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Whos getting ready for 2012 Veggie Season :-D !!!


Active member
broke out my plastic greenhouse, looks like spring has sprung finally up here so time to go outside. gonna be doing chile's, habanero, jalapeno, some red bell, green bell, beefsteak and plum tomatoes. and i might try and do spinach and carrots also. gotta break out the seed box and see what we got to work with.


I planted a bunch of lemon cucumber seeds and the rosa bianca eggplants today. They are downstairs under florescent lights along with my thai chilies, orange habs, and cannabis seedlings :)

Tomorrow me and my better half will go and check out some different varieties of tomatoes that we'd like to grow. I'm hoping they have some good heirlooms available locally.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
i noticed in my greenhouse today i now have carrots, spinach, bush beans and snap peas that have germ'd and broke soil...
Great to see everyone picking up their trowels and getting the busy green thumb
a working :-D

I have been lacking a tid bit on mine... none of my seeds popped yet because
yet are sitting on a cold concrete floor right now... :(
For Your Viewing Pleasure :-D :-D

For Your Viewing Pleasure :-D :-D

Time to liven this thread up a bit :-D :-D

I shall share with you some of my garden ;-)


This is my garlic bed. This year its in this test bed....
The height of this raised bed is i believe... 32 inches.
Soil texture is sandy/loamy where the loam consist of about 80%
compost aka organic matter. This past fall is when these were sown. The first picture shows garlic SEEDLINGS... these will be Seedlings for 1 full year until they will actually mature into garlic bulbs. The 2nd picture is what the rest of the bed consists of and that's clove seedlings, the outer cloves of last years largest garlic bulbs are who were used. You can visually see the size different...picture was taken same distances away from plants.
Total # of garlic i believe is... 600 give or take 100... lol never the less I plant on making 3 additional beds like this strictly for garlic, main reason being garlic is tied at #1 most important ingredient in my organic pesticide.


Oh boy oh boy was I happy when I saw this little beauty this morning :-D I just transplanted 30 LARGE asparagus crowns in this bed last fall, same time I did the garlic. this bed is same as the garlic bed. Notice the layer of leaves... that layer was a solid 8inches thick in the fall... with this warm winter we have had the worms ate it down to what.. 1 inch about lol. Look at that nice dark soil :-D Not bad for 5 months. I amended so much junk clay I had in the yard into this too lol... you know you can get rid of anything in a garden compost pile lol

Cheers everyone, i wish great vibes upon everyone and especially their gardens
this year :-D Shall your garden thrive from my vibes hehe They feel me ;-)


i have been growing elephant garlic for a few years now. its awesome :D HUGE cloves :D and tasty as hell but softer flavour than normal garlic.

the variety i got IS NOT the oregon breed, but from the balkan countries, brought here by the wife of a friend of family many years ago.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
my greenhouse is doing quite well... but il19z8rn4li1's pic of asparagus reminded me i still have asparagus crowns i need to plant. these will be in an outdoor garden.

i need to till my outdoor garden, fence a section and get some asparagus, garlic, corn, potatoes, cantaloupe, watermelon, squash, strawberries and pumpkin going :dance:


Active member
What's up everybody. I have grown lots of veggies before but I get the chance to make a custom soil for my new raised beds i will be building this year. Any reason a premium mix made for cannabis wouldn't work for Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, onions, fruit trees, herbs? My mix will primarily be made up of compost, EWC, 5/16's lave rock, peat moss and amendments.


Kiss My Ring
yep that'll do it.
nice start ...uh 'whatever your handle was' your garlic beds look awesome. you planted asparagus in the same beds?
man i would love to find some asparagus starts.

we have strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, rhubarb, chives, garlics, horseradish, corn and potatoes in the ground.

on deck...cucumbers, squash, zucchini, peas, beans, onions, tomatoes (variety), tomatillos, cabbages, leeks, pumpkins, cnatalopes, and probably half dozen more i left out.

been busting butt getting ready for this summer (if you can call it that '46* N'), got my green house up, built 5 raised beds, new faucett...hell yeah! i'm just needing some sun.


High country cat herder
Shit, only 1 out of 9 Jalapeno's in over a week,.... may need to try some other seeds :frown:

Anyone ever start Corn indoors?

