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This. ^^^I have two German Shepherds, they both sleep in the house in the winter, on their dog beds. In the spring & summer, one sleeps in the house on their dog bed, and one sleeps outside. They are not allowed on any furniture.
you have to take precautions when they go outside. We clean his feet and wipes his privet parts off.. Believe me when I say there will be piss and shit on them after they do there thing.. Since my buddy is a indoor dog since he was a pup. Putting him out would be cruel as he does not know anything about the outside world...
When I got my Bully we spent over 5k for his training. He does not sleep on anything but his bed in the daytime. Does not even try to get on the bed or couch. When I got to bed he needs to be near me for a bit to know im not going anywhere. after he gets the im I OK feeling he jumps down and sleeps on his bed,the floor or the couch. I put a blanket on the couch to protect it from him scratching.
My little deaf collie sleeps on her own in the kitchen on a huge bean bag. She'd love to sleep on the bed with us but I don't want her around when I'm getting close to the wife. Weirds me out when they watch you have sex. Otherwise she's allowed everywhere - just the bedroom is off-limits.
I paid 3500 for him so no that's not.. He is perfect as far as his training goes..He does everything he is told to do and wont move until I say its ok to do so.. I have a English Bulldog with all the paper crap. He is from a champion line more crap that you have to pay for. The breeder I bought Dozer from had a rule you have to have pet Insurance.... My Intention was to find the best Bulldog I could. I think I did.
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