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What was it like in the 60's?


Active member
geezeressa said:
JFK assasination, watched Jack Ruby shoot Oswald in real time. Everybody excited when the space rockets were launched. The Beatles, Stones, Kinks, Motown, miniskirts with stockings and garter belts (pantyhose hadn't been invented yet--a constant battle to keep the skirt covering the tops of my stockings). Dippity Do. WMCA. Vietnam on television, with the scherzo from Beethoven's 9th symphony as the theme music for the Huntley Brinkley report, and Walter Cronkite. The Fugs in Tompkins Square Park. Night Owl Cafe (Lovin Spoonful) and Cafe Wha in the Village. My boyfriend was taking guitar lessons with Jimmy James (before he went to England), AKA Jimi Hendrix. First (of many) Dead shows: Dec 1967 at Palm Gardens in NYC. Hanging in the East Village, the Fillmore East, Central Park. The Be-ins. Day-glo paint. Owsley acid, pot w LOTs of seeds...they pop when you smoke em. At Woodstock , didn't sleep for three days, just smoked hash and stayed at the Pranksters/Hog Farm stage and distributed granola to the muddy masses. Making amoebas in the light shows with water and oil and an overhead projector. the Hell's Angels and Dead at the Anderson Theater in NY, all the Angels hanging off the Nitrous Oxide tank. Juvenile hall. High school. Busted for a hash pipe. Stoned at the Chelsea Hotel...Levitate the Pentagon, go on a wild bus ride through riot police throwing tear gas trying to find coffee in downtown Washington with a live turkey on board. Patchouli and incense and macrobiotic food. We were sure that the revolution was happening and it was a lot of fun.

Hello all,

What a long strange trip its been too.



Thanks Scrappy!! I was surprised I actually remembered stuff, considering the amount of brain cells supposedly destroyed.....but reading the other posts in the forum helped.

all messed up

Overgrow refugee
It took me back to a place before I was aware. I could see the shaky 8mm film in black and white of the students protesting.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Lord Doobie said:
Biggest thing about the '60's in the States was obviously the Vietnam war...and the first generation of Americans who refused to blindly march off to the other side of the world on a military strategy called the "domino theory"

Kids were diving into any college to avoid the draft...until the govt changed the law! Now, you were no longer immune. Canada had a minor invasion to which Jimmy Carter years later gave amnesty.

For a real peak at the 60's, just watch some documentaries. I've yet to see a bad one and the camera never lies.

JFK, Woodstock, Nixon, RFK, MLK, Vietnam, protests, the draft...

man...what a mess :fsu:
...was I the only MF'er that was drafted twice??? drafted in 67 - got out 69. Then they had the Draft Lottery in 70- I think? Any body with a number below 100, didn't have to sweat in the draft anymore. Great..my birthday..29 AUG = # 61 in the lottery. ..So I got another draft notice...had to show draft board members...my DD214..to get them off my ass... :bat:


Active member
Hello all,

Two of my brothers were in the service n Viet Nam. One was on the Corol Sea the other in a place we never went to called Cambodia.

Both came home-but I remember the funnerals for guys that were not much older then I that were not so lucky.

The news reports from Brinkley about hte kill ratio for the previous day. As we did not have instant communiucation then like now.

They used to show B&W films of soldiers dragging dead fallen soldiers. Not like now- sterile.



New member
what about

what about

the first lunar landing july 1969...A very significant day in NASA history.Though some believe the whole lunar thing was filmed in the nevada desert.I Disagree.grainy film from far away....so fuckin cool at the time ,I was 8 yrs old.That's what I can remember as a significant day in the 60s....But in the 70s I recall the weed being the same as described..Popping seeds ...Thai ...Maui Wowee...lids...roachclips etc... :joint: peace


Active member
Hey Now, The 1960 were a time when leaders were murdered and Republicans were in
the minority. It was a time of prosperity also a time when the hypocrisy of America was revealed to the world. When America dropped liquid fire and Agent Orange on women & children in southeast Asia. Neil Armstrong declared; One small step for man, a great leap for mankind." What a lie and crock of shit. Millions have died from war, genocide, starvation,and disease. America use to be a hell of a good country,since then we had very little to be proud of. "It's freedom the powerfull are afraid of. Don't tell them though, cause they will start killing and maiming just to prove they can. I know I got on the bus and don't care to ever get off.


