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why can I get free needles and get busted for my bong?



Can some one please explain why I can get free hypo's from health clinics in PA to save peoples health, but I will get arested for owning a bong to use because it filters out the nasties that I do not want to smoke? :fsu:


cuz free needles not only to combat spread of aids ..but also a host of other uses like insulin injections or allergy injections,ect.
its all just ridiculous in the grand scheme of things to make a bong illegal but i guess they figure if your bong or bowl were legal then so would your crack pipe:wink:


My little pony.. my little pony
When shared bongs give hiv then the PA health clinics will give out free bongs.


when they accept stoners as normal citizens and stop disenfranchising us with their evil laws.


Look it is a very very good thing needle exchange programs are in existance. I agree pot and parafanelia (sp.) should be legal but don't get down on the needle exchange programs they work. And you can get busted for posessing needles also if there's evidence you intend to use it for drug use. In most states a bong has to either be in the presence of drugs or have residue in it to be illegal syringes are the exact same way same with rolling papers or even hemistats/roachclips. These are all listed in most state codes a drug parefanelia but what they are accompanied with is what makes them illegal. Would you rather aids/hiv spred among inner city populations more than it is. These things effect more than the drug users themselves. They effect family members they effect husbands of ex girlfriends. I promise you that you've had sex with someone who's had sex with someone who's had sex with someone etc. who's a heroin addict. Heroin addiction is a difficult thing for many to imagine. It is hard to imagine someones behavior being altered so drastically or being controlled by a substance or how a substance can invoke such desparation but believe me it does. Methadone is also given out fairly easily. THIS IS A GOOD THING. You should sympathise with victims of substance abuse and the war on drugs and not blame them for your problems. Believe me I'm sure somewhere someone is saying, "I can go down the street and buy a bong but the liquor store closes at 5" it doesn't mean that you shouldn't be able to buy a bong. Also free needle exchange programs are legal/available in fewer states than bongs that have no drug residue.


we'll never get anywhere telling each other how we feel about cannabis ... letters (not e-mails) to elected officials is what works ... especially if a $$ check accompanies the letter ... just my two cents ... :smoke:


My little pony.. my little pony
Totally, if it werent for the quilting needle exchange program my grandma might not be alive today.



Im sorry man but if you have to shoot something to get high, you are fuckin stupid. I know that you can snort heroin and thats how most people get hooked and then move to shooting but still its fuckin retarded IMO. Sticking a syringe in your body for anything IMO is fuckin retarded. Can you tell I dont like needles?

Now Im not a diabetic but I know a few and I understand their situation where if they dont inject their insulin they are fucked so nothing against anyone who HAS to do this to live...but any drug addicted moron who shoots himself up to get high has no sympathy from me. :joint:


My little pony.. my little pony
Im sorry man but if you have to shoot something to get high, you are fuckin stupid.

Agreed but paintballing homeless people doesnt have the same effect sober.


I think shooting dope is an awful thing. I lost my best friends from both high school and college to heroin overdose but I think anything that could be done to make people safer is a good thing. Obviously I think that bongs should be legal. Actually I think that all drugs should be legalised and contolled. I don't do anything but smoka zee dopa but I think that it's fairly obvious that trying to control hard drugs through prohibition is futile and a tremendous wate of money. As much as I hate heroin and I hate seeing anyone using it (which is also the way I feel about tobacco and booze btw) it's the black market that dictates an addicts need to steal and hurt people in search of their next fix. At least if they could get their fix without the outrageous black market price they could easily afford their habit and actually have some sort of job. With the money saved from enforcing idiotic drug laws added to the money made from taxing drugs serious education could be funded which is the only way to fight any sort of abuse. To people who say junkies couldn't hold jobs even if they could afford their drugs I point to the probably million of functioning alcaholics in the world who go to work everyday (or nearly,lol). As far as making drugs more available to kids I don't believe that if the drugs were regulated the same as booze. Sure kids can get booze if they try hard enough but even though I went to high school decades ago it was harder then to find someone to get me to buy beer than it was to get drugs. I never in my life once have been carded buying drugs.


Im sorry man but if you have to shoot something to get high, you are fuckin stupid. I know that you can snort heroin and thats how most people get hooked and then move to shooting but still its fuckin retarded IMO. Sticking a syringe in your body for anything IMO is fuckin retarded. Can you tell I dont like needles?

wow, thats a strong statement, however totally valid. (excluding diabetics an young folk who dont know better) I have battled with a heroin addiction problem for the last 8 years of my life (I'm only in my mid 20's BTW) but never once did I resort to using needles, smoking was my preferred form of administration. At the age of 15, my best friend overdosed in my garage whilst my entire family aswell as guests were home , believe me, calling an ambulance to wait an entire block away then carrying my friend on my shoulder whilst he convulsed and vomited on me is something that will always haunt me. He is gone now, he left last year and when he did I wasnt so much upset as relieved (I know it sounds horrible) as I knew it was inevitable and only a matter of time. He joines a long list of friends and one very special girlfriend who I have lost to the scourge of herion. It's high time the government stopped with all this methadone BS and started a program where addicts could recieve 3 hits of pure diacetyl morphine (heroin) a day under strict government control, thereby destroying the criminal element. Who would risk jail to import/sell a product with no market? only problem is, half the police force would lose there jobs due to the decrease in crime, pharmacuetical co's would lose revenue, the list of those with vested interests goes on and on. Well, since I discovered the healing power of the sacred herb, I think I am well on the way towards not only a full recovery but an awakening on a level I have previously been unaware of, and everyone here has helped me in one way or another. So thankyou all and may your lives follow the path you wish them to. Sorry for the rant and once again bless you all... Hide...


