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Will Pot Go Corporate and Spoil It for Everybody?


Active member
The only way Corporations can ruin pot for everyone is if they're given the power to dictate who can and cannot grow/sell/trade.

As long as the individual citizen retains their INALIENABLE right to produce their own supply and use it as a trade commodity, they'll only be able to ruin the quality of what's massively available.

Does Budwieser ruin beer? Well, it's shit but you're not forced to drink it. You CAN buy better from other places. You CAN brew your own. You CAN buy from micro-breweries to get quality. You CAN buy from other countries. Marketing has just diluted people's understanding of quality and so shit beer sells all day. It's also legal....

I for one will be happy to see the number of alcoholics drop when cannabis becomes a legal alternative for them.

Stay Safe! :tree:


I don't see how it will ruin it. Don't most of us enjoy smoking pot? And how is that gonna change once it's legalized? It just means I can be as inconsiderate as all the cigarette smokers out there...(attempt at sarcasm)!

Totah Sam

good thing it won't affect medical patients in CA.

we have a consitutional right to grow our own. i wonder what it would take to overturn that constitutional right. it would be pretty hard for the feds to back off and then turn the heat back on when they start peddling Sativex. I would love to try Sativex, but like most pharmaceuticals would never be able to afford it.

Just like with the SCOTUS they can overturn rulings. Who in their right mind actually believes that an entity such as a corporation should be allowed "free speech." A fucking corporation not an individual. But the Supreme Court ruled in favor of corporations. This means ANY corporation, even those that are foreign owned. What makes you think the California Supreme Court can't do this? All it takes is a bribe or two. No one is safe these days. Our constitution is being torn to shreds.


yea and were in two wars an people are going to ask an inane question like this? wake up sheeple !america isn't for sale it's been sold, there is never going to be an economic recovery fueled by what?printing more paper?
good thing it won't affect medical patients in CA.

we have a consitutional right to grow our own. i wonder what it would take to overturn that constitutional right. it would be pretty hard for the feds to back off and then turn the heat back on when they start peddling Sativex. I would love to try Sativex, but like most pharmaceuticals would never be able to afford it.
LOL let a Bible belt republican back in office or a Reagan clone and watch the war rage again !!!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
The only way Corporations can ruin pot for everyone is if they're given the power to dictate who can and cannot grow/sell/trade.

As long as the individual citizen retains their INALIENABLE right to produce their own supply and use it as a trade commodity, they'll only be able to ruin the quality of what's massively available.

Does Budwieser ruin beer? Well, it's shit but you're not forced to drink it. You CAN buy better from other places. You CAN brew your own. You CAN buy from micro-breweries to get quality. You CAN buy from other countries. Marketing has just diluted people's understanding of quality and so shit beer sells all day. It's also legal....

I for one will be happy to see the number of alcoholics drop when cannabis becomes a legal alternative for them.

Stay Safe! :tree:

Yeah my patients will never smoke some gvt grown schwaggy. We have to keep on fighting As long as we keep our rights to produce ourselves, then who cares what the govt does with their crappy weed. We have to pick and choose our battles...just have to keep a tight hold on the important rights we need to produce...at the very least.

To answer the big question...... I think if medical is the best way to "get our feet wet" and break down the social taboo of marijuana so it becomes a common thing in life, then I'm all for it. If only part of the population can have this right at the moment, then sick people should be first and I'm honestly pretty happy about that.


Active member
johnnyla said:
we have a consitutional right to grow our own.
iSmokeTrees said:
Remind me again where that is in the Bill of Rights?
Your Constitutional rights (that have been stolen) guarantee that YOU own your land and have full sovereignty over what you do on it. As long as you don't harm anyone or infringe upon anyone else's rights, you're good. This INCLUDES what you grow, eat, smoke or wear in the privacy of your own home.

The Federal govt has absolutely NO rights in your home and yet..... here we are.

You should be outraged! Want to get the real scoop yourself? Here's a good clip that will have you asking a lot more questions yourself.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nOMbfsgZ9s

Stay Safe! :tree:


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
i will tell you right now if the government starts growing in massive greenhouses to undercut us i will burn them the fuck down. power to the people.

