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Why waste money on seeds?



DirtDevil said:
I dont get it. So what about all the breeders out there who have the pure blueberry seeds and such. Where do they come from? They must be inbred. I just dont get it. I dont see why breeding seeds from the same plant is bad. Please elaborate further if thats possible.

Pure Blueberry from DJ Short is a cross, if im not mistaken its [Oaxacan Gold X Chocolate Thai] X Highland Thai X Afghani


DirtDevil said:
As I continue to think about it it does make sense. Perhaps there is more to breeding good plants than simply finding two good plants, breeding them, then bredding their children. How do the pros do it then? Should you save half of the seeds plant half of the seeds, breed the half you planted then use them seeds the next year and breed them with the half you kept from the year before? Would that work to reintroduce the good genes?

No, breeders spend alot of time searching for new strains (landrace) or proven strains to make crosses with and through trial and error either succeed or fail.


Active member
I have some of the best landrace seeds in the world (I live in Colombia) but I bought seeds from a seedbank because I want to grow exotics that I can't find here.


CS, DD, God I can't remember all the rest, In 17 years......I've had one good plant from bagseed, And the popo came, I got lucky, my buddy gave me a tip and they found nothing!!!


Active member
Its like night and day man, what don't you get? you want to grow AFGHANI indica you have to buy the seeds unless you live there. Or grow bag seed and good luck....


Active member
lmfao stop bustin my chopps man all im sayin is 20 bucks a seed is a rip no matter how you look at it, there i said it.


$20/seed? holy crap you gonna grow gold? Check out seed sites, you can find seeds for as low as $1.50 per seed.


ICMag Donor
Once the breeding work has been done to establish or stabilize a strain, it can be grown and bred again with the individuals identifying with the characteristics of the strain. You only have to pay this large sum once which is paying the breeder for his time, work, equiptment, and supplies. $200 is gettin up there for a pack of 10, but its a one time investment if you know how to use it.



DirtDevil said:
lmfao stop bustin my chopps man all im sayin is 20 bucks a seed is a rip no matter how you look at it, there i said it.

Not as much of a rip off as $400 an ounce of herb. $100 or $200 is worth not getting ripped off by dealers. Besides if you are so againsts buying beans, cool. Grow bagseed and have a nice life. Leave the real herb growing for the rest of us.



New member
Check out this thread...

Check out this thread...

DirtDevil said:
i still dont get it:(

check this thread out.
This is why you pay for your seeds....
it's the difference between buying a Pure-bred pup with papers and going to the City Pound. the free one may be cute, but could be real lame 12-weeks later.

serious breaders devote their lives to the genes in their beans. The real ones grow thousands of plants to find the right combos traits.

if they don't do this major homework, you get a big pheno-deference between your kids. check our my Hypnoberry pheno crossesction in my sig. for proof.

hope this helps.
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If you look at the returns, buying expensive seeds is no thing. Ok, your gonna spend..lets say... 100 bux for 10 seeds. Thats 10 bux a seed. You grow them seeds..chances are you'll get a 50/50 female to male ratio, so 5 females. You grow those 5 females outdoors....and all goes well... ur lookin at at least 2 oz's per plant or more. So...that is 10 ounces of nugs.. with no seeds ( at least it should not have any seeds). Where i am from..you can sell a OZ of nugs for 350 a pop. So, all you have to do is sell a quarter ounce of that 10 ounces and you have all the money back you put down for your seeds... plus 9 and a half ounces to smoke..or sell. Now if that doesn't sound like a profit to you, you gotta get your melon checked. Not to mention if you make one of those females a mother plant, and use clones. There is a reason why expensive seeds are expensive seeds. You get what u pay for, which is outstanding genetics. -Opt