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Why don't you like Ron Paul?

lost in a sea

whatever people say about him he has said more truth than most other american politicians of the last 20 years put together,,

if you still believe in democracy then all you can do is vote for a man that speaks truth as you see it,,

personally i think that voting for anyone in a fake system makes you complicit in all the murders of that fake system and the only option is passive non compliance with the poison,,

its all about that "american dream",,, does it exist ? what is american culture ?

what were people trying to escape when they went to america?

"Enlighten the people, generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind
will vanish like spirits at the dawn of day"



I lik dis



I've skimmed through some replies, and I have to agree with a lot of people that he is just not the right guy to bring us where we need to be.

I'm really hoping Gary Johnson gets his name out there this summer. But I'll keep it at that, don't want to get off topic.


Active member
I don't like him because I like national debt. It allows me to take advantage of the little guy. If someone were not come along and actually give a shit and fix it...the middle class would have a dying chance to step above the induced repression of sociological burdens propped up by a man made government. I would be screwed because the people I like to screw would have another choice and probably tell me to fuck off.

Ron Paul..=..to much sense and right direction....I vote no.

How the hell are we supposed to drop bombs on Iran if we have a middle class that can go out and find a civilian job in a thriving economy that pays more then the huge $18,500 starting salary of an enlisted man?!?! Now you cant tell me the military isn't comprised of minorities and middle class citizens that make the logical choice to join because sociological burdens and the desire for a steady pay check; thats just not true. If we didnt have depression in our country, we couldn't spread it in other countries because people would have a better option. Like the saying goes, misery loves company.

Again, Ron Paul = equality among stupid human beings. Again I vote no.
Four of them anyway. :)

Ron Paul: The World's Most Popular U.S. Congressman

"The format we have now isn't very healthy, where we just yell and shout at each other," he says. "I try to turn down these things where they put two people on a screen and to try to explain your position you have to yell louder than the other guy. As a matter of fact, I tell me staff I don't even want those. But if people are serious and want to ask me a question and want to know why I want to legalize marijuana and bring the troops home I'll tell them and try to explain it."



New member
I don't like him because I like national debt. It allows me to take advantage of the little guy. If someone were not come along and actually give a shit and fix it...the middle class would have a dying chance to step above the induced repression of sociological burdens propped up by a man made government. I would be screwed because the people I like to screw would have another choice and probably tell me to fuck off.

Ron Paul..=..to much sense and right direction....I vote no.

How the hell are we supposed to drop bombs on Iran if we have a middle class that can go out and find a civilian job in a thriving economy that pays more then the huge $18,500 starting salary of an enlisted man?!?! Now you cant tell me the military isn't comprised of minorities and middle class citizens that make the logical choice to join because sociological burdens and the desire for a steady pay check; thats just not true. If we didnt have depression in our country, we couldn't spread it in other countries because people would have a better option. Like the saying goes, misery loves company.

Again, Ron Paul = equality among stupid human beings. Again I vote no.
Me too, how the fuck can I ruin people if RP is in charge. Oh wait I was channeling Cheney again there for a moment..
Texas has already recently managed to prevent women from having freedom over their own body despite Roe vs. Wade. Ron Paul would encourage more of the same.


Well-known member
I Like some of the stuff he says , but the guy has some kind of delusional idea of the free market. He insist on no government regulation of any kind, even if the market explodes to country to nothing.. He is just another GWBush in terms of regulation , and that why he cant wont take office.


...the progressive liberals want us all on foodstamps.


thats rediculous. progressive liberals just want food stamps to be available to those who need them. sure people abuse the system, but we cant just shutndown the system because some people fucked around. we should punish those particular assholes, not everyone involved. same situation as the drug war, republicans were sick of a minority of people doing drugs commiting crimes, so lets ban all drugs instead of punishing those who act irresponsibly. when someone drinks and drives we arrest them, as they should be, but we dont arrest every patron of a bar cuz they "might" drink and drive someday. similarly we should not ban drugs because someone will get addicted and choose to rob your house, we should just fucking arrest people who rob houses and maybe throw a tax cut on for people to buy their own security systems cuz theyre saving the cops money. punishing people for shit they havent done never has or will make sense


excuse me, i seem to have stepped into the liberal thread.