Or go blow a nice mound of 120 day+ pure haze pollen at it :biggrin:


Active member
I been saying it for years now we dont want it made legal it will mean the corporations will take over growing it and next thing you know they will be putting all kinds of additives in it


legal is good, as long as it is across the board. nobody has to support any corporation that they do not choose to.

how can there be a difference between legal and decrim anyways? i mean, if something is legal then it is not a crime. the need even for a distinction between legal and decrim leads me to believe we are going nowhere, very fast. the basic understanding of the plant is failed to be seen by those making the rules, so until they can be educated what is the point? the point is, they would do the same thing to another product just the same. it is not the product they fear, it is losing power and money. cannabis prohibition is a tool used for control.


Or go blow a nice mound of 120 day+ pure haze pollen at it :biggrin:

don't think that they are not going to be thinking just as deviously. but in their arsenol, GURT technology. hello worldwide sterile seeds, what size filters do you need to block pollen? 6 micron??? i forget someone chime in please.

lost in a sea

i would seriously hate to see corporations dishing out some GM'd cannabis for us slaves to accept as our alloted green stuff in a bag ....we all know that in a corporate environment cannabis is doomed....

it could be the biggest industry the world has ever seen, you legalise it and you better believe big business is going to take over......and the worst guys as well ! like bayer or GSK or some other fucking super evil pharmaceutical company...

but the more i think about it, the less likely i think it will be.......

think about it........america/the UK/australia/africa/canada for example (and many more countries) are basically all still owned by pretty much the same gang of business men, and all have been for a long time.....bit of a sweeping statement, not directly owned but run by....they own the biggest companies so have the biggest sway with the government...

these ,quite frankly racist, old fat bastards know what cannabis is! they know what it does to people!

how happy it makes us, how it alters many things about the way we see the world .....makes us more compassionate individuals and more empathetic........it allows men to control their testosterone better, which has created this new world and destroyed the old... imo we need to give women their power properly back, they actually care and dont just sell out......weed also discourages people from drinking the same fat cats swill (alcohol) every weekend.......and it helps people give up cigg's because you can wean yourself off them with ganja...

these are some of the worst things that could happen to society on a wide scale, if your trying to run that country!......they need the socially disadvantaged dying earlier because of drink/cigg's/high fat/high sodium diets........and the rest of us not giving a shit because we all like to get pissed and eat a burger every now and then as well !...just not quite as frequently of course..

cannabis is the elites worst nightmare.....they will bash our girl until the end....but she is 100 times bigger and stronger than they are, and they know it .......and i really cannot see anyway cannabis can be universally legal without ripping this fascist, overly libral capitalist society we live in, to shreds..

i think cannabis is nature fighting back......making its own army against the tyrany penetrating our lives everyday.....

but thats my hippy reasoning.......really, its because you just cant keep a good thing down !

i dont want MTV or TV at all.....i dont want macdonalds or pepsi...nor jack daniels or some shitty woody marlboro red's.....and i dont want their classier equivelents!

but would i want this shit without cannabis?......i think i probably would !!


Active member
I think they will make it legal to have it and use it but growing your own won't be allowed it will be some kind of federal like moonshine charge and nobody is going to make me change my mind on this one those bastards will start lobbying the congress and senate with massice amounts of money and we will no longer be able to grow our own well some of will still be in the same boat were in now because some of us never got cards saying here I am come get me they don't know I grow and I will never let them know


Active member
hahaha hit their crops with pollen bombs fuck their whole crops up!!

spider mite bombs, powder mildew bombs, the list goes on.

lost in a sea

^^^thats a great idea! it would be really fun fucking the bastards over like that as well........

throwing balloons full of bud rot spores into their fields lol

dont know what sentencing someone would get though !!


Cannabis has already been patiented..by the U.S GOVERMENT..GOOGLE IT.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Hydro-Soil is totally right...

The rest of you are jumping the gun and making no sense..

Flying Goat

i would think we would want people like glen beck bein pro legalization . even if you dont agree with him hes got many followers that listen to him and anyone on tv everyday has some actual power to change peoples ideals on a subject .

Exactly right, Vertical! Whoever wants to help us in our cause, regardless of their motivation, should be embraced & welcomed into the fight.

Glenn Beck should be cultivated simply BECAUSE he has such a huge following, regardless of the fact that I personally think he's an extremist & way out there to the right. We NEED right-wingers on board if we hope to prevail.

Myself? I'm libertarian...
