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White House claims 24% drop in illegal drug use under Bush


Mourning the loss of my dog......
marx2k said:
The study shows an overall decline of about 24 percent between 2001 and 2007 in the use of illegal drugs........
I do have to admit that the quality/strength of the Cannabis I grow has increased in that time frame, so I am sure that I am smoking at least 25% less if not more......



oldpink said:
24% of people just got smarter if you ask me

as to anyone wanting to inhale the fumes from there own crap :bashhead:

what's wrong with illegal drugs? Or is it because they're teenagers? I agree you shouldn't really take drugs till your an adult or at least until in your late teens.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
marx2k said:
A new study shows American teenagers are getting the message about the dangers of illegal drugs. VOA's Paula Wolfson reports the government-funded survey shows a significant overall decline in illicit drug abuse.

Are we talking the same government that lied the nation into a war over Weapons of Mass Destruction... that didn't exist?

Are we talking the same administration that lied about G. W. Bush's service record?

I think it's a problem of credibility. I also think someone's nose just grew 24%.


A more factual read would be "How America Lost the War on Drugs" (Rolling Stones): http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/17438347/how_america_lost_the_war_on_drugs

Here's an excerpt:

It took Bush nearly a year to pick his drug czar, and almost no one felt encouraged by his choice: John Walters, a laconic Midwesterner who had served as Bill Bennett's chief of staff during the administration of George H.W. Bush. "We all knew who Walters was," one longtime drug warrior tells me, "but he wasn't what you would call an inspiring figure, even to conservatives." When Walters submitted his first National Drug Control Strategy to Bush in February 2002, it became clear that the administration's focus had narrowed: Walters was devoted to Plan Colombia and to a prevention campaign that would keep kids from trying drugs for the first time, aimed particularly at marijuana - even though the number of first-time pot smokers had been flat for half a decade. Longtime drug warriors like Carnevale were stunned. "We were going back to an Eighties-style drug policy," he says - one that emphasized the kind of military and law-and-order programs that had been proven not to work, while ignoring programs, particularly treatment, that did...

...But the reality is that such ads - no matter how persuasive - do little if anything to prevent teens from trying pot. In 2005, a government-commissioned study designed to evaluate the prevention campaign over five years delivered its conclusions: Kids who had been *exposed to the campaign ended up with rates of drug use that were roughly the same as those of the control group, who had not seen the ads. Murray loudly challenged the study's methodology, but when Congress asked federal analysts at the Government Accountability Office to assess the findings, the GAO upheld the report. The anti-drug campaign had not worked at all.
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I just scrapped my entire grow ... I'll now be harvesting fecal matter and urine ... I'm BLOWING UP in the World of Jenkem ... I'm gonna get PAID Like ridiculous. Remember Never Get High On Your Own Supply.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
i think the decline has to do with less kids getting busted with the stuff, since the dealers are far and few between. and i am only going by what i have noticed where i am and after talking to those i i know grow or smoke. kids are either getting weed from their parents/siblings stashes or outright growing it themselves. so yeah growing your own has astounding affects on society. the people stay inside, have a hobby that increases their knowledge (of botany anyway), and are free to enjoy life the way they choose. so things are leveling out and kids now have a choice of what to break into when they play hooky; do i brake into the liquor cabinet, big bro/sis , mom or dads weed stash! but hopefully they will stay out of the medicine cabinet until they get o college!

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