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What music are you listening to?

in fringe science media, the debate on music and growing continues, but predictably it gets taken over by nihilistic tree-humpers that attempt to rationalize sounds should be broadly nature based (tho, you'll never find the noises emitting from geological shifts.) and classical music chauvinists... virtually always ignoring regional origins, and numerous other variables, from species, subtypes and cellular structures or the agricultural history during the early conquest, later with shipping/slave trade and finally, the age of industrialization, all three periods containing too much sociopolitical baggage for most to attribute anything positive to, plus just moving to the plant genetic eras both modified and selective breeding, which adds more variables and adaptation shifts. so, we come to the other crowd that believes, most plants, particularly those with aggressive or complex root structures (well, sans trees) do better with extended low emitted baritone to bass tones (so, take a heavy toke before you to sing to your plants).. I find classic motown, instrument-limited blues/death metal/trad folk... even some classical/instrumentals but with minimal instruments, ambient industrial but with less discordant shifts, and largely male (again, deeper registers, tho a few lasses can hit a close enough), voices in general, but more commonly found in religious chanting or throat singing (noise wall), and classic motown... . Overall, most of the research is suspect, often driven by separate sociopolitical assumptions and more frequently used for evidence in unrelated areas to plant growth, often more related to environmental activism and culture wars, oft lobbyist funded . But I digress. most of the time, I would rather listen to music than people confusing rationalizing for rationality.
