@Sam: Thanks for the corrigendum.
There is this Finnish NON-thc strain Finola. It can take minus 5 degress celsius, and it finnishess to total maturity in finlandn short summer. It is grown for oil, oil is in the seeds, result is finola oil.
Once I went and drove nby a farm, and all I saw was hemp everywhere. As an old thieve, I cuold not resist, and I stopd my car, and I took few of them.
After good drying and cureing, I sampled some with my bong...at that time i had serious anxious depression going on.
It didn't get me high at all. But sure it did calm me down. It really worked for my brain. And it did relax my muscles, and it did remove some pains, like LUI would do. I guess it was quite high-CBD strain, this finola.
U see, You really shuold, meduser-people try to get your hands with these genes, it is a vigorous plant, even idiot can grow that weed,it is impossible to kill. Hey, if u can grow it in finland, u can grow it anywhere.
And, it seems very very very stable. I think it could be good father. It might add some cbd to genetical mix-up.
Here is more science about this oil strain: http://www.finola.com
Most interesting thing is, these seeds seems to be the perfect food for human.
These could solve food problem. And it helped my spinal pains and axiousness quite well. Still, I would like to add some thc, to the mix-up too.
The seed oil cured my close relatives skin desease.
Monsanto will kill me after saying this out...