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whos growing outside in 2013??



Things are going tickety-boo Rik,we have a few plants out,a few more to go out,we will hit our target number,we are currently just a little busy with indoor projects:tiphat:


^What are those wrap around guard things called mate? Sure I heard copper rings were used to stop slugs etc is that right? Thinking of my new Sunflower mate :)

" F'kin HAUL mate " :bigeye:. ^7th pic up could/does look like a bunch of Nettles BM !

Tis EH!! :smokeit: YEA Strimmers a giveaway :D
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What are those wrap around guard things called
Brand name is tubex netguard,forestry commission sapling protectors,we dont copper tape plants to protect from slugs,it would take for fucking ever to do that to several thousand plants :ying::tiphat:


Active member
I have noticed that the nettles in my grounds & around my way are way bigger & further in flower than I have ever seen them before . This mild wet winter we had is really beginning to show up in the way all the stuffs growing in the garden & wild .
Beware , it`s gonna be a record year for slugs to
So I got this stuff called woolpack to keep slugs at bay went to check today and they had completely wiped out everything at 1 spot just 10 stalks left...........

I'm unsure what to do I would just walk away but the site in question had a lot of soil put down and I have more cuttings already hardened off that we're going to another site I'm thinking should I just replace the eaten ones and just step up the slug prevention with pellets copper mats beer traps etc.

What are people's thoughts.


Active member
So I got this stuff called woolpack to keep slugs at bay went to check today and they had completely wiped out everything at 1 spot just 10 stalks left...........

I'm unsure what to do I would just walk away but the site in question had a lot of soil put down and I have more cuttings already hardened off that we're going to another site I'm thinking should I just replace the eaten ones and just step up the slug prevention with pellets copper mats beer traps etc.

What are people's thoughts.

yeah do that I would
fucking slugs


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
great work as always buddy,,onwards and upwards now mate,,
fingers crossed for a nice summer your end but a cold rainy one for me in Essex/greater London lol,,,s2


Active member
replace the eaten ones and just step up the slug prevention with pellets copper mats beer traps etc.
Forget copper , it`s just too much trouble & pellets have drawbacks as they can indirectly kill other wildlife like birds & hedgehogs & need to be replaced if they get wet .
Beertraps in sunken jam-jars are the best bet as slugs can smell beer from a 100yds , just buy the cheapest beer you can find coz they ain`t fussy . I have used a 6in wide ring of sharp-sand around plant stems to some effect . All the good gardeners &knowledgeable people have said it`s gonna be a record year for them so we all have our work cut out .
One other option is nematodes , little bit expensive but 100% effective , check www.defenders.co.uk

Just been into defenders & they are out of stock of slug control because of the high demand .


Buddymate, you are a fucking hero and I still making myself the idea that you are gonna pull this trick off in the middle of UK, hats off mate!!

I can not belive my eyes... everyweek I wait for your updates, because they never let you down, I think you are living the dream of many of us, doing a guerilla of this magnitude.


Its coming off Rik,theres two of us doing it,its just a bit of a piss-take because people said we couldnt do a decent sized grow so we are doing it,we aint heros'we are just a pair of mickey taking c*nts :tiphat::biggrin: