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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
As Ive mentioned here before , Mary was a close friend of my mom's .
One of my fondest memories is of Mary , who was my sister's godmother, holding my infant baby sister while sitting in the back yard on a sunny day and singing Puff the Magic Dragon to her .
Occasionally she and my mom would sing, usually after dinner , between bouts of laughter and stories.
I wasnt really aware of her fame until I got older but I remember feeling Mary was beautiful. Her kindness, her beautiful and effortlessly strong voice, the way she bobbed her head when she sang, the way she dressed , her long blond hair...
My sister and I visited mom this past week. I mentioned my childhood memories of Mary and a hush fell at the dinner table and a few tears came to my mom's eyes.
I said to my mom that I felt lucky to have known her so well . She looked at me and remarked that we were all lucky to have had her in our lives. I miss Mary. I miss those times with her and as time marches forward I know I will some day miss my mom too.
Sorry for the mushy post. I don't usually post personal things on the 'net but sometimes you get something on your mind and you cant let it go.
Looking back, it was a privilege to have been able to sit in my parents living room and sing this song, and many others along with mom and Mary.

It's really cool that you had such a connection to Mary and that she was like family to you!

I worked at a country club in the men's grill on the course and Paul came in to the kitchen (just me) and asked if I could get him and his golf partner (a friend of John Denver who was still upset from his death) any grass...

It was the rarest of times and I had just burned the last of my day's stash with the shoe room guy... I was CRUSHED.

It was all I could do to express my sincerest apologies. He thought I was holding out on him and invited me to go out with them on their game.

I was honored, embarrassed, and fit to burst.

It was a while before Mary's passing and just after John Denver's, I'll never forget a lost chance at real connection to the 60's.

Pretty decent band... really wonderful people.

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