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Whats 2 come In 2007 part II...Going in Style


Grower of fine herbs...
I think that sugar in the raw would be better/more easily absorbed by plants than the white or processed sugar would be. molasses is even better though imo, just what i was thinkin, would like to hear what you got to say on the subject core. peace bro.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i know its improper 2 ask but what land are you in...i'm not assking for an addy or anything...hope you nutes arrive soon ...it can take a while..like you said it will have to get used to it..

hehehe yea...
i'll try..i read that molasses is used for sweetening up the crop and adding beneficials 2 the soil...so i figured molasses is sugar and i just added plain sugar ...Notthing secret about molasses /sugar
i did notice more growth in the final stage last time..it woz the first time i tryed it...
it just helps a little imho...


yea NK your right...molasses would be better to add ..i've read that also..but dont have molasses in the house..hence the sugar...ofcause i could get 2 the store and buy it lol...
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
untill now it does Bear :wink:...i will go to the store for molasse though..its better 2 use unrifined sugar...i'll add a link for ya...maple syrup would be ok 2 use Bear :smile:

np Bear ..i realy woz't much help ..i actully woz learning from it...those rusty spots...it woz more copperlike...do you know what the actual problem woz..?
hope its solved now..

staying at the infirmaty note....:badday:..i have found mites....in realy early stage...i found some white little spots on my PeeWee seedlings...same as the amnesia clones i got....i did treat them once with mineral oil and pyrethrum when i got them AH's....but that woz't enough i think...i'm worried...i pluckt all the leaves with spots..quite alot already...and went on treating the with mineral oil and pyrethrum.....dont have eanything else 2 use...suggestions??...remind i am in europe....i' can't get all of USA supleys


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
What about those sticky yellow/white straps they use to trap insects (that get attracted by the colour -diff insects to diff colours I understand-) or BuzzOff?

I use the later in my outdoor and have never had any major probs with pests in the time since I'm using it.

Good thing you spoted them early. I send you green vibes in your fight against the nasties :yes:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey bro, bugs that sucks! Don't the Europeans have some hardcore mite killers there? I am sure you are not teh first one to get them.
But damn dude, you are starting to take some really nice pics, your plants are looking top notch


Still Getting Sky-High
Core said:
i know its improper 2 ask but what land are you in...i'm not assking for an addy or anything...hope you nutes arrive soon ...it can take a while..like you said it will have to get used to it..

hehehe yea...
i'll try..i read that molasses is used for sweetening up the crop and adding beneficials 2 the soil...so i figured molasses is sugar and i just added plain sugar ...Notthing secret about molasses /sugar
i did notice more growth in the final stage last time..it woz the first time i tryed it...
it just helps a little imho...

yea NK your right...molasses would be better to add ..i've read that also..but dont have molasses in the house..hence the sugar...ofcause i could get 2 the store and buy it lol...

Well to tell truth the health food store that sells molasses is a 10 min drive & the sugar is just in the kitchen.... Should i use sugar???? & how much???


Still Getting Sky-High
Dr Dog said:
Hey bro, bugs that sucks! Don't the Europeans have some hardcore mite killers there? I am sure you are not teh first one to get them.
But damn dude, you are starting to take some really nice pics, your plants are looking top notch

So far i'v had spider-mites,fungus gnats,thrips & white fly & i got rid of all of them... Fungicide works great!!! i used Flortis too once but it turned the pistils brown when they were just 2 weeks flowering :confused: so i never used it again. Even when i tried the cigarette/chilli syrup worked wonderful & immediatly but Fungicide worked great :headbange


Still Getting Sky-High
I read once 'its better to use 2 kinds of bug killers' but it depends on what type or brand they r... most important u spray over & UNDER the leaves. Some say lady bugs will hunt those little f*ckers but i never tried it...
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hello Mr B :wink:
its hard 2 use sticky traps close 2 the little plants and soil....but i'll add one 2 be shure ...have some lying around ....elaborate on that biobizz thing...plz..
thanks for the vibes i hope i got them before they spread out...

hardcore yes ..but dont like 2 add chemicals..its weed that i have 2 smoke ....nothing commercial about it..that means i wont do it untill it is realy needed...that means when its getting out of control...
lol thanks Dog ..i used the tripod this time :smile:

thanks Zeus ..nice 2 have ya around again mate..great 2 have some friend comming around ...it gives me notthing but plesseaure recieving such nice :friends: in my humble thread... :joint:

try using the darkest sugar you have in the house then...and i use about 3 a 4 cubes/theasoons for 10 L of water..i'm guessing myself here :biglaugh:
and i will take a look whats around Grunt ..i might not find these things here that you mention...
nice tip ..if i need to use something i will remember that..thx buddy :wave:

Np my friend ..i just read a few ago ..said it all ...woz a informative link ....

