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moose eater

Well-known member
Got back a bit ago from euthanizing my younger son's Norwegian elkhound. She was a rescue pup we adopted from the finder about 12 years ago. Probably close to 14 years old now. Always strong spirited like most elkhounds, but always greeted us at the door, curled tail bobbing back and forth, ears back, bright-eyed, wagging hard, always glad to see us. A good friend. Better friend than most humans.

Most likely advanced adrenal or pancreatic cancer, or both.

Surgery might've run $6,000 to $8,000, and with my medical bills and other obligations we didn't have it./

She hung on trying hard to stay with us, no doubt for our sake. She'd lost 1/4 of her body weight, but still got up for us to go outside.

She'd lost her appetite a while ago, but we'd been hand-feeding her sauteed chicken and dry-roasted sea salt almonds. But 2-3 days ago she reached a point that even that, or sharp cheddar cheese pieces didn't entice her. She was giving up on eating altogether, but still would go outside with us to pee, and still sometimes bob that little curled tail.

She was a good friend. A god dog. She loved car rides.

We're all headed that way in time. Maybe she's running free, some place beyond the rainbow with other canine friends, wagging that tail, eating good food, and chasing squirrels and balls.

I'm angry at her owner, our youngest son, more than angry, who couldn't bother to attend her final moments or respond to the pics or texts. May he find himself in similar straits when he departs.


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