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What music are you listening to?

moose eater

Well-known member
I hear a joint of Bodhi's Space Cake hollering at me from nearby....

And just a note founded in my leftist tendency toward inclusivity for most segments of the world's population, and not meant as a statement of outright forum rebellion, I have no real issues with translating posts unless it involves an obscure language that Google and/or Bill Gates haven't covered in the systems (in which case I typically assume that I'll live without knowing, anyway). It's just a right click on the highlighted area of the sentence/paragraph/page, and a left click on translate.

Getting out of bed and considering washing my older son's bedding he dropped off causes me far greater angst. :)

moose eater

Well-known member
Or doing my son's bedding that his dog shit on, which he didn't inform us of until he was handing the load of laundry off to his mother?

Even that imposition and omission only raised one of my eyebrows for a moment or three, and then I considered nitrile gloves and bleach.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Go into Tanos thread and speak nothing in their native language, only english
It might be a matter of 'how small is a personal space before mandates of uniformity and polite etiquette become a natural phenomenon?'

Admittedly, watching foreign films wherein the ONLY way to understand is by reading captions, and at some point the exchanges in dialogue move too fast for my brain or eyes... That become a bit much... So at those times, I might change the movie.

moose eater

Well-known member
You'd be saying to every italian "i am now a part of this community and you must suffer me and translate every time i speak...i may learn your language i may not"
That was my riding a public transit bus in Flensburg Germany. I was fucking lost there, lingually, about 50% of the time or more. Bakeries near Ulsby were easier; just giggle with the women behind the counter and point very accurately at what it is in the case that you want, using my fingers to tell them 'how many'..

The Dutch are required to take 2 foreign languages, as well as Dutch, and tend to be 95% fluent in English. Ordering food, drugs, and/or cannabis there, or getting around the countryside, was MUCH easier. They're far more hospitable toward what are often uni-lingual people like many/most Americans tend to be... including me..

Though I did take 2 years of French 1 in high school, mostly while extremely stoned. But (in French) I can order fish or chicken, or apples/apple juice, ask you what time it is, reference your bicycle, tell you "I'm sorry, but I need to go" or ask you when your birthday is.

In Thai with Chinese dialect, I can still say, "Hello, how are you, where is the opium?" Years ago I could ask, "Is there a back door?" and "Where can I find a gun?" :)

moose eater

Well-known member
I did find that there could be unintended offense generated, and sometimes limited hostility, even, resulting from telling an older Dutch person, especially in places like Arnhem, that Dutch sounds very much like German...


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