HippyNextDoor said:
the first lunar landing july 1969...A very significant day in NASA history.Though some believe the whole lunar thing was filmed in the nevada desert.I Disagree.grainy film from far away....so fuckin cool at the time ,I was 8 yrs old.That's what I can remember as a significant day in the 60s....But in the 70s I recall the weed being the same as described..Popping seeds ...Thai ...Maui Wowee...lids...roachclips etc... :joint: peace
yeah they set up a big screen in Central park in NYC, all the hippies trippin and smokin and watchin the astronauts bounce around. A great band called Silver Apples of the Moon played - wonder what happened to them?

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
...when I was a kid..(50's & 60's) ..the world loved America....now..they hate our fucking guts....something is wrong....


Active member
This is the 70s, in my part of S. Asia, pretty much.


The 'Nam war was getting lotsa coverage here even after the war ended, well into the late 70s. Our media wasn't very pro West. All our coverage on the 'Nam war was from the NVA/ VC point of view. Ho Chi Minh's visit to Delhi generated lotsa publicity and commotion, that's for sure!! The schoolbags that carried pics of Ho Chi Minh, Vo Nguyen Giap and the VC insigna sold like hotcakes. Almost every schoolkid in my area either had a Ho Chi Minh pic on the schoolbag or a VC insigna stitched onto his / her shirt. The pic below is pretty famous. Our PM at the time embracing Ho Chi Minh.


The local scene

Goa wasn't commercialised then, that's for sure. It was truly...a stoner's haven. No ripoffs, no gimmicks. And the famous Kullu Manali was just gaining prominance as a stoner's Shangri-La. And you could buy weed off almost any store that sells pan or ciggies. And Bombay was actually a place to go and relax. A dose of Bombay would cool your nerves down back then. Nowadays, 5 minutes of "Bombay dose" is enough to turn me into a psychotic axe murderer. And there wasn't any crappy ass Bombay Black hash around in Bombay either!!

Technology & Gadgets

In the 70s, the Television set hit the shelves (in my home state). Sure, they were black and white but people were on 2 year waiting lists to get their hands on a set. Oh yes. And we FINALLY got that HM Ambassidor MK I car after a 4 year waiting list! And people still communicated using telegrammes. A private telephone was considered a real luxury and the normal waiting time for getting a private fone used to be 3-5 years.

The youth scene

At least here in my country, the youth back then were ALOT more socially active than they are today, even if we had less facilities. Young people actively took part in social activities and were more worldly aware, in general.
Today, the only concern which throngs the young mind (NOT ALL but a MAJORITY) is acquiring resources for self use. Nothing more.


This was a big year w/ an impact here. That was the same year when Richard Nixon wanted a naval base setup in Sri Lanka. Lots of commotion on that issue as well. The local government at the time broke of all non proliferation protocols and went ahead w/ a nuclear test. The base didn't come (thankfully) but still- lotsa US tourists continued to come (which is cool).

Beetles records

A record player was a real luxury good, like a TV. Maybe 2 households in a district (abt 50 streets) had them. So having some 40-50 peeps crowd around a record player was a pretty common scene. One of the kids who lived a few blocs from my street had a record player- his Dad was an importer (VERY hard to get a biz license back then). I remember having to count hours till I get a chance to listen to a record!

Free land use act

I could find a plot of government owned land and live off it as long as I didn't sell. And yes, you could grow ganja there w/o any formalities or bullshit.

Electricity, food, housing

Housing prices were fixed. Electricity was free. Food was rationed. We ate quite well, without having to dish out $$$ for meals. And putting a price tag on water was a severe crime.

All in all...

We seem to have more material comforts in the present, but life was most certainly more enjoyable back in 70s.
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The 60's to me were, all happy, sunny days. CKLW the big 8 on the radio. Nothing to worry about cus it was all going to work itself out.


Active member
I use to go to a club in Toronto called the "Electric Circus", it was a fantastic place of fun, strobes, film, fire-breather, trapeze, dancing and great music. It was sweet and psychedelic.

Hippies were changing lifestyles, and predicting the future.

Things were changing, instead of buying into the packaged lifestyle of that time, some people sought out change and some people created change.

The world was becoming a smaller place; in the sense of communication, video, business and technology. Societies formed, like Greenpeace and advocate groups.

There were plenty of things that were sad.

I went from 10 to 20 yrs. old during the 60s, what a change. What I learned in the 60s it still with me today. Thats cool!
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miss nycdf

I hear my mom and dad talk about what it was like back then, and it makes me sad to think that things won't ever be the same. I mean, don't get me wrong, I appreciate life and all it has to offer, but I'd love to actually go back and hang with my mom and dad when they were my age (23) back in the 60s-70s. I can only imagine what it was like, life was a lot more simple, not as fast-paced and anxiety-ridden, etc. Seems like they were pretty cool days to grow up!

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