see head, i do know what you were doing and saying, but i think you were too subtle.
heavy on nuance, and light on blatancy...
see head, i do know what you were doing and saying, but i think you were too subtle.
What I've read so far on the site is not good.
I mean they just threw that in there with nothing to support it. Just let the facts speak for themselves. It's like if I said there is no mail delivery today so the only explanation for the neighbor's dog barking is that there is another dog wandering around outside.
Perhaps you should read the more detailed explanation...
The one you quoted is the simplified version for simpletons.
Every piece of data and the sources of the data in the intermediate and advanced versions is properly referenced and hyperlinked to the source.
If you'll notice toward the top of the page it says "This post is the Basic version (written by John Russell) of the skeptic argument "It's the sun"."
If you'll click on the "it's the sun" then you'll be taken to a page which contains that simplified elementary version, and also has a tab for those who want a more advanced explanation.
All you have to do is put forth a tiny amount of effort, and look for the answers, not for something to nitpick.
If you still can't figure out how to navigate the site by this evening, I'll walk you through it.
Comparing volcanic CO2 to human CO2
The solid Earth contains a huge quantity of carbon, far more than scientists estimate is present in the atmosphere or oceans. As an important part of the global carbon cycle, some of this carbon is slowly released from the rocks in the form of carbon dioxide, through vents at volcanoes and hot springs. Published reviews of the scientific literature by Moerner and Etiope (2002) and Kerrick (2001) report a minimum-maximum range of emission of 65 to 319 million tonnes of CO2 per year. Counter claims that volcanoes, especially submarine volcanoes, produce vastly greater amounts of CO2 than these estimates are not supported by any papers published by the scientists who study the subject.
The burning of fossil fuels results in the emission into the atmosphere of approximately 30 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide per year worldwide, according to the EIA. The fossil fuels emissions numbers are about 100 times bigger than even the maximum estimated volcanic CO2 fluxes. Our understanding of volcanic discharges would have to be shown to be very mistaken before volcanic CO2 discharges could be considered anything but a bit player in contributing to the recent changes observed in the concentration of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere.
Volcanoes can--and do--influence the global climate over time periods of a few years but this is achieved through the injection of ash into the high reaches of the atmosphere during the very large volcanic eruptions that occur sporadically each century. But that's another story...
Why put a fallacy in the simple version? Simple or complex, no explanation should use fallacies. Other pages have fallacies too like "97% of climatologists agree." They might as well put "4 out of 5 dentists agree that Bullcrap brand toothpaste is the shit!" Well, which dentists! What's their reasoning?
Keep reading.
The scientific evidence is like a jigsaw puzzle. There is no single 'smoking gun', and it is not a house of cards.
eventually you'll have enough pieces in place to see the bigger picture.
Be sure and read the more advanced explanations and all of the debate beneath the explanations.
Surely you don't imagine the scientific community to be unaware of something you thought of.
Keep digging, the datum are all there.
How can one site contain all knowledge on all aspects of such a subject? You seem to have blind faith in the site. If you are so well versed in it I think you ought to answer my questions. Maybe it is you who are copping out.
Anyone who has had physics 101 knows that the statement you bolded "it's the known physical properties of greenhouse gasses that provide us with the only real and measurable explanation of global warming." is 100% correct.
just a few clicks could help you
learning never ends...I'm all set... I took physics.
learning never ends...
im sure you "took physics" lol
are you telling me you could derive zero benefit from advanced MIT physics courses?
lmao and im the asshole!!!
If you ever get caught up with me, dag, I'll bother to address you... until then, I'll ignore your post as the meaningless trolling they are.
Nice of you to link people up to things which completely support my assertions, though.
perhaps you should bother studying them.
yes you are, and I never told you any such thing, I continue my education every day.
Elitist mentality motherfuckers. I can't stand 'em. Big problems in every society in which they inhabit. Truth is, most all of them are dumb fucks that fool nobody but themselves.The only difference between most denialists (excepting, perhaps, the useful idiots) and the crazy guy on the corner is that the denialists bathe more often.
The answers are there.
You do not want to be educated on the subject, or you'd avail yourself of that knowledge.
I've answered your questions already dozens of times in GW threads where the questions are not off topic.
The Skeptical Science site answers all your questions.
but you aren't interested in the answers it seems.
I've provided you the information, that's no cop out.
It's up to you to decide to honestly dig through it.
You really should move this discussion to the climate change thread, though, instead of hijacking this one.
If you want me to engage you in this discussion you're gonna have to gain enough background knowledge to understand the answers.