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why we love dogs?


I love dogs, as well. I can't really see how anyone wouldn't love them unless they have some severe allergic reaction to them. They have a tendency to bring out the inner child in almost anyone. They're usually always happy, always ready to play and they make you laugh by doing silly, unexpected. I think we as humans seek companionship and love and this is what dogs have to offer. I have a pet dog that I grew up with but after I moved out I'm not able to keep her where I live. I miss and think about her all the time and I know it's getting to be about that time where she passes on and it tears me up to think about it. Almost makes me feel like I'll never be able to have another dog again. In the meantime, I have a cat. They're cool, also. They're funny, curious and they love attention but it isn't quite the same as a dog. Dogs are usually more physical when they play (fetch, jumping up on you, licking you, etc) whereas cats pretty much do whatever the hell they want to do and they'll let you know when they're not in the mood for your shenanigans. I love them all, though. I wish I had enough room to have as many animals as I want but I know that would end up being like a zoo.


Active member
I got my newfy anf my aussie cause I was running the fish department at a pet store and my aussie had literally turned from a puppy to a dog in store. She is nuerotic, and the owner was gonna just put her down, so I talked him out of that and took her in. She can jump 10 foot without even trying but she doesn't ever do it unless she gets so excited that she doesn't think about. I can't get her to jump for shit, but if she gets excited that bitch can jump. She is so funny to me, easily the smartest dog I have ever been around, she used to open cd players and take out the cds in the first year I had her. Just a smart fucking dog, but holy crap she is nuerotic, I love her to death but she is genuinely crazy. Gorgeous dog though, prettiest dog I have ever seen.
Some guy years back was most likely gonna mug me when my car farted out in the middle of the night and she was with me. She woulda killed him if I hadn't held her back, she is only 25 pounds, she can man handle my newfy though up until he realizes he is a fucking bear then he throws her across the yard. They are a great pair, good times with those fuckers.

G. Sensi

Ha Ha Ha!! Okay ya I know Komondors! The Knotty Dogs!! They must be Rasta!! HA HA!

That is sooo coincidental bc there was one on like the first page of the newspaper here today... I just didnt read the caption, I was just thinkin I wonder what I would look like walkin down the street with my Locks and one of those on a leash... Ha Ha!

Ah Theyre beautiful! Definately get that Tat and then post the pic




Active member
G. Sensi said:
Ha Ha Ha!! Okay ya I know Komondors! The Knotty Dogs!! They must be Rasta!! HA HA!

That is sooo coincidental bc there was one on like the first page of the newspaper here today... I just didnt read the caption, I was just thinkin I wonder what I would look like walkin down the street with my Locks and one of those on a leash... Ha Ha!

Ah Theyre beautiful! Definately get that Tat and then post the pic



be really really careful w/ komondors and look up thir personality tho.

im really serious when i say that they will make hamburger out of a pitbull.

my gf's brother raised wolves and and wolf hybrids...he now trains german sheps for mountain rescue.

...he wont go near a komondor or let his dogs near one.

komondors are VERY SERIOUS business..and no matter how they are raised they are "guard dogs"....you cant take that out of them...no way no how.

and fighting breeds and even wolves cant touch them because all they get is a mouth full of hair...and then teeth.

...im not even joking at all...you will not be able to handle this breed unless you gain its respect.


Collie Man

NOKUY said:
be really really careful w/ komondors and look up thir personality tho.

im really serious when i say that they will make hamburger out of a pitbull.

my gf's brother raised wolves and and wolf hybrids...he now trains german sheps for mountain rescue.

...he wont go near a komondor or let his dogs near one.

komondors are VERY SERIOUS business..and no matter how they are raised they are "guard dogs"....you cant take that out of them...no way no how.

and fighting breeds and even wolves cant touch them because all they get is a mouth full of hair...and then teeth.

...im not even joking at all...you will not be able to handle this breed unless you gain its respect.


........yeah these dogs are wild!!! My neighbor had one and it usaully chilled outside on a big leash thing and sometimes my basketball would go over the fence and when ever i went over to get it...it went wild and barked until i got off their yard or far away. So i know these dogs would be a great guard dog.
Anyway I have a "Basset Fauve de Bretagne" and these dogs are SMART!!! I got him from a breeder in NC and was going to be trained as a rescue dog but his legs were abnormally sp.? long for this breed. So he didn't go there and she sold me him and he was sooo cute!! But anyway this dog is GREat!!! He is soo loyal, follows me around like hes my guardian angel, nice , never ever ever barks unless someones knocking on the door or if he sees someone coming to the house. He is an all around GREAT dog to own. Hes my first ever dog too! We go on long walks in the woods everyday and because he has some hound in him...if he gets a scent of a deer or rabbit, hes OFF. Sometimes he would be off for a good 3 hours or the longest 6 hours and it scared the shit out of me!!! But everytime he does that he comes back always. Everyone at the local park is his friend and knows his name and loves getting attention! Oh and if you fuck with his bone...you will get bit~ ! ahah :rasta:


Active member
I love dogs because I hate humans and they make much better companions. I've never been fucked over by my dogs, lied to, or anything like that. they are loyal to me and I am loyal to them. they protect me (i got a rotty and a mastiff they do it very well, just like yukons dog) and i keep them protected. when i need someone to talk to they are always there and willing to listen even though they don't know what i say. whenever i need company they are there. i love having my dogs around. i don't know what i would do with out them. when i have to go to work and leave them i get sad just like them. i hate leaving them even if i am coming back.
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He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion

just read that again....man i love it!


