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Why The Next President May Have To Support Marijuana Legalization

Also something to consider is that past "legalization" is the discrimination that will soon follow. Sure, u might be able to legally smoke cannabis, however you won't be able to get the job you want because you choose to use the product. Also, Insurance companies denying claims because there is thc in your system.

The fight will not end with legalization. it will just bring to light more oppression. So many times Ihave had amazing job offers and had to decline simply because I refuse to forfeit my right to self medicate.


Well-known member
Also something to consider is that past "legalization" is the discrimination that will soon follow. Sure, u might be able to legally smoke cannabis, however you won't be able to get the job you want because you choose to use the product. Also, Insurance companies denying claims because there is thc in your system.

The fight will not end with legalization. it will just bring to light more oppression. So many times Ihave had amazing job offers and had to decline simply because I refuse to forfeit my right to self medicate.

you can't get that job now, because they already drug test. as time passes, fewer companies are doing random testing. last figures i saw said that only about 62% of them actually do randoms. more do a test for new hires, then forget about it unless you have an accident on the job. in some states, they have to prove that you were actually under the influence when it happened, not just have the metabolites in your system. when they come up with a test that really shows impairment instead of history, we will be better off. gotta keep on grinding...


Invertebrata Inebriata
Some people no doubt will make a lot of money off the venerable weed. High end products like pharmaceuticals will demand high end prices and high end standards. But I know and you all probably know that weed is no more difficult to produce than corn. Overgrow the world still ought to be the goal.

Right, and that's why I don't think they can just take charge of cannabis the way they did alcohol. If they could, they would have already. And that's probably why they don't want it legal, the bastards!


Active member
you can't get that job now, because they already drug test. as time passes, fewer companies are doing random testing. last figures i saw said that only about 62% of them actually do randoms. more do a test for new hires, then forget about it unless you have an accident on the job. in some states, they have to prove that you were actually under the influence when it happened, not just have the metabolites in your system. when they come up with a test that really shows impairment instead of history, we will be better off. gotta keep on grinding...

Legalization at the federal level will kill current testing methods in the whole country. People don't get fired or not hired because they're intoxicated but rather because they're lawbreakers. That whole hidden rationale can't coexist with legal cannabis. Not for long, anyway.


ICMag Donor
you can't get that job now, because they already drug test. as time passes, fewer companies are doing random testing. last figures i saw said that only about 62% of them actually do randoms. more do a test for new hires, then forget about it unless you have an accident on the job. in some states, they have to prove that you were actually under the influence when it happened, not just have the metabolites in your system. when they come up with a test that really shows impairment instead of history, we will be better off. gotta keep on grinding...

Saliva tests can detect if you've actually smoked within the previous 6 or so hours. Not sure about other forms of consumption.


ICMag Donor
Legalization at the federal level will kill current testing methods in the whole country. People don't get fired or not hired because they're intoxicated but rather because they're lawbreakers. That whole hidden rationale can't coexist with legal cannabis. Not for long, anyway.

But insurance companies don't want to pay the bills of intoxicated incidents.

It's more than just breaking the law.


Right, and that's why I don't think they can just take charge of cannabis the way they did alcohol. If they could, they would have already. And that's probably why they don't want it legal, the bastards!

Isn't that what they're doing with weed? Look at the few states that are legalizing, lots of rules and implementations of what can and can't be done. You may brew some beer or alcohol at home but no way you're going to sell it legally and make a profit, that's the direction we're heading for.
It's good that there are rules, if the reason is harmreduction ie not smoking moldy or toxic weed. But the reason to me seems to be more about money and making it unnecesarily hard for people to start a business.
Other than the few of us who grow strictly for personal consumption, cannabis producers & distributors have always been in it for the money. Legalization moves it upscale to a more corporate level.

