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CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
The Irish have deep roots in civil disobedience, revolution, life with the ocean and soil, amazing culture within a culture, being the survivor-underdog in the face of uncaring, greedy abusive royalty, and having heart in their living. An amazing history and lots of beauty amidst the sorrows.
In my area of the Appalachian mountains, Scotch / Irish immigrant blood runs _exceedingly_ deep.

Got a lot of it in me.

Independence, self reliance, distrust of government, deep love of family, helping neighbors when help is really needed... I could go on and on. ;)

moose eater

Well-known member
In my area of the Appalachian mountains, Scotch / Irish immigrant blood runs _exceedingly_ deep.

Got a lot of it in me.

Independence, self reliance, distrust of government, deep love of family, helping neighbors when help is really needed... I could go on and on. ;)
In the 20th century they brought the British Authorities and Crown to the negotiation table. They whooped an Empire to some extent, in that regard.

When the Irish lived on scarcely anything but potatoes, it's claimed that the average Irish person consumed upwards of 6-8 lbs. of spuds per day as the primary source in their diet. Which was why the Crown in long ago times was so invested in ruining their potato and corn crops.



Well-known member
And if they each arrive at the other's home, and there's no one there because the guy is at the other's home, then what?
It got weird alright lol...chat fights are fun when ur not involved. But it was presented they were both vets, i posted, i think they are done. Fkn Rottweilers you vets

moose eater

Well-known member
Maybe the Keystone Cops started as just a handful of guys who were really angry at each other, and they kept getting in one side of the vehicle and out the other in some sort of circular escape from the pursuit by the others?

moose eater

Well-known member
It got weird alright lol...chat fights are fun when ur not involved. But it was presented they were both vets, i posted, i think they are done. Fkn Rottweilers you vets
At the First Annual (and as it turned out, the last annual) Denali Seed Drop in Healy, Alaska circa 1990, protesting the upcoming popular initiative to unconstitutionally undo/overturn the 1975 Ravin Decision that rendered State constitutional protections of privacy (Article 1, Section 22 of Alaska's State Constitution) for possession of (unspecified) "small amounts of (cannabis) in the homes of adults", I, as a one+ years into MH as a clinician, full of himself (me), I stepped in as a would-be peace-maker between 2 Vietnam era combat vets bent on harming each other, already firmly gasping each other by their lapels and notably snarling; one who was clearly biased toward cannabis and cannabis users (who'd shown up with his compact pick-up truck with very large speakers, blasting John Phillip Sousa march music over the sounds of the hired band, 'Still Smokin', which was a band of not-so-passive bikers, and a Special Forces/CIA type who was definitely traveling on an astral plain somewhere between a journey with Hunter S Thompson and Tim Leary, and I, as MH superhero and savior, was going to impart a hefty dose of Jesse Colin Young's "Come on people now, smile on your brother."... etc., etc.

Dumb move born of ego and a sense of justice on my part.

Unless you have a bucket of cold water or Kevlar clothing and boots, it's often best to just let 2 really angry critters go at it and hope the right one wins.... lest you incur the wrath of both critters. Which is easier accomplished than many might think.
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moose eater

Well-known member
I don't think I'd get involved in person...just find my truck and drive away..
We were there for the protest, I had peripheral contact previously with the band in reference, had our dog with us, and my compadres were high on 'shrooms.

"Seemed like the thing to do...:" Famous last words...

Besides, I simply hadn't yet earned either sufficient bruises or my cape and white cowboy hat, to feel any great degree of honor or notoriety through martyrdom. Though now that I think of it, one of my then-friends who was present was, indeed, wearing a cape and a cowboy hat.

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