Lime....i added that i pellet form once..went totally wrong in my case...had 5.5 ph soil (woz testing a cheat soil)..but could't save them ...coul be i added 2 much ...dont realy know what happend there ...just be carefull ...
and thankd for the positve energy..hope i destroy the little ****s before they spread..

thanks all ..you guys keep me going ...well:chin: for a part :p


:wave: Core, how's it going? Bugs, huh? Hmmm, have you tried using Safer Soap? Can you get that in Europe? It's an all organic insecticide. I've heard people on here say it's very effective. There's also this stuff called organocide. All organic. Caligreen (i think that's his name...can't rememeber) uses it on his outdoor plants and he had great results. Oh, and about the sugar thing, there's this stuff called Sucanat that is like US$3 per pound online. It's really, really, dark and raw. That stuff is pure potential. I have the article. I'll post a link if I find it online. Say, do you train your plants at all or top them? I've been thinking about doing something of the sort to a few of my plants. :wave:


Hello again :wave: Well, I found it a helluva lot faster than last time, so I'll just copy and paste...here goes:

Sweet Leaf
By Jade Kine

I’ve got a sweet tooth for sugary, candy-flavored ganja. In fact, sugar is not only the cannabis plant’s source of energy for growth; it’s also the primary factor that determines how good your favorite herb will taste when you smoke it. In my many years of horticultural experimentation, I’ve tried many different sugar supplements to augment my plants’ health and flavor, and I want to share a few of my favorites. Some of this information will be a refresher course for seasoned growers, but I’d like to start at the beginning for the introductory grower and briefly explain the importance of sugar to plants. Plants make their own sugars (carbohydrates) through photosynthesis. Plants combine light energy (from the sun or a high-intensity discharge lamp) with water and CO2 from the atmosphere (or a CO2 tank or burner), and the result is sugar. This sugar is the essential source of energy that’s utilized for all cellular division and the formation of plant structures (i.e., huge, dank buds). Now, you can’t grow a plant in the dark by watering it with sugar, but under otherwise good growing conditions, you can supplement your nutrient solution with extra sugars to boost the natural levels created by photosynthesis and make your plants more vigorous and productive. The real icing on the cake, though, comes from the fact that a little extra sugar will improve not only the yield of your garden but also the flavor of your favorite herb.

For serious growers and/or gadget collectors, you can even measure the amount of sugar (on this scale, we call it “brix,” pronounced bree) in your plant with a device called a refractometer. Don’t shy away from the fancy name if you’re afraid of complicated devices; this tool is super-easy to operate. Using a sap extractor (or a pair of pliers), you can squeeze a drop of juice out of a leaf and then place it on the refractometer’s viewing plate. Look through the lens and you will see an obvious line running across a column of numbers. Brix readings above 12 indicate good plant health and a strong immune system. With a device like this, you’ll impress your friends (“Oooh…a refracto-what?”) and also be able to detect when a change in your feeding program or environment affects your crop as the readings go up or down. Frequent checks of brix content in leaf tissue will tell you whether your plants are on course or falling behind. Peaceful Valley Farm Supply sells refractometers for $100, and you can find them online at groworganic.com.

