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Why The Next President May Have To Support Marijuana Legalization

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
If presidential candidates want the backing of three major swing states in 2016, they may have to support the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana. According to Quinnipiac University’s Swing State Poll, the vast majority of voters in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania are pro pot.


In both Ohio and Florida, 84 percent of voters support medical marijuana, while 88 percent favor it in Pennsylvania. Although the majorities are much smaller, 55 percent, 52 percent, and 51 percent of voters favor the possession of “small amounts of marijuana for personal use” in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, respectively.
Ironically, voters in the three states are more interested in the idea of legalization than anything else, as most don’t actually plan on using it. More than 80 percent of people polled in each state said they “definitely” or “probably” would not use it themselves.
In response to the poll, Marijuana Majority Chairman Tom Angell told ThinkProgress, “These results show that marijuana legalization is a mainstream issue that ambitious politicians should try to latch onto instead of run away from.”
As noted by Quinnipiac University, a politically-independent school, no presidential candidate in the last 55 years has won an election without winning two of the three swing states.
Luckily for the next batch of presidential candidates, support for marijuana is no longer the political poison that it once was. With the health community — including 76 percent of doctors — largely in favor of cannibus-based medicines, 23 states (plus D.C.) permit its consumption.



Active member
...like our current one has for eight years.

You ain't talk'n bout No-Bahlz-Bama are ya. Fooled me thinking he would be different. Nope, just invisible strings in the puppet show.

https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=39514&pictureid=1322938View Image

yup. "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"

Yeh, that's obviously why the DEA isn't raiding legal pot shops in CO & WA, huh?

Obama hate among cannabis users is not rational. He's done more for us than any previous President except perhaps Clinton who initially allowed MMJ in CA. He enables us entirely.


Well-known member
Yeh, that's obviously why the DEA isn't raiding legal pot shops in CO & WA, huh?

Obama hate among cannabis users is not rational. He's done more for us than any previous President except perhaps Clinton who initially allowed MMJ in CA. He enables us entirely.

you are right, but...why won't he bring the dogs to heel? the DOJ said that they planned on continuing to bust individuals in spite of Congress passing a law forbidding them from sticking their noses into states with med laws? he COULD call them off, but keeps letting them run loose, like that ignorant bitch in California..


The Dude
Yeh, that's obviously why the DEA isn't raiding legal pot shops in CO & WA, huh?

Obama hate among cannabis users is not rational. He's done more for us than any previous President except perhaps Clinton who initially allowed MMJ in CA. He enables us entirely.


If congress changes it's classification or by chance if Obama by executive order and it flies. If this happens and a good chance it will before the next general election of 2016. Just what would you have any president acknowledge in regards to cannabis ?


Active member
Good to see 2 states that I frequent talk about legislation

It's way over due that the northeast gets some legalization starting to feel like Cali and co are different countries


Active member
Too many people are under the misapprehension that the President actually runs the government.

True. For Clinton & Obama, it looks more like bull riding from here. The Bush years remind me of the Rolling Stones' song Sympathy for the Devil- "I rode a tank with a general's rank..."<link href="chrome://s3gt/skin/s3gt_tooltip.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">


The problem with legalizing it is the money people can make of it.

It's going to be legal when the legislation favors the corps in such a way that they get the 90% share of the market and of the 10% small businesses 90% is payed back in taxes one way or another...
Legalizing is capitalizing


Active member
The problem with legalizing it is the money people can make of it.

It's going to be legal when the legislation favors the corps in such a way that they get the 90% share of the market and of the 10% small businesses 90% is payed back in taxes one way or another...
Legalizing is capitalizing

Other than the few of us who grow strictly for personal consumption, cannabis producers & distributors have always been in it for the money. Legalization moves it upscale to a more corporate level.

Not that freighters filled with Colombian cannabis in the 70's weren't their own brand of corporatism.


Ripped since 1965
How many US Presidents do you have to live through and watch before you figure out they have very little power when it comes to everything except making war. US Presidents can't do much more than try to persuade the Senators and Congressmen who run this circus. Cut through the crap, what we really elect every 4 years is The Supreme Warlord of Planet Earth.:tiphat:


Active member
The problem with legalizing it is the money people can make of it.

It's going to be legal when the legislation favors the corps in such a way that they get the 90% share of the market and of the 10% small businesses 90% is payed back in taxes one way or another...
Legalizing is capitalizing

Some people no doubt will make a lot of money off the venerable weed. High end products like pharmaceuticals will demand high end prices and high end standards. But I know and you all probably know that weed is no more difficult to produce than corn. Overgrow the world still ought to be the goal.
Overgrow the world?? I just want enough for me without having to worry about repercussions. Lots of folks out there who don't want a plantation for cash cropping....just want my god-given rights to not be hindered by the government. Its not their choice to make.