Legalization will in effect mean that a person can't say "I want to produce the best quality weed at fair prices" - there will be way too many overhead costs to keep up with the big players who can cut these down by doing huge quantities and cutting corners, assisted by a team of lawyers. You may be able to produce marginally better quality weed than the top corp weed but who's going to pay double or triple for it? There will always be niche markets but as soon as they get too big/profitable the corps going to jump on it, cut the profits down to unliveable conditions and end the game.


ICMag Donor
Look at the few states that are legalizing, lots of rules and implementations of what can and can't be done.
"Legal rules" is an oxymoron!
The term "LEGAL" shouldn't even be used!
That term is simply... the legislators rubbing our faces in the dirt... IMO, it's not very dissimilar from giving freezing indians pox infested blankets!

It's all bullshit & lies!


Ripped since 1965
Right, and that's why I don't think they can just take charge of cannabis the way they did alcohol. If they could, they would have already. And that's probably why they don't want it legal, the bastards!

It's looking like Alaska will place the power to regulate and control the use of Cannabis in the hands of the Alaska Alcohol Beverage Control Board.:tiphat:


Active member
Yeh, that's obviously why the DEA isn't raiding legal pot shops in CO & WA, huh?

Obama hate among cannabis users is not rational. He's done more for us than any previous President except perhaps Clinton who initially allowed MMJ in CA. He enables us entirely.

There have been more raids and busts in CA under Obama in 6 years than under Bush in 8 so not entirely. In San Diego alone they shut down the entire medical scene (over 100 shops both times) twice in 3 years.
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Power Armor rules
It will be a double edged sword, much like most "legislation" these days. The senators don't even write anything anymore. They have their aides or friends in high places in business do it for them. They sold their souls a long time ago.

Look at states that have started to loosen it up some. You can grow only a certain number or plants. Over that number you can get in trouble. If you want to buy it for either medical or recreational purposes you have to pay a larger tax on it.

I'm in agreement with what MJPassion has already said. I can see the drug testing business booming in the near future, not that it hasn't already.



Well-known member
I'm in agreement with what MJPassion has already said. I can see the drug testing business booming in the near future, not that it hasn't already.


they are trying to push for it in local schools here. I think they see the end of testing for pot on the job coming, and are now shooting for the "but we need to protect the children" segment of the market. a nearby county to where I live argued for 3 months over it, looked like they were going to have randoms for ALL students. but when the vote was taken, it ate the big one and failed 9 to 3.:tiphat: this, in a county with huge drug (meth and oxy) problems, populated nearly entirely by GOP leaning country folks. they STILL don't see any justification to intrude on their kids privacy...:woohoo:


if it smells like fish
There have been more raids and busts in CA under Obama in 6 years than under Bush in 8 so not entirely. In San Diego alone they shut down the entire medical scene (over 100 shops both times) twice in 3 years.

I was there for first shop closure by feds...watched em carry out everything ..fuck Obama...and I don't accept any laws reguarding marijuana ..legal or not I am growing what I want...fuck em all


Active member
There have been more raids and busts in CA under Obama in 6 years than under Bush in 8 so not entirely. In San Diego alone they shut down the entire medical scene (over 100 shops both times) twice in 3 years.

San Diego busts were not federal, iirc, but rather local.

And, let's face it, CA law is a mess where cannabiz exists in an entirely grey area where locals & feds can operate like sharks picking off swimmers whenever they get hungry.

There have been zero busts of legal operations here in CO since legalization. Federal & State authorities brought down 2 organizations using CO as cover for interstate trafficking, Just as Holder promised they would. Other than that, the Feds have been conducting the Marijuana War elsewhere.

Yeh, you can still be cited for cannabis on federal property if you make yourself a target of opportunity.


Active member
I'm in agreement with what MJPassion has already said. I can see the drug testing business booming in the near future, not that it hasn't already.


sometimes i joke that the white version of the dozens is talking about the shit you have..