Until about seven or eight years ago, using sugar as a plant supplement was a little-known trick more often employed by grandmothers on their houseplants than ganja growers on their herb. But now the hydroponics market is full of sugar (carbohydrate) supplements. In the beginning, there were several glucose-based products, such as Carbo Load, Carbo Max, Karbo Boost, etc. These are very cost-effective products as far as plant supplements go, but they’re not as cheap as raw glucose itself (usually sold as dextrose or corn sugar—it’s really the same thing), available at brewery-supply outlets and online for just over $1 per pound—less than $1 a pound if you buy in bulk. While glucose is readily available to plants as a form of supplemental carbohydrates, it’s just one form of a simple sugar and lacks the rich flavor found in other, darker kinds of sugar. It can also be difficult to dissolve: If you dump a large amount into water all at once, it has a tendency to form into a gelatinous wad of goo (of which even a small amount can wreak havoc in a hydro garden with small drippers or emitters). To avoid this, dissolve the amount necessary for your reservoir into a beaker of warm water first and pour off the dissolved liquid. Leave any undissolved materials at the bottom of the beaker and add more water until fully dissolved. The use of these products will indeed boost brix levels, but it doesn’t do much for flavor enhancement, which is what this article is all about.

My all-time-favorite source of supplemental sugar isn’t sold by a plant-nutrient company. It’s Sucanat—a form of dark raw sugar sold as a sweetener for foods in natural-food stores everywhere. But Sucanat is a great sweetener for your sinsemilla, too. Made by Wholesome Sweeteners, Sucanat is short for “Sugar Cane Natural,” a dried cane extract available for under $3 per pound. Sucanat is darker than most organic sugars and has a more molasses-like consistency to it because it hasn’t been separated or refined. It will increase the brix content in plants, but the darker sugar has more vitamins and minerals and a rich caramel aroma as well. Sucanat dissolves readily in hot water and doesn’t seem to turn into goo like dextrose does.


This isn't the entire article, either. The other part talks about using Botanicare's Sweet in conjuction with the Sucanat. Using these two together makes your pot smell/taste sweeter, more acrid, skunkier, fruitier, etc. It enhances the terpenes in the plant, which brings all the flavors already present in the plant out. I'm definitely going to be doing this. It just sounds too tasty to resist! :wave:
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Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Tnkx buddy, I'll use the sugar method then :D ... tomorrow is their last flush, & my #3 will finish earlier than expected.. I'll put some updates tomorrow. Yours r rocking as usual bro :headbange loved those loooong dense buds :rasta: ....


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i'll surtenly will take a look in the stores here...but i think no safer brand for sale here...but it hink they sell it on Ebay...i'm not the kinda guy that like 2 order online...i realy dont trust the Net...but i'll manage i think...

Nway thanks for the link and the article it woz a nice read ..it said it all..hope you did't have 2 look so long this time :p...dont need 2 order that online ..they sell dark sugar/molasses here also :wink:
much apreciated Twisted :bow:

heya Grunt..hehehe one watering would't help much sweeten things up....maybe try it next time and see if there is any diffrence...i'll be by ya thread later :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey Core...I havent really been here much, but if u are using sugar to feed ur babies, that can and will attract pests.........they LOVE sugar.....Just my $.02...Peace brutha

- Z


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea i read that Zeus....but i'm only using that when i need 2 give'm plain water for 2 weeks...should't take long anymore ...next comming week is choptime for shure...:yummy:


Still Getting Sky-High
Core said:
heya Grunt..hehehe one watering would't help much sweeten things up....maybe try it next time and see if there is any diffrence...i'll be by ya thread later :wave:

I'm trying it now... i added 4 tsp sugar with 10lts of water, I flushed them 1 last time, & then gave them about 400ml each with ph around 6.0.... these last 2-3 waterings left i'll keep feeding the with it :D . Tnkx bro!


Hey Core, sorry, didn't want to hijack your thread, but could you take a look at two of my plants? I got the pics in my thread, I think they're starting to show preflowers and need a lil help figuring out what's between the legs. Hey, no prob about the article. Information is priceless, and yet it's usually free. Yeah, I forgot to mention bugs love sugar, like Zeus said. Especially ants. Little bastards.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
ok Grunt thats nice bro..i do wanne say you have to dissolve the sugar in warm water first ....its much easyer ..but 6.0 ph ...are you in soilless or something??dont think so ey...so why so low..

i took a look at ya plants...the M2 is male fo sho...and i 'think' the first is female..but i'm not 100% shure on that...the pics is't sharp enough..maybe ya can take a other pic so we can see it better...

still verry nice...the net is as big as the world if not bigger...you would only find it if you are realy looking for it...if you find it at all that is...
i know he's right T...i know...

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