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
Why we love dogs? Very simple - dog is mans' BEST FRIEND. Dogs give you the love that no human is capable of. "Unconditional" is an understatement when it comes to the love a dog will give you. How many of us can relate to the experience of having your dog at your feet at your every move? Wherever you're at, in your yard, in the bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom. That's a best friend in my book. I don't just love them, i'm IN LOVE with dogs. A wagging tail is my kryptonite.


Active member
here is the pit bull prayer..i refrenced earlier:



The girls look at like they want to fukk me, and the boys look at me like they want to be me :D

I'm watchin the neighbor dog for a lil, and behold the power of the pack. 3days, and another mutt that would take a bullet. I had to go take the old dogs for a walk after reading the first page of this thread (adult swim).


Active member
yep love that one too...thanks s4l

my dogs are the best part of my life, we fulfill many of each others needs.
I intend to always have a dog at my side. You get out exactly what you put
into these relationships.......

A Dogs Plea

Treat me kindly my beloved friend,
for no heart in all the world is more
grateful for kindness than the loving
heart of mine.

Do not break my spirit with a stick,
for though I might lick your hand
between blows, your patience and
understanding will more quickly
teach me the things you would have
me learn.

Speak to me often, for your voice is
the worlds sweetest music as you
must know by the fierce wagging of
my tail when the sound of your foot-
step falls upon my waiting ear.

Please take me inside when it is
cold and wet, for I'm a domesticated
animal no longer accustomed to the
bitter elements. I ask no greater glory
than the privilege of sitting at your
feet beside the hearth.

Keep my pan filled with fresh water,
as I cannot tell you when I suffer

Feed me clean food that I may stay
well, to romp and play and do your
bidding, to walk by your side and
stand ready, willing and able to pro-
tect you with my life should your life
be in danger.

And, my friend, when I am very old
and I no longer enjoy good health,
hearing and sight, do not make he-
roic efforts to keep me going. I am
no longer having any fun. Please see
to it that my life is taken gently. I
shall leave this earth knowing with
the last breath I draw that my fate
was always safest in your loving hands.
~Beth Norman Harris~


ruger 500
cats will eat you when you die ,to prevent starving to death ,your dog will just stay at your side protecting your dead body ,until he cant no more ,and will be found at your side ,friends to the end


"If your dog doesn't like someone you probably shouldn't either." - Unknown

"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace." - Milan Kundera

"In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semihuman. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog." - Edward Hoagland

"Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot little puppies." - Gene Hill

"The more people I meet the more I like my dog." - Unknown

"I think we are drawn to dogs because they are the uninhibited creatures we might be if we weren't certain we knew better." - George Bird Evans, "Troubles with Bird Dogs"

"You may have a dog that won't sit up, roll over or even cook breakfast, not because she's too stupid to learn how but because she's too smart to bother." - Rick Horowitz, Chicago Tribune

"To err is human, to forgive, canine." - Unknown

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's." - Mark Twain, Letter to W D Howells, 4/2/1899

"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive." - Gilda Radner


For the love of Dogs

For the love of Dogs

I have owned dogs all my life, and devoted my life to them, professionally as a groomer and vet tech, personally through training and showing in many venues from the breed ring to field trials.
The unknown author who stated "The more I know of man the better I like my dog" hit the nail on the head. Dogs do not lie, dogs do not deliberately hurt. Dogs simply accept us and love us unconditionally for who we are and never pass judgment. One club I belong to has the motto: "May we be as good, as noble and as deserving as our dogs think we are." Truly a statement to live up to!


The Hopeful Protagonist
I have owned dogs all my life, and devoted my life to them, professionally as a groomer and vet tech, personally through training and showing in many venues from the breed ring to field trials.
The unknown author who stated "The more I know of man the better I like my dog" hit the nail on the head. Dogs do not lie, dogs do not deliberately hurt. Dogs simply accept us and love us unconditionally for who we are and never pass judgment. One club I belong to has the motto: "May we be as good, as noble and as deserving as our dogs think we are." Truly a statement to live up to!

What a truly worthwhile pursuit that would be.


dedicated Pit owner, rescuer and foster parent.

On a side-note....It's look like this handsome boy will be spending some time with us.

2 year old from Virginia (Who coincidentally have some fugged up Pitty laws)


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