Anything he wants
werthers original
heh.. well. clinically, you want him to eat something which is good for his digestion. Sometimes the elderly cannot eat fatty foods because it gives them the shits.
I imagine he has eaten a lot of fish in his day, tell him to keep eating it. Protein shakes will keep his energy up but might be hard on his digestion. Almonds are great but they might have too much omega-6 (blood clotting) in it. Tell him to eat fish and fiber. he can have bacon and pork and crap 1x per week if his heart is good.
You might also want to give him small amounts of dark chocolate and resveratrol supps(in red wine). - this could help him live much longer.
He is bearing the losses of a lifetime and is super depressed/wants to die. I really want to help him and your responses are extremely helpful.
The state of Oregon has a Euthanasia Law. http://www.lifeissues.org/euthanasia/oregons_law.htmTheArchitect;5596050]this subject is very important to me, and i know it stirs lots of shit, but if he wants to die, and particularly at his age and health, why dont we have a system to help them do that
The state of Oregon has a Euthanasia Law. http://www.lifeissues.org/euthanasia/oregons_law.htm
First, ask him what he wants!
If he wants to die, don't force anything.
If he wants to eat jelly beans, let him. As far as medibles; I'd be cautious, as it may affect his bowels, adversely. However, worth trying.
What does he want?
I'd avoid salty foods, unless he wants them. I'd freely give, whatever he will eat. It is unlikely, at 98 he will eat himself to death. Most likely, he knows what he likes, and it needs given freely.
At his age, give him whatever he wants. On the flip side: I think he'd like to see 100. I know several people that past the age of 90 and fully 'intended' to live to be 100. Not 100 and a day, though.
I have observed people in their 90's eating; bacon, scrambled eggs, bread, candy, peanuts, coffee and very little food of substance. Usually requires Ensure (but frankly, it tastes terrible).
At 98, They cannot do very much and don't have the same needs, as a younger healthier person.
Can he speak, hear and walk? What does he say?