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When did you stop buying weed


Active member
First attempt was in 1975 - shop light in a closet. Knew nothing of photo periods or anything else. Smoked the leaves which were about as good as the commercial product available to me at the time.

Since then, I'd go through periods with no access. In recent years I was able to buy decent smoke, but for $350 and ounce. The only people I knew to buy from were assholes that had no real friends and would want to make a social event out of the transaction. Became intolerable.

We'd pick some up occasionally when it appeared. Had a little film can full of seeds we'd gathered over the years. My wife finally said that if I didn't plant them, she would.

This was early last spring. My idea was to start them indoors and then move them outside for the summer. Started the seeds and realized there really was no safe place to plant them outside - both because of human eyes and wildlife snacking.

Put them under a shop light in the basement. Found this site and got a 400 watt MH. Soon realized that I'd be screwed if it croaked and bought another. I've since built walls and have separate flower and veg rooms. Pretty much the whole deal. It's now my hobby. On my second grow with a combination of the best of the bag seed run and purchased seed. Best outcomes are that I'm now an isolated outlaw instead of having to deal with the dangers of the black market. What I'm producing appears to be on the low/beginner end of what I see on this board but it is the best weed I've ever smoked. Broke even on the first run.


I decided to stop buying weed and started growing because I got tired of seeing all the chronic in high times and all I could buy was shitty schwag because I live in the midwest. .
This is what got me started growing too
All the hightimes pics and ads for seeds.
I used to read the descriptions, and dream about having some, while smoking mexi brick.
Last time I bought non domestic was in the late 70's, been on green bud since then, price increased from $80 oz to $150+ oz but quality and quanity was easily 3-4 times better/more than the Mex or Columbo.

No Stems No Seeds that you don't need, Oregon Green is bad Ass Weed...

Having access to medical cannabis has improved my life greatly and now that I am a legal medical patient I have not had to buy my medicine for over 10 years now, vape my own/better for my personal medical situation varieties, how it should be!



Active member
Last time I bought non domestic was in the late 70's, been on green bud since then, price increased from $80 oz to $150+ oz but quality and quanity was easily 3-4 times better/more than the Mex or Columbo.

No Stems No Seeds that you don't need, Oregon Green is bad Ass Weed...

Having access to medical cannabis has improved my life greatly and now that I am a legal medical patient I have not had to buy my medicine for over 10 years now, vape my own/better for my personal medical situation varieties, how it should be!

How it should be is all of that without the need to prove or claim a medical condition. :smoke:


Active member
around 2004 because before I always went to coffeeshops and the weed was only good 2-3 times out of 10 and was way way way ovezpriced


I used to smoke an OZ per week before I could grow. Once I figured out how to grow and got a vaporizer I was down to less than 1/2 oz per week.
:1983 I started growing, but in my life I have very rarely actually "bought" any. Always had enuf friends that wanted enuf to cover my personal expenses, no problems ever with anybody doing that. Win win's all around. I have never (well almost) smoked schwag either. Always been a Pot Magnet I guess. No complaints :smokey:


1978 ....back when you bought lids or 2-3 finger bags for $10

panama red.... columbian gold.... sensimilia.....tied stick....the good old days...damn im old :)

knucklehead bob

Those were the days ! I remember them well . I am a relative new bee , since I'm legal and all in Michigan ! ? ! ? Since '09 .


Well-known member
I buy here and there, grow now and again. Work schedule sucks, so it makes it hard to properly tend a grow. Plus the wife works from home and kinda overtook my grow space for office space. I have a small cab, but it just isn't the same as that 1000 watt HPS.

And I don't smoke as much as I once did. I easily burned through and ounce a week. Tolerance was way high. Now a few bong hits gets me pretty tight. And I'm OK with that.


aka "Doc"
Back in the day when I barely had whiskers on my chin, I started growing for my personal stash and did this for about 2 decades; always had to lie to everyone about it, when asked where I got it--the answer was the same, "my buddy from San Diego" (no one knew I grew a this special weed called "sensimilla").

Then during my "candyman entrepreneurial days", why grow it when it was easier to "buy some, sell some and keep some" (can't beat Thai Sticks, Panama Red, Columbian, etc). LOL, the daytime job was just a "feeder" for my "nighttime job"...everyone at work was my "friend".

Then professionalism took over (had "more money than time") it was better to buy the best...than fuck around growing it. Besides, I entertained and needed the space for my wine collection. Life was great until a sequence of events blew up in my face about 7 years ago, and...let's just say, I no longer buy weed anymore....don't need to, and I still smoke some of the best--but that is because I have "more time than money"!

Hank Hemp

Active member
On and off 25+ years, I'm guessing. The last 20 years for sure. Damn I'm getting old. And on that topic, I got tired of smoking pressed brown molded mexie. I found Overgrow on the WWW and I've never looked back. My Lady loves my reefer, calls me her pot punk, ain't she sweet?