...i had no idea there was anyone on the planet that actually listened to that Maddow cow.


btw, has anyone ever heard of the concept of a 'womans reproductive responsibilities' or is the freedom to toss baby's into the garbage all that's important? ...saving a womans life should be the only acceptable reason for an abortion.
excuse me, i seem to have stepped into the liberal thread.

...i had no idea there was anyone on the planet that actually listened to that Maddow cow.


btw, has anyone ever heard of the concept of a 'womans reproductive responsibilities' or is the freedom to toss baby's into the garbage all that's important? ...saving a womans life should be the only acceptable reason for an abortion.
wow..just mfn wow. cow? thats cute..youre trying, huh? how about rape? how about incest? how about its their body and their choice? not some "small government" conservatives who are not content unless they have their hands in your uterus. btw i watch rachels show every night and i encourage others to do the same. i apologize for getting off subject, but i couldnt let this b.s stand. respectful political discourse is what this country needs now more than ever. i'm a liberal to the core, but i respect dr. paul and most of all, his supporters. he has a true following that is undeniable. :thank you:


wow..just mfn wow. cow? thats cute..youre trying, huh? how about rape? how about incest? how about its their body and their choice? not some "small government" conservatives who are not content unless they have their hands in your uterus. btw i watch rachels show every night and i encourage others to do the same. i apologize for getting off subject, but i couldnt let this b.s stand. respectful political discourse is what this country needs now more than ever. i'm a liberal to the core, but i respect dr. paul and most of all, his supporters. he has a true following that is undeniable. :thank you:

the 'body' that DIES is the baby's and no matter how you look at that, or how derisive and dismissive you may be, that IS murder of an innocent and defenseless life.

...why is it too much to ask that a woman either keep her lets closed or be willing to carry an unwanted baby to term? ...better the baby be adopted and have a life than to be murdered by some ingorant bitch too selfish to exercise good judgement.

...why are HER rights to fuck indiscriminately more important than the rights of any unborn child to have a life of it's own?

...and in the case of rape or incest, a form of rape, the BABY is still INNOCENT and does not deserve to die for the sins of his father.

with freedom comes responsibility. ...if you are FREE to spread your legs then you are MORALLY responsible for the life you create.



thats rediculous. progressive liberals just want food stamps to be available to those who need them. sure people abuse the system, but we cant just shutndown the system because some people fucked around. we should punish those particular assholes, not everyone involved. same situation as the drug war, republicans were sick of a minority of people doing drugs commiting crimes, so lets ban all drugs instead of punishing those who act irresponsibly. when someone drinks and drives we arrest them, as they should be, but we dont arrest every patron of a bar cuz they "might" drink and drive someday. similarly we should not ban drugs because someone will get addicted and choose to rob your house, we should just fucking arrest people who rob houses and maybe throw a tax cut on for people to buy their own security systems cuz theyre saving the cops money. punishing people for shit they havent done never has or will make sense

while i agree a just society should care for it's weakest members the rest of us should be granted the right to either succeed or fail according to our abilities and desires. ...a society cannot care for ALL of it's members, SOMEONE has to work.

"To take from one because it is thought that his own industry and that of his father’s has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association—the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson



Well-known member
I don't like Ron Paul because he does not believe in the separation of Church and State. That's a deal breaker. We already have fundie lawmakers pushing laws based on their religious beliefs. I have NO desire to live in a theocracy.

It doesn't matter what I may agree with him on, that little gem kills the deal. I don't care if he said he'd legalize herb on day one, I would not vote for him on that single issue. Period. He ain't getting the nomination anyway, so it's a moot point.

Romney is like a reed. Sways whatever direction the wind blows. He'd come out in favor of eating lead paint if he thought it would get him elected. He's flip flopped on every major issue and his foreign policy is non existent. Most of his foreign policy advisors worked for Bush. No thanks.

Obama hasn't wowed me, but he got bin Laden. He's done pretty well considering Republican opposition. For crying out loud, Mitch McConnels exact words were "“Well that is true, making Obama a one-term President is my single most important political goal along with every active Republican in the country." Fuck what's best for the country, fuck bipartisanship, he's got to go! And they've done exactly that. They haven't done a damn thing about jobs (and that is what they ran on) except demand tax cuts for the wealthy. Trickle down economics DOES NOT WORK. That trickle you feel is the GOP pissing on your head.

Obama's preferable to RMoney.

Douche or shit sandwich? Better the douche I know than the shit sandwich I don't.