"well my CR-009x could hit that from here, but your d-57 is gonna need the sr-30 extender" kinda shit.

white people smoke a plant, get high? nah.. i gotta know how many molecules are in my plant... so i can post it on my new interweb and get a stat rating. ain't gonna be happy unless my weed has the new CX-mark niner trichome extenders.

then anyone on my block says they have good weed i can say "how good" then smack them down with my fat ass numbers. thirty six, motherfucker, you can't fuck with thirty six, i'm the king.

my whole life is meaningless i'm only hitting 34% THC


Well maybe Obama will claim fame for stopping the national debt by exacting adsorbent tax in Cannabis. As he has done with employment every illegal is now legal and a new hire. there fore this administration added 11 million new jobs. Stopping small startups to be able to compete so when the feds come in it will be a new market now one controlled by the status quo of each state. That's what the Arizona proposals are touting investor backed dispensaries fruck the medical patient or the local guy grower


ICMag Donor
San Diego busts were not federal, iirc, but rather local.

And, let's face it, CA law is a mess where cannabiz exists in an entirely grey area where locals & feds can operate like sharks picking off swimmers whenever they get hungry.

There have been zero busts of legal operations here in CO since legalization. Federal & State authorities brought down 2 organizations using CO as cover for interstate trafficking, Just as Holder promised they would. Other than that, the Feds have been conducting the Marijuana War elsewhere.

Yeh, you can still be cited for cannabis on federal property if you make yourself a target of opportunity.

Speaking of fed property...

I was unaware that ANY state had " "ceeded" the National Forests & BLM land to the federal government. As far as I know, those are still State lands, not under federal jurisdiction, but rather federally "managed".
Therefore, the fed really doesn't have a leg to stand on if a person, busted for cannabis on fed land asserts their Rights and challenges federal jurisdiction.

If a person challenges a courts jurisdiction, the court must prove that they are the authority over those lands.

IMO, those fed officers need to remove their bullet proof vests, dof their weapons, pick up a stick with a nail in it & "manage the land" in which they were hired to do.

Those two organizations BLM & Forest Rangers are not supposed to be policing people!

IF... National Forest & BLM lands were "ceeded to the federal government" I would like some proof.
I can't seem to find any.


Well-known member
Speaking of fed property...

I was unaware that ANY state had " "ceeded" the National Forests & BLM land to the federal government. As far as I know, those are still State lands, not under federal jurisdiction, but rather federally "managed".
Therefore, the fed really doesn't have a leg to stand on if a person, busted for cannabis on fed land asserts their Rights and challenges federal jurisdiction.

If a person challenges a courts jurisdiction, the court must prove that they are the authority over those lands.

IMO, those fed officers need to remove their bullet proof vests, dof their weapons, pick up a stick with a nail in it & "manage the land" in which they were hired to do.

Those two organizations BLM & Forest Rangers are not supposed to be policing people!

IF... National Forest & BLM lands were "ceeded to the federal government" I would like some proof.
I can't seem to find any.

the property you refer to (Nat'l forest & BLM) were ceded to the federal govt as part of the "price paid" as admission to the nation as a state. at least, out west this was the case. much of it here in the east was too steep/rocky etc to be developed economically, so the states gave it up to the feds. Nevada is considering challenging the Feds in court, in spite of their attorney generals opinion that it is possibly unconstitutional to do so, and that the state can only lose money in a futile attempt. every court decision to date has found for the federal govt whenever they decided to try someone in federal court for crimes committed on federal property. they frequently DO NOT step in on minor shit, and I for one am thankful for that. one of my minor scrapes with LEO as a much younger man involved the Forest Service LEO on federal property. they let local county LEO handle it... if you want "proof" go look for it instead of typing that "as far as I know". if you want to know the truth, the proof is out there.


Still Learning
if bary o has anything to do with legalization, it will be attached to some antigun positions.. like: you get high?? no guns. dats how that backdoor MOFO operates..

EDIT: they are all backdoor.