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moose eater

Well-known member
Wood situation's resolved for the traditional style Native salmon strips; plenty of usable river aspen, aka balsam poplar, once removed, and the balsam poplar of which we have 'some' here on my turf is what is and has been often misidentified as Interior cottonwood. The very same stuff I spent years blasting 9mm submachinegun ammo into 40 years ago.

Still learning every day.

My wife's cleaning out the walk-in smoker, and I'm headed out to get with that project.

Then wash up a lifetime collection of stainless-steel oven racks that are used for the fish racks in there and wash out the old brewing buckets that became salmon brine buckets 20-some years ago.

Temperatures are dwindling (it was +34 f. on the front porch and in the open-walled pole barn this AM, so we're rapidly running out of temperature for the cold-smoked traditional style strips. Nothing pushes a person like Nature, when they know Nature is the boss.

In that none of our adult kids have contributed to the processing effort, wood hauling, or other preparations, etc., the traditional strips (which are labor intensive, with the cutting of the strips themselves, tying off bundles of strips for brining and hanging, brining the bundles of strips, and the routine, and I MEAN routine, knife sharpening of my sturdier moose-cutting knives), those strips will be for my wife and I, with maybe a few samples as gifts for others, and the more conventional white man style, whole and partial fillets in the standard sugar and salt brines, will be for the adult children. Energy in, energy out. Natural logical consequences are a good thing. They teach far greater lessons than laws and demands, at least when feasible and applicable... which isn't all the time. But it is this time.


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