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"Will the Real ZEUS please stand up!!!"My Mixed Bag of Goodies..."


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
those are some realy nice closeups my friend!pitty you have to cut here though....but
good vibes are comming your way..have a safe move.!....i'll be around untill you post again :smile:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey guys...just sittin here in my empty house waitin to leave tomorrow!!! I gotta get on a plane with my dog & 2 cats!!!Gonna suck a bit, but Ill deal!!!
I ended up puttin the Mystery girl in the dark for 24 hrs, then I chopped her and quick dried her with a little help from my dehydrator...I actually managed to dry it slow enuf that it smoked pretty smooth, even without a cure!!!!! Hits like a MOFO!!!! Very Indica stone, very body relaxin, heady, kinda misty high...even picked preemie, she put me to sleep fo sho!!!!
I took 3 clones from each Mom I had and put them into gel rooters!!! Glued the rooters onto the bottom of a perfect-fit plastic container from IKEA...Theyve been in the fridge for a few days now and they look great...Im gonna tape em up good and put them into the last box I have to ship with a bunch of blankets and shit!!! Im hopin they dont die!!!!Im also a bit worrie dabout it...actually havin second thoughts, but I really dont wanna lose these genetics...I guess its all part of the game!!!!
I have a BIG prob sayin good buye to good things!!!! Anyhow fam, Im gettin on a plane tomorrow and Ill be back home by nighttime!!!! Ill catch up with u all in a few days after I get settled and have a rest!!! Peace all...

- Z


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
be safe Zeus.have a good trip,and let us know ya landed safely as soon as ya can.peace-T-


Hey bro hope you have a safe trip and your genetics stay well preserved :D Hope you get
settled into your new place quickly. Take it easy bro.

Mr. Durden :joint:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey all...got in safe, long-ass flight, and my dog shit himself, but all is well and Ill be back up and runnin soon....I tossed the clones I had took, and decided that Ive got enuf beans to find plenty more keepers....!!!! I have to say though, Im very upset about losin the Mystery girl, but Im sure there are much better Indy's out there!!!! Anyhow, Ill be here, so Ill see u guuys later!! peace

- Z


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup yo good to see you made it in safe.
clones wasnt lookin proper huh?atleast you have the beans and a new space to work with yo.
you will be up and runnin full speed before you know bro.it dont take long you already know.
i'll see if ur in chat tonight brotha...peace-T-


good to hear you had a safe trip Zeus!
sorry yer dog shit hisself..and that it wasn't you doin the shittin :laughing:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey CD & T - thanx for the words...atm, Im stayin at my Mom's house!!! Fuckin sucks to be livin with my Mom after not for like 18 yrs!!!!! Tomorrow I go up North to interview for the new job and to cook for these guys!!!Gonna cook the shit outta them and give em NO choice but to hire me!!!!! Assuming they do, which they will, Ill come back to my house here, pack my shit in a van and go back up there!!!!
Theyve already offered me a house on the beach, full bennies, great $$$$, and a whole LOT more!!!! Gonna be sweet, I just hope the house has some good closet space!!!!

Ive decided Im gonna get a 600w HPS and some 4 or 6 bulb T5's for veggin and Moms/clones...assuming the space is there, of course!!! That should blow up my shit pretty good and give me plenty of herb to keep me happy!!!! Anyhow, Ill see u all laters...Peace

- Z

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Get your grow going brother

Good luck on the job and the new place!! Paws crossed for ya


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
sending good vibes for the interview bro.
do what ya do and leave'em wantin more!


Glad to hear everythings going good bro, I hope your interview goes
well good luck! :D Sounds like that jobs got you hooked up. Too bad
you lost the mystery indi but your bound to find another keeper in
those beans. Take it easy bro.

Mr. Durden :joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
so did you get the job or what brotha?
heres to hopin ya did :friends:


Registered Medical Patient
What up T & Tyler, thanx for the good vibes guys, I think it worked!!! I had dinner at the restaurant tonite, very chill, but the place was fuckin PACKED!!!!for this time of year, thats fuckin great...had a pretty good meal...the food needs some work, but thats what Im there for!!!!!
I interview tomorrow, but at this point its just a formality...theyve pretty much already given me the job!!!! Im very psyched for this...I been walkin my dog on the beach all fuckin day!!!! He loves it....Peace y'all, Ill have a final word manana!!! Thanx for the K+++++


- Z


Registered Medical Patient
Hey my man BR, thanx bra...I did get the job, and I start on Monday!!!! My place here is really fuckin small, but I will figger somethin out...Gonna get a 400 prolly and a cab from IKEA and go from there!!!! Ill see you all later, I gotta go eat & celebrate!!!!


- Z


Registered Medical Patient
Hey GMT, thanx bro...Im movin tomorrow, and I should have beans in the dirt by the weekend!!! So, keep a lookout for this shit to start up again!!!!!I need to buy all new lites, nutes, soil, basically everything...The only thing I didnt trash was my cloner!!! Cant live w/o my bubbler!!!!! So anyhow, I need some suggestions as to what I should pop next!!! I wanna try another run with the Funky Dwarf, but other than that, I need some suggestions...Anyone???? Ill be seein u all later!!Peace

- Z

- bump!!!!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
damn bro why did you ditch all your gear? Could you not have put the lamps inside your cloner?

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