LOL hahah man Z this is crazy huh will get on ur nerves for a few hrs bro i swear...then after ya get to refinding everything its ok i guess.cant get pics up yet over this way though...not yet i think they are workin on it.for ur gallery ya go to site menu,then galleries i think,then you find urs from there...if you want to uplosad pics theres a thing in the right upper corner when you get in ur gallery,you can load them but i cant post them yet...was readin more about that thing yo.its pretty sweet and you could store litteraly hundreds of genetics in a super small space with little light.
wierd but hey man if i can save/make the most of my space im all for it.
good luck gettin back use to the homebase yo.peace-T-
wierd but hey man if i can save/make the most of my space im all for it.
good luck gettin back use to the homebase yo.peace-T-