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What not to say to a pregnant women with the flu


Active member

had yet another talk (argument) about her moodiness. she said she will stop the shot of I don't leave her. I told her last night its either the shot or me. ive already secured another place to live (down payment, moving truck reservation, and 2 buddies to help. looks like Ill cancel it all.

its been a year since our son was born and 9 months since on the shot.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
DemonTrich, its cool you gave her the option rather than just walking, your child is whats important here. Big respect for hanging in there and hopefully things work out for the best and your child grows up with two parents at home.

Good luck keep us posted if you feel like it.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I have a couple kids but I've never seen them...my female friend's family basically were coming into my room at night to rape me while I was sleeping in college...they all wanted a piece of the money. Well, there's no money. Haven't seen any kids. Women can be crazy.


if it smells like fish
will you consider an extra stitch when its done???? how long till I can get back in there after??? lol


Active member
how about, "I'd rather smash my sack with a hammer than ever go thru this again".

as you can see im extremely bitter. bitter is putting it very nicely.


maybe you should wait about 12-15 years before you break out the hammer because it just keeps getting better .

a bitchy wife isn't any fun, but they are a whole lot easier to deal with than a teenager. IMHO it takes about 30 years before you can understand all the reasons people told you not to have kids,but homo sapiens would be extinct if they were capable of listening to experience instead of having to go out and get it on their own.

you'll survive one way or another:ying:

it aint gonna be fun all the time but "hammer time" wont help much now


Active member
I think someone already advised along these lines but, especially when she is really riled up, just be sure get ready to duck fast right after you say to her, "So, I guess a blow-job is out of the question then".

Just never, ever say that to pregnant woman that has the flu. They'll never forget that little humorous comment. And also, as an added bonus, you'd then be assured to be reminded of your callous, indiscreet comment periodically, usually once a month or so. :biggrin:


Active member
blowjobs, wtf are those? aren't those a magical surprise you used to get BEFORE having a kid or getting married? kind of like unicorns or narwhals(sp)? lol


Rubbing my glands together
are you shure that's my baby?????

True story. Girl in a building I used to work at had a baby. Husband is in the delivery room with her. As the baby is born the husband realizes the baby is a mix of black and white. He walks out the delivery room. When the girls mom brings her home 2 days later his shit is moved out and a separation agreement is on the table for her.
Turns out she had been having an affair with a security guard in the building on the night shift, got pregnant and wasn't sure but had been hoping the baby was the husbands.


if it smells like fish
my kid came out purple and with a pointy head... I was shocked....was told his head would form fine as he grew .. I massaged his head so much and made sure it was round I nicknamed him cueball for a year or 2....yeehaw


Active member
True story. Girl in a building I used to work at had a baby. Husband is in the delivery room with her. As the baby is born the husband realizes the baby is a mix of black and white. He walks out the delivery room. When the girls mom brings her home 2 days later his shit is moved out and a separation agreement is on the table for her.
Turns out she had been having an affair with a security guard in the building on the night shift, got pregnant and wasn't sure but had been hoping the baby was the husbands.

I remember a few year ago the same thing happened & hubby went mad , DNA proved it was his & unbeknown to him there was a bit of Tarbrush in the family back in great great grandparents day .

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