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Diary White Rhino & Friends. Fall 2021 Grow.


Well-known member
This is a leaf where I must have splashed my solution on it.

Click image for larger version  Name:	20211204_110906.jpg Views:	0 Size:	80.5 KB ID:	18006686

Cats 🐈 paw for scale. lol
(she's a medium sized cat for reference. lol)

Click image for larger version  Name:	20211204_110809.jpg Views:	0 Size:	92.3 KB ID:	18006687




Active member
This is a leaf where I must have splashed my solution on it.

Cats 🐈 paw for scale. lol
(she's a medium sized cat for reference. lol)

Ah, I've seen that in some of my plants before. Wondered what it was... thought it was some genetic thing, like lack of pigment in some cells, like a kind of vitiligo.


Active member
Undersides look normal, and front I have no other guess than some concentrated foliar or the drops + light from it burned the plants, and maybe even cristalised there. Did u had a chance to see if the surface stuff that goes away looks like fine cristals? Dis you give them too concentrated epsom feed, maybe?
Other than this try at guessing, I have no ideea what it could be.

Maybe I got carried away with the foliars (it was multiple fairly dilute sprays per day, but they seemed to be liking it..). Cant tell about crystals - all too small for my low-res kit to see.


Well-known member
... Cant tell about crystals - all too small for my low-res kit to see.

It's probably burnt cells.
My leaf is nute burn.

When I get nute burn from having my nute solution too rich, the tips of the leaves turn yellow followed by the points of the serrations.

I watch the tips of the youngest growth to judge my nute strength.


pure dynamite
Could be mg def. And those other spots I seen have a good chance to be Ca def.


Well-known member
Could be mg def. And those other spots I seen have a good chance to be Ca def.

Possibly,.. but deficiency and excess can present themselves in the same way.

That was an old picture and it has sorted itself out since then.

I checked my plant and I don't have any examples of nute burn/deficiency at the moment.


This is what I'm using now...


A 1/4 tsp of Maxigro, a 1/4 tsp of Maxibloom, 1/2 tsp of Calmag, 1/2 tsp of Potassium Silicate mixture, and 1/8 tsp of KoolBloom, into just over 2 liters of water.
50% tap water and 50% RO water gets me to ~5.8 PH.

Things are looking good.

Thanks for your help with the Potassium Chloride..



I can now make 20 15ml droppers of storage solution for $12 as opposed to $20 for 60ml of the brand name stuff.

​​​​​​​(and I can use it on my pork chops to reduce my sodium intake. lol)


pure dynamite
Nuteburn is usually different, brown (necrotic) tips, not discoloured or white ones as in mg defs. Altrough when the burn is just starting and very slight, it can look a bit like mg. But usually looks quite diferent.


pure dynamite
In my experience if they get discoloured and are not at least slightly brown ar dried at the tip in 1-2 days after, it's for sure mg. But most burns happen almost instantly. I think it also depends on plant metabolism. I don't feed much at a time and certainly no big or fast swings, but usually by the time I notice tips have a problem, it's already clear if it's nuteburn or not.
Sorry for the offtopic, op! If you need me to clean this side discussion, just say.


Active member
In my experience if they get discoloured and are not at least slightly brown ar dried at the tip in 1-2 days after, it's for sure mg. But most burns happen almost instantly. I think it also depends on plant metabolism. I don't feed much at a time and certainly no big or fast swings, but usually by the time I notice tips have a problem, it's already clear if it's nuteburn or not.
Sorry for the offtopic, op! If you need me to clean this side discussion, just say.

No worries exploziv - I'm learning a lot from this.

My pH meter went off the rails this morning. Suddenly started giving really low readings - definitely off (like, I know my tapwater isnt 2.4 pH!!) Sigh. time to get another one... and fingers crossed my guesstimates in the meantime dont reverse the progress I've made lately. Just looked back at the pics from a couple of weeks ago...




