Respect you All for the honest attitude you espouse. Twelve is probly on the low side...but as SeaMaiden found out, you gotta play the hand you're dealt. My boy was aware from the git-go and because of that he was able to make his own, informed, decisions on his own as the times came. And he had no fear of condemnation by his parents, Love goes a long way.
I hid what I did as long as I could from my boys. They have had issues with drugs. I was extremely open and honest and taught them everything I felt they needed to know about sex and protection, and as a result they've never gotten anyone pregnant and have had, in my opinion, healthier relationships with women because of it. I should have been much more open. But I was AFRAID, very afraid, and I didn't want to put them in the position of having to lie for their mother (D.A.R.E. shit at school).
Now I have a granddaughter and she knows what my smoking flowers are, what they're for and who can use them. There are some smoking flowers she likes the smell of, some she loves the smell of, and others that stink. She knows that it's my medicine and that, just like sex, cigarettes and booze, it's for adults, not kids. I'm also teaching her about her body and sex (reproduction) the same way I did my own boys because it's clear to me that her parents don't seem to know *how*. Her father becomes very embarrassed when she asks questions. Well, I'm not afraid of my body, nor am I embarrassed by it so I treat all questions about the functions and differences of our bodies the same. I even printed out a "Book of Guts" for her, so that she could see the things she asks about. Like where do my kidney stones come from.
I mean, when a kid asks you WHY are there boys and girls, there really IS only one reason--to make babies. Which she ain't doin' until she's finished her education, got a job and a home and has gotten married. She knows the routine.