and led him to the conclusion that the seeds was ready for a 'outdoor strain' release.

Each breeder will have different stress testing processes but none of them can produce 100% of possible stress factors. Some breeders may do leaf removal at a odd time.. others may do light leaks.. while others do variable flowering times. Some may use all of these and more. Its completely variable and because of that so is the tendency for plants to hemaphrodite. Unless the breeder describes his various stress testing techniques wich I find to be rare ... This is why reputation is everything in the cannabis seed industry.

The thing is that in my experience light leaks and variable flowering times are the typical triggers for hemaphroditism. In other words that outdoor plant if stuck in 4/4/4/4/4/4 6 weeks into flower has a chance to hemaphrodite that the outdoors simply didnt provide for it. Its possible this was simply true sex stock as Sam implied was possible as well.


Here you guys,


Read that last bit "Self one plant with STS, grow out the progeny, stress test for intersexed flowers." Read it thrice for it is most important. The problem is that these modifying factors may be masked in heterozygotes and their influence can skip one or more generations. -T

Very nice list of stress factors. I have one thing though thats not factored into that ... and its Sams super green thumb =p

seriously though if all thats been done and the plant didnt hemaphrodite then Id say thats one solid ass plant. I have not stressed plants to that level that seem solid to me but would be interesting little experiment. Thanks for link

The skipping generation thing is because the trait is randomly selected so even a recessive trait (one you cant see) has as much chance of passing on as a dominant trait(one you can see). The difference being only when two recessive traits pass on would the expression be reflected. In other words most of the time the plants would be non hemaphrodite proned but when both recessives was randomly selected it would be. Thus how it can pass on even when not seen... is that a decent breakdown? still learning the genetic end of things


Well I believe thats variable as to growing conditions. For instance Serious recently announced a new strain. This strain seems to show some tendency to hemaphrodite indoors and not outdoors. So they decided to release the strain as primarily a 'outdoor strain'. Simon said that he had never seen any of them hermi outdoors. So in his opinion obviously the outdoor enviroment properly stressed the plants and led him to the conclusion that the seeds was ready for a 'outdoor strain' release.

Each breeder will have different stress testing processes but none of them can produce 100% of possible stress factors. Some breeders may do leaf removal at a odd time.. others may do light leaks.. while others do variable flowering times. Some may use all of these and more. Its completely variable and because of that so is the tendency for plants to hemaphrodite. Unless the breeder describes his various stress testing techniques wich I find to be rare ... This is why reputation is everything in the cannabis seed industry.

The thing is that in my experience light leaks and variable flowering times are the typical triggers for hemaphroditism. In other words that outdoor plant if stuck in 4/4/4/4/4/4 6 weeks into flower has a chance to hemaphrodite that the outdoors simply didnt provide for it. Its possible this was simply true sex stock as Sam implied was possible as well.

Thanx again and thank you also Sam for your input......I have had a play with producing female seeds and of course have my own ideas on it, but I am always interested in anything to do with the plant and that means listening to everybody elses ideas....cheers K

charlie garcia

Although included in light dept, found revegging females or males seemed to be a very strong factor for stress
best all

charlie garcia

yes, without stress seemed ok, when revegging often they can show you both traits in new tips going if intersexual, and sometimes even changed sex. You still have some new flowers forming in the proccess. But I like to do that with most males, let them go really further to know them well before trimming most and changing light cycle for revegging. Seemed to me always very useful.


Active member
ICMag Donor


Environment, absolutely positively 100% plays a "roll" in determination of sex. Why the hell would you want to spray/ use anything on your plants that was not 100% natural or organic anyways? The only thing fem seeds are is a god damn marketing ploy. I saw a video on youtube with the guys from DNA and they said its just a tread and they hope it doesn't last.



Active member
Out of curiosity has anyone had a strain/hybrid/clone/fem/ect, that will show intersexed traits when grown outside but will not show any intersexed traits when grown indoors?


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Out of curiosity has anyone had a strain/hybrid/clone/fem/ect, that will show intersexed traits when grown outside but will not show any intersexed traits when grown indoors?


Good one T2U hehe :chin:


Sex Involved In Plant DefenseWhy do some plants defend themselves from insect attacks better than others? New evidence shows that the difference might be due to whether they're getting any plant love.....

