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whats the one thing u added that def made a diferance



Spinal fluid from unbaptized Sri Lankan conjoined twins...

And prayers to Cthulhu (but everyone does THAT, am I right???)

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Vaginal juices from the Himalayan virgin lesbian slaves! lol

Nah, on a more serious note, Fresh EWC really made the difference on organics, night and day to me!

Also a dialed environment... but thats no brainer!


bought a supersun2 reflector wouldnt say it made better buds but did make bigger.edit: ooops i dont grow in soil sorry wasnt paying attention (party foul) lol


Active member
For those that are suggesting Liquid Karma, I'd have to say that is one EXCELLENT product that I used very early on in my cultivating experiences. I soon learned a bit and began playing with various soil mixes, but STILL kept Liquid Karma around to "wet" the soil down with to stimulate and increase micro activity...this was preached HEAVILY on old forums that are no longer around...it was almost considered part of the organic bible. SINCE THEN...lol...the organic scene has grown more knowledgeable and as a result more efficient...and perhaps folks really just started to understand the plant as cultivation rates and information exchange increased. Either way...if you want to save money and get much better results than LK provides, and not to discredit as a product...but,

ACT = Aerated Compost Tea

If you make an essential "micro" tea...this is EWC, molasses, kelp, (maybe) alfalfa "brewed" in a very simple manner. The are threads are all over ICm. It is through these methods that the organic growers are quickly surpassing other growing methods (and resutls) even in commercial Agro culture the errors are being seen...we really shouldn't follow in that direction.

Think of it like this...the NSPB:FLF as a tool in a fuller organic solution.

You want a living mulch, no till, living organic soil bed - HUH? - well, this is a realistic achievable concept in ways we never dreamed possible by simply combining what is out there.

Create your very first base soil bed for a no-till bed, by fully amending with the NSPB:FLF.

Grow an entire cycle. Just rip up the stalks. Plant new plants...add a thin top layer of fresh NSPB: FLF amended soil...this will "top dress" very mildly the full array.

Now...you will be short nutrients, right? Sure...but you could NEVER recreate the microherd you just developed, and why should you? So now you begin feed with ACT or even FPE (fermented plant extracts) for you next round.

Because of the complex ecosystem in the soil, the plants thrive...even with minimal nutrients being applied..

NOW...you decide to start using a living mulch for the third round that will contribute to nitrogen fixation and pull it from the very bottom of the bed...not only that, but form even more complex symbiotic relationships within the microherd population allowing for an even more efficient system...

Now you are completely FULLY an organic fanatic...utilizing the most advanced techniques organics can really offer. But in reality, it is just recreating nature once again. The no-till living mulch organic model is one that is designed after the fact that the healthiest most disease/pest resistant plants are a direct result of an mature/established uninterrupted ecosystem...which is a direct result of the extreme complexity / diversity of the micro / bacteria life within the soil itself.

To clear up some common organic terms:

Living soil = soil with roots in it. This is important as certain bacteria types ony colonize and exist in the presence of actual root growth...so, in this concept, the sooner there are roots or the longer / more extended roots are present, the better.

Living mulch = living ground cover ++++ as opposed to a tree bark or straw "mulch" used in the past for moisture retention and slowly breaking down in the surface over time giving various benefits...a living mulch takes into concept "companion planting" -sidebar-

companion planting = plants that in nature provide some sort of natural benefit to one another....ie marigolds keeping pests away from vegetable gardens

-RETURN- HOWEVER...a living mulch takes this concept to the relationship these companions have within the root zone itself. This mean, certain plants share and utilize certain types of bacteria in the exact same way. When this happens in the rhizosphere (sorry, google that one...hehehe) this forms a sort of secondary root system, that can actually help feed the roots of you host plant. (ie the main plant) This doesn't even take into consideration the fixation abilities of many living mulches...which is key as it aides efficiency and repletion of vital nutrients to the soil...VERY key in a no-till situation.

I hope all this helps someone form a sort of organic "road map". We all know that new terms can be over whelming and it is easy to get lost amongst 100's of pages of in depth, but EXCELLENT information.

Maybe this quick outline, can help you figure out where best to jump in at and still feel comfortable. The beauty of it all....is it really is MUCH more simple.

It is just a matter of learning ... remember, you had to learn how to measure out mL and pH and ECC at one time.

Time to break free....again. ;)


FPE - (fermented plant extracts) = soaking plant leaves in water to make a concentrate, essentially. Things like yarrow, nettle, alfalfa, comfrey, dandelion are the primaries I believe...certainly there are more.

