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Who lets their dog sleep on their bed?


New member
dogs belong outside in my opinion.

Definitely not a dog person eh? MY dog has his own pillow on the bed and sleeps curled up between me and the wife under the cover most nights. That is if the cat will allow it.


Active member
We just had to banish the dog downstairs and out of the bedrooms because my oldest daughter was diagnosed with asthma. The cat went out of the house altogether to my wife's sister. Don't know if it's only seasonal asthma yet, but the dog had to get out of the beds. We're just hoping we can keep her in the house at all...


Active member
bloody hell amte 5k on training , thats a bit much no ? i just watch ceazer on tv seems to work fine on all my pals dogs ,
iam thinking of a blue blood american bulldog or a boxer for my next dog . not sure how slavery the boxer can be . i like the more athletic shape bulldog the slimer type not the short stocky one ,
but i also love boxers been trying to decide for days now .

what kind of bully you got m8?

5K is not unreasonable for a professionally trained animal in specialized services. Especially if the animal has to be boarded with the trainers for 6 months or a year. LEAs routinely pay $10,000+ for fully trained police dogs


We just had to banish the dog downstairs and out of the bedrooms because my oldest daughter was diagnosed with asthma. The cat went out of the house altogether to my wife's sister. Don't know if it's only seasonal asthma yet, but the dog had to get out of the beds. We're just hoping we can keep her in the house at all...
I've just started taking "allergy honey", it's simply local raw honey. I don't know how old your daughter is, but if her asthma is affected by the seasons that implies it's allergy-based.

I've suffered from HORRIBLE hayfever all my life, any time I am not near the beach or on a tropical island and it's not winter then my nose is itching and running and so are my eyes. Sometimes it gets so bad that my ears and whole face itch like crazy. I can't take the typical allergy medications because they all put me to sleep. I didn't think the honey would do anything except make me fatter, but within THREE days my eyes had stopped itching so insanely. Six days in and I'm no longer waking up with my eyes sealed shut.

In any event, you don't have to allow your animals to sleep with you in order to love them. Just like your kids, you can love them but not sleep with them. If I were to allow my dog to get herself into a higher physical position then her dominance issues would be tenfold worse. HELL if I'll let her sleep in my bed, I wouldn't get any sleep (and my husband would divorce me).

I personally feel it's cruel to keep an animal locked up indoors its entire life. I am most pleased when the cat comes home with a fat vole it's just caught, for example. I've seen dogs that freak out when they encounter grass, and that's just insane to me. But, will I crack on people who clearly love their animals, even though they're not keeping them as I would? No, I won't. So, please don't crack on others who don't care for their animals exactly as you would.

Not letting animals up on furniture is not the same as keeping them chained or tightly confined with no interaction or ability to physically roam a bit. I think it's more important to allow natural behaviors, contact with the earth and other natural elements than to allow them to sleep in your bed. But, that's just me.


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at least this thread is not "do you sleep with your dog?" imagine the comments that would bring and i would have tons.

some dogs dont want to sleep on your bed, perfering their own space or advoiding your smell.

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
u best believe i let my dog sleep in my bed! he's a big boy too! he hops on and off the bed atleast 2 dozen times throughout the night though... he doesnt like being in same spot for too long :biglaugh:


I like/treat my dog more/better than 99% of the people I meet. He doesn't get to sleep on the bed though. Maybe if he wasn't such a huge dog and didn't try to hog the whole thing I'd put up with it.

Guest 226076

one on the bed one beside the bed.german shephards 75lbs.happy trails.....


my dog will cuddle when I first go to bed then go to his bed when I fall asleep, then he comes back to cuddle when I start to wake up

he loves to lean and cuddle with people

I love my little boy



My Dobie would sleep on the bed when he was a pup, but now he sleeps on his own bed next to mine. Sometimes I catch him sleeping on the end of the bed when I come home. My girlfriend has cats, and they sleep on bed. Cats are cool, but I can't stand the cat hair everywhere on sheets and blankets. Feel like I'm breathing in hair when I'm trying to sleep.


Active member
i bought my dog a dog bed that sits next to mine. every night i put her in her bed. every morning i wake up with her in my bed. she sneaks in when i fall asleep.


Active member
my last dog did that ^ he would sneek in bed and stretch out. i woke up a few times on the floor. i finally trained him to his own bed


New member
I have a chiuahaua sleeps with me and the wife and I used to let my 90lb pitty sleep with me before the wife was here


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
In my opinion that is just dirty.
Pets should have their own quarters. Many diseases started when men&animals had a too close relation.


My dog sleeps on her own bed.. Better for her cause I'm so dirty! :D