Plants Spice Up Their Sex Life With Defensins— Since the beginning, plants and animals have deployed various mechanisms to fight pathogens. Proteins have always played an important part in this armoury, and a broad variety of defensin proteins have become part of the immune system of plants, insects and other animals except mammals. Now scientists from Regensburg discovered that those proteins also play a role in the "sex life" during the fertilization process of plants.

Asexual Plant Reproduction May Seed New Approach for AgricultureFarmers throughout the world spend an estimated $36 billion a year to buy seeds for crops, especially those with sought after traits such as hardiness and pest-resistance. They can't grow these seeds themselves because the very act of sexual reproduction erases many of those carefully selected traits. So year after year, farmers must purchase new supplies of specially-produced seeds.

This problem is sidestepped by some plants -- such as dandelions and poplar trees -- that reproduce asexually by essentially cloning themselves. Jean-Philippe Vielle-Calzada, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) international research scholar, wondered whether he could learn enough about the genetics of asexual reproduction to apply it to plants that produce sexually. In an advance online publication in Nature on March 7, 2010, Vielle-Calzada and his colleagues report that they have moved a step closer to turning sexually-reproducing plants into asexual reproducers, a finding that could have profound implications for agriculture.


i do believe that what shows must have basis in the genes, if its not there it cannot show.
that said i do also believe that its not a sigle gene that determins if the plant has hermi tendencies. i believe it to be a range of combinations located on different chromosomes.
not nessecarily the sex chromosomes.
if it was a simple matter of genes located on either the X or Y we should see these "super moms" in the same ratios as normal when breeding and that we do not.

could a "super mom" be a plant that simply is genetic dispositioned for extreme ethylene prodution. and this disposition again not dependant on one factor either, otherwise we should see these "hormonal super moms" at the same ratios as in all other breeding as well and we do not. we see a mix some with high stress tolerance and some with poor.

some of the best i have seen in this thread was the reference to polygenic inheritance
http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/biobk/biobookgeninteract.html#Polygenic inheritance


Well-known member
Hi all

nice thread and very informative , a big thanks to all that are contributing

hi raco

hope all is well

thats a macho one indeed!

Its such a pity most seedbanks have gone all-fem nowadays , hope more people resist to this fem craze and get to keep n use males..we men are not good only for taking out the garbage as ya know ;)

hey hempy

Very interesting input thanks for sharing these links
All I can say is nature knows better..


ICMag Donor
Out of curiosity has anyone had a strain/hybrid/clone/fem/ect, that will show intersexed traits when grown outside but will not show any intersexed traits when grown indoors?

i thought it was a well known fact that; some landrace seedlines wont show intersexed expreshions in there native enviroments, but when the same seedine is brought into an indoor enviroment the % of intersexed expreshion increeses,,

ps, i dont think 1 gen of selfing will uncover all hetero masking issues

but i could be wrong?????

will someone please correct me?
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Active member
ps, i dont think 1 gen of selfing will uncover all hetero masking issues

but i could be wrong?????

will someone please correct me?

Not that I would correct you but IMO traits that don't appear after 1 gen of selfing will not appear in further selfing generations.


Out of curiosity has anyone had a strain/hybrid/clone/fem/ect, that will show intersexed traits when grown outside but will not show any intersexed traits when grown indoors?

I think most people that grow outdoors have decent conditions.. If you lived in alaska or the desert.. its possible the variable temperatures would be plenty of stress to cause intersexed traits to come out. I wouldnt be suprised if the temps in my locality would cause issues.... Ive never grown outside in my area its just not hospitable.


Active member
Yes English Rick, that is a fact Jack, but it is more then just landrace lines, you can take other strains/clones/fems/ect, that don't show intersexed traits outdoors but do indoors. I do not know of 1 incident where a strain/clone/fem/ect, will show intersexed traits outdoors but will not indoors, Anyone?

Do you know why the landrace lines you speak of show intersexed traits indoors? Because the indoor environment is stressful to them because it's not what they are used to, no matter how "pimped out" you think your grow room is. They have adapted or acclimated to certain elements and situations, many of which we probably aren't even aware of. To think your indoor grow room is less stressful to them compared to where they were created and grown is preposterous.