Active member
that's too bad to hear hideyoshi... 90% of drug overdoses are survivable, it's all about how those around the overdosee react. and of those 95% are directly related to inconsistant levels of purity...

both of which could be solved by full legalization and regulation...

if addicts didn't feel the stigma that society puts on them, in the case of heroin through needle phobia (as many people on this thread have demonstrated) they wouldn't feel the need to use alone, or hide their habit from loved ones, and thusly be alone when they overdose (the 2nd most common reason of death from heroin, after mixing with alcohol)... it's just a method of administration, if done correctly it's as safe or safer than snorting or smoking...

second, if it were regulated and purity levels were consistant people simply wouldn't overdose as often. of course it's inevitable that people will always over-do dangerous substances (think college binge drinking)... but the key is to make it as safe as possible for the users and society in general
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Verite said:
Agreed but paintballing homeless people doesnt have the same effect sober.

Verite your fucking halarious....LMAO dude....but then again your probley fucking right

70 :joint:


Well here in the UK the government are talking about 'shooting galleries' in major city's to get the junkies off the street... so the hard drug user can have a legal crack n brown house but the guy like me cant have a coffeeshop.. lol.

now that seems stupid to me... :joint:

Yeah it might help stop OD's and stuff but the laws seem to favour a junkie over a hard working guy who likes a puff now and then.. :chin:

Just my two pence...


ICMag Donor
Hi all :wave:

Sharing bongs doesn't catch you HIV/AIDS, STDs, or blood poisoning!!!
(ok yo might catch cooties... lol
Bong smoking isn't a discernable problem (yo just think it is)... lol

The 'shooting galleries' are much needed inner-city UK... it worked in Switzerland,, there's no reason it can't work here!

Drug use and abuse arises through association; which develops into habit; tolerance; and addiction.

'Shooting galleries' do away with the association, they regulate habit and in time reduce tolerance. Fewer people become addicts via association - (the hardcore mainliners don't mix with potential chasers; which become mainliners in-turn). The shooting-galleries give away good-quality smack, meaning that the dealers cannot sell poor-quality smack... in time the smack dealers become redundant!!! Lets remember smack cost as little as £2 a wrap, which is cigerette money for a kid in glasgow. Hence Why does smack cost less than tobacco??? think about,,,? All answers on a post-card to No.10 (?)

smack addicts have become social pariahs,,, we blame them for our own ills! It's easy to point fingers from ivory towers, when your not addicted to drugs!

just my two stalks,
peace dL

**crack addicts, different gnikcuf< story, the biggest social issue facing contemporary UK society,,, yout' in ghetto smoking coke-can with guns... a serious social problem!!!
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
quite simply i would probably be infected with one of the big nasties if not for the needle exchanges over here......
theoretically you could get hepatitis from someone elses bong

PS i dont use needles anymore and havnt for more than 4 years


My little pony.. my little pony
I know AA gives out coins for years of sobriety .. does NA give out pins?

btw nothing spells fun like showing up for a flu shot with flicking lighter in one hand and a bent spoon in the other.


People should be more aware,years ago in the Dam youd have to be pretty fuckin sure the bongs in coffee shops were clean.Ive set in many watching tha one bong being used again and again without ever being cleaned.
As smokers we can pass on infection through hairline cracks on our lips,things aint got much better while im sure some shops clean bongs after every use.Very good Verite,N/A you can have a nice ring especially made with the N/A symbol.Dont know about other countries but youve to be clean for years here before you can have one.Ive been clean for over seven years,not that proud of it,N/A wasn't for me.Weed was.
Budsbuddy, the reason is so "they" can identify users aswell.Your bong aint seen as a cleaner way.Ive never seen a filter in a bong,apart from cooling aids that is.Hypocrisy is the gratest luxury.
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I think some of the decisions that are made to curb drug use/keep people healthy are whack. I'm coming down with the flu and went into longs yesterday for some crap to fix me up. One small bottle of nyquil and one of dayquil... pretty easy to figure out what this selection is for right? I have no idea what psudawhatevertheshitscalled is before this.

They would only sell me one bottle saying a new law in cali restricts everyone to buying one bottle per month! Took my drivers lic number down so I can't get anything else for a damn month! Now there is a compassionate move to help keep people healthy.