We have 15 sprouts in .5L Peat cups right now,... they're only 4" tall at the tallest, but they're already pushing roots thru the cups! I've got my fingers crossed that they'll hold out to get moved outdoors in another month or so!!!!
Thanks friends :-D

No all my veggie get their own home... they dont share :-D
Each beds' soil is special to that particular plant growing in it.

ie: My blueberry beds are mulched with pine needles and coffee grounds.
Helps keep pH nice and low.. 4.2 - 5.2... more where blueberries like it.

Tip on the planting corn indoors. I did it one year, but noticed that if you let
them get the SLIGHTEST bit root bound, they will be stunted when you plant
them outside.
Key is to start them only 1-2 weeks BEFORE you put them outside... so they
kinda just have that jump start... aka Germ time. Germ time outdoors
is usually 2x longer then indoor.


Kiss My Ring
Thanks friends :-D

No all my veggie get their own home... they dont share :-D
Each beds' soil is special to that particular plant growing in it.

ie: My blueberry beds are mulched with pine needles and coffee grounds.
Helps keep pH nice and low.. 4.2 - 5.2... more where blueberries like it.

Tip on the planting corn indoors. I did it one year, but noticed that if you let
them get the SLIGHTEST bit root bound, they will be stunted when you plant
them outside.
Key is to start them only 1-2 weeks BEFORE you put them outside... so they
kinda just have that jump start... aka Germ time. Germ time outdoors
is usually 2x longer then indoor.

thank you, live and learn. planned on staggering the corn going in outside. i'll keep an eye there.
my soil is somewhat acidic and as long as the hydrangia are blue they will be fine i think, plus a bacterially dominated ACT drench in their beds helps with that.
jump start is what i was thinking, as long as weather permits... and it hasn't the last two years here (reason i got a greenhouse).


High country cat herder

I'll keep a close eye on them, figured the root stress would be an issue, that's why I went with the peat cups.

I could slap together a cheapass greenhouse to shelter them for the next month I think since it sounds like my hand is gonna be kinda forced into getting them outside.


Got a lot of seedlings to small plants ready to put in the garden. All non-hybrid, non-GMO seeds. Bell peppers, black hungarian, serrano, jalapeno, and a few others. Several tomatoes-brandywine, mortgage lifter, sm. yellow, and a couple others. Pole beans, peas, onions, butternut, zuchinni, yellow summer squash. Probably some other seedlings. Also 5 lb. seed potatoes.

It is going to rain next couple days (hopefully off & on). I may have to cover my potato bed.

I can't wait!!!!!!!


I best get myself in on this thread....
OUTSIDE: The beds are full. I use the square foot method, and have all of them loaded down with seedlings of various radishes, carrots, beets, peas, lettuces, collards, and bok choy. Everything that will finish early enough for me to plant up summer crops, although with some of the stuff in, I will be able to stagger out plantings to prolong their season (radishes, beets, and the baby bok choy).
I am growing two things for the first time this year-sweet onions and potatoes. The onions went in about a week ago, and are doing fine. The potatoes were just planted yesterday. Another thing I am doing this year is letting a lot of stuff bolt and go to seed, as many of our current seeds have not been properly stored and will probably not be viable after this year.
I'm also expanding the garden to my mother in law's horse farm, since she has way more space than I do. I started working on preparing two 4'x14' beds a couple days ago, I just have to build them up and fill them. Luckily, there is plenty of aged compost at the farm, so I don't have to buy my medium for these big bitches. Once these beds are ready, the plan is to fill them up with eggplant, various tomatoes, beans, and peppers in one bed; the second bed is going to be home to squashes, melons, and other large plant veggies in the second.
INDOORS: Just a shit load of seeds started. They were started about a week ago, and many things are coming up.
I will try getting some progress pics up today, and provide a list of all the varieties going on.


And, I am going to promote my favorite pepper provider, Cross Country Nurseries. If you are looking for any type of pepper, and I mean ANY type of pepper (500 varieties this year), this is the place for you. It's the only place i buy pepper plants from for the past three years. They start shipping on April 2, and the shipping methods are top notch. If you are serious about your peppers (or tomatoes, or eggplant), check these guys out.


Active member
planted some more.sweet 100 cherry,scotch bonnet,beets, and some other stuff i cant remember. letting one huge broccoli plant bolt and flower for seeds and attract bees. its huge and has about 10 bees on it at any time. nice yellow flowers. asked the old lady to get some roma tomato plants . she came home with roma bean plants WTF. the plants dont even look alike lol. theres no mistaking a bean plant for a tomato. on her behalf she cant see well,and dont know many plants that well
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