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When did you stop buying weed


ICMag Donor
back when you bought lids or 2-3 finger bags for $10

panama red.... columbian gold.... sensimilia.....tied stick....the good old days...damn im old

Yeah, those were the days. And in those days, I was hiking into the mountains of the Pacific Northwest to sow my seeds. A LOT of work, that was. And some years there was nothing to go back to and harvest -- thanks to deer, bad weather, other 'hikers', and so many other variables.

I'd been buying weed off and on since the 70s to augment my own grows. But I always worried about it being sprayed with paraquat or grown with chemicals not fit for man or beast.

I haven't bought so much as a gram since 2004 -- that's when I started growing in 'well-tended gardens' just a few steps to a short walk from my 'easy chair'. :)


Active member
Stopped buying weed back in 2000, when we decided we were paying alot for so so smoke. I stopped using morphine for my RSD, and went totally to weed, at that time as well.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I didnt really stop buying it until about three years ago when I moved out west. Back in Texas to obtain variety you had to buy because there was very few growers to do trades with.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
pretty much always had a fw outdoor plants , but it never lasted long & had to buy whatever was available . but when i moved things indoor , the shit got real !!! it was after my 3rd or 4th harvest that i finally had enough to get me through without having to score from someone else . that was about .... almost 3 years ago now .
Pot Snob .... hell yeah !!! :biggrin:
Thanx to the seed banks ..... i've got strains these clowns here can only dream about !!!:dance013:

Its funny .... i was trimming back my moms one night & my kid stopped by , saw what i was doing (throwing away good cuttings ) & freaked !!! he says don't throw them away .... i've got people that have offered me 50$ a piece for clones of your stuff !!!
When someone I kinda knew told me he was growing i went home, found IC Mag, and 5 months later I became self sufficient. Great feeling


Well-known member
I still buy sometimes. We have a very short growing season here in Denver. Buying gives me a chance to taste varieties I can't grow out here. I don't do very well indoors. Maybe I have a brown thumb?


I keep my wife and I stocked with a 600 watt hps running perpetual with a 250 watt t5 setup for veg and cloning. For 2 people this will b more then enough. I used to stop for months at a time and start again when I knew id b running low in a couple months. Also gift my bro with free weed since he smokes occasionally.


Ripped since 1965
Free is when someone comes to you and hands over some weed as a gift. EVERY other method costs money. Anybody care to pay for my grow equipment, nutes, light bill and time so I can say I don't buy weed?


Wow. maybe 2010 at the dispensary on Cleveland in Santa Rosa, CA. Super Silver Haze, maybe not the last time i bought it, but one of the last times.

i think even when you're growing, it's good to visit the dispensaries, because there's good people there, they have good medicine.

Cool Moe

Active member
I stopped buying weed years ago but you can bet your ass I'm done buying seeds if you blokes can't figure out how to stop INCOMING money orders from getting pinched by the slimey fuckin royal mail. No really, the mailman is pinching the INCOMING letters??? And we're supposed to believe that shit??

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
I buy small amounts once in a while to keep up appearances,
I give it away, a little at a time, lol.

I think it's been 4 years since I've smoked more than a gram or
two of store bought cannabis.

I really enjoy my stash. And I like growing it just as much!

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