***Also wanted to add, this was a general info diagram, not a specific order or anything of such. When I said you find where you fit in, I mean you find what combination or what degree of depth you choose to pursue based on what is practical for you. In many cases, however, organics is in part spurred by the desire for one to do better not only for themselves but for the planet as a whole. This gets very philosophical and has many thousands of different paths and stirs many heated arguments amongst those that are what you would say dedicated to organics at different levels or for different reasons. Each and every gardener has their specific reasons for the "why and how" of their gardens. It is important that we learn from each other. I just hope that the message of organics and returning to a simpler, much more natural form of gardening is heard. Not for the sake of just the individuals consuming chemical laden product, but also for the sake of finding the TRUE strongest gene expressions. Not the ones we managed to bump yields, alter flavors, and force frost out of...because of how we feed the plant. Finding TRUE gene expressions requires the plant be in charge of its feeding...not man.

Okay...off my soap box...for now! Keep it Organic! ;)

...When this happens in the rhizosphere (sorry, google that one...hehehe) this forms a sort of secondary root system, that can actually help feed the roots of you host plant. (ie the main plant) This doesn't even take into consideration the fixation abilities of many living mulches...

Holy Shit! Fuck yea! You preach that shit brothah! You preach it hard!

Wow, that is just awesome to hear someone else say the word "rhizosphere".

NSPB definitely isn't talking out of his ass. Super-intense micro-life is the real deal and the ONLY way to get maximum yield potential from an organic system.

This is why so many people will swear by products like Liquid Karma or good earth worm castings.

Not only is EWC a wonderful fertilizer, but it's ability to stimulate microbial growth in an organic soil bed is border-line on magical. I use liquid EWC in all of my flowering grows now. I get it through The Guano Company's lovely organic tea products. Their "Budswel" includes high levels of bat guano and EWC. This combination both provides great flowering nutrients and drives the microsphere totally nuts! Whatever you use though, some kind of Aerated Compost Tea is essential for high-performance organic gardening:


For me ACT goes hand-in-hand with a strong LactoBactilli culture:


LactoB will give your rhisosphere a swift kick in the pants, especially in the beginning when it is moving slowly.

No-till soil regeneration is where its at. One of my favorite parts of the Bio Box grow method is that it allows me to participate in no-till regeneration. Cut the mature, finished plant down, sprinkle in a little NitroZyme, stick the new seedling in the same pot and then do it all over again!

NSPB is also right on the money when it comes to living mulch. Some friends and I developed a whole new organic grow system just so we could create the best environment for living mulch. My entire grow medium is just teeming with life. Getting this kind of bacterial/fungal development is key to wringing all available performance from an organic grow. You know you are on the right track if your grow medium develops some hard-core FUNGUS PORN:



:smokey: Living soil for lyfe motherfuckers! :smokey:


I run a 6kw Ebb n Grow Show, and going on my 3rd run, EWC TEA has been the best addition lately and I deff have the healthiest plants I have ever had b/c of my rootzone. It killed the Root Rot and allowed my roots to flourish in my Hydro system.

Before I learned about ewc tea to fix root rot, my favorite thing in the grow was my ezcloners.

big twinn

Super Member
1.)Another neat thing i have learned. Salicylic Acid, which can be found from a willow tree or from the break down of Acetylsalicylic Acid also known as Aspirin, Has immense desease fighting/prevention properties, boosting the plant immune system.
-Learned this in my Plant Physiology class

Its best to use Salicylic Acid though as opposed to the aspirin.

Black-Strap Molasses: Super-carb/sugar for plants!

Like others have mentioned, its all about the Rhizosphere and your microorganism populations


I would agree that genetics are the most important factor, but that wasnt his question....I would have to say Mycos....having a monster root system helps in soooo many ways...including making everything your already using work better...

Preach it Holmes!

....I would have to say Mycos....having a monster root system helps in soooo many ways...including making everything your already using work better...

Hit the nail on the head. It makes all of your organic ingredients work better because the Mycos are doing the work for you. The hard work.

Then again, if the mycos had to lift up their own damn watering bucket they'd be pretty fucked. So maybe it's me's that's doin' the hard work, nyea see! :pirate:

LadyLargely! I want to come play too! I didn't know people cared!



Shit man, if its an organic forum then people damn well should care. We live and die by our little microscopic friends. They can be the difference between a good harvest and disease-ridden pestilence. Even in situations not so dire, they are always of indispensable assistance.

Fungus porn will always be welcome over in the "Club Bio Box" thread which will be perking up again very soon.