Well-known member
My pH meter went off the rails this morning... Sigh. time to get another one...

The glass bulb in the probe of the PH meter is covered in a membrane that is delicate and can breakdown.
Storage solution protects it as the membrane "loves" ions and being kept wet.

Distilled water is hard on the membrane and depletes it.

Rinsing the probe in tap water is better than distilled water as well as storing it if you don't have storage solution.

Better meters calibrate themselves and will let you know when a new probe is necessary when they can no longer calibrate themselves.


Active member
Took cuttings of the AKMMWR-C6 and the BSG x Johaar 2. 2 cuts per pot into 50/50 perlite & coco. Medium soaked in a dilute calmag solution and a little hydrogen peroxide. Diagonal stem cut with a sharp sterile blade, dipped in rooting powder, watered in. Misted and lidded. BSG x Afghan should be ready to take a cut soon, then the Sherbet Queen x Afghan, then hopefully the Purple Bud, White Rhino and Green Gelato. All showing promising green regrowth. Jury still out on the Medical Mass & the Blueberry that I washed and transplanted a few days ago. Am worried that not being able to accurately measure pH will throw this grow off again. Have ordered a better meter, but it will be a few days until it arrives.

20211205_14521.jpg - Click image for larger version  Name:	20211205_14521.jpg Views:	0 Size:	74.4 KB ID:	18007453


pure dynamite
Just water them the smallest amount needed to not drop, and you should be able to sustain them with minimal ph raise till you get the new meter. Or if the quantity of ph down you added was quite consistent, you could try to add a bit less than you usually add, to drop ph a bit but make sure you aren't overdoing it.


Active member
Just water them the smallest amount needed to not drop, and you should be able to sustain them with minimal ph raise till you get the new meter. Or if the quantity of ph down you added was quite consistent, you could try to add a bit less than you usually add, to drop ph a bit but make sure you aren't overdoing it.

Yeah, that seems like a solid plan. And will help with the LITFA. 🤣 Honestly thats the hardest lesson for me. To just look at the plants and monitor them & the environment but not constantly intervene unless I am trying to move a specific variable into a better range. Plants seem to like stability.


Active member
Taken 2 cuts of the BSGxA #3 in perlite. The Blueberry and Purple Bud are coming on, too, and should grow faster now they are no longer shaded by the BSGxA.

New pH meter has finally arrived. Will play with this this evening and hopefully get back on track with watering & feeding at optimal pH. have been watering very sparsely for the last few days, letting everything get drier than I normally would, but the plants dont seem any the worse off for it.

Noticed some of the 3rd batch (MMxJohaar F1 & MMxWR F2) are looking pale - inc yellowing seed leaves. This has been creeping up gradually over the past week or so. Maybe need to up the nutes? Seems more pronounced in the plants in coco/perlite (black/green pots) than the plants in perlite/compost (terracotta coloured pots). Good example is in the picture just above - of the six plants in the top left tray, the two in terracotta coloured pots are in a compost mix, and are relatively green compared to their coco/perlite siblings. Since their transplant last week, I have only watered/fed them once.


Active member
Decided to put the C6 in perlite into flower. It responded really well after the recent cuttings were taken and has branched out really nicely. Theres space in flower... and my last jar is nearly empty! 🙄 and then noticed that it was showing female pre-flowers :canabis: Nice. If it turns out to be a good smoke I'll be able to run it again (assuming that the cuttings take...). Wondering about the effect that the auto genes will have - the other f1s seem pretty keen to flower rapidly and should be done soon - is the auto effect a straight switch, or is it more complicated than that 🤔 Just fed 2ml canna A, 2ml canna B, 1ml biobizz bloom, 1ml biobizz calmag (in 1 litre water). pH 5.8. ppm 1750. seems v high. maybe because im using the nitric acid as pH down now? ppm out was only about 550.


SQxA and GG look kinda similar to me. I guess they are all GSC family.




Still some issues, but so much happier now 